Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Top Tips of Criminal Justice Essay Topics
Top Tips of Criminal Justice Essay Topics Criminal Justice Essay Topics Explained With a little zeal and hard work, you're sure to produce an impressive unlawful justice essay. For an argumentative essay it's smart to set up three claims which provides a strong reason behind your stance on the topic matter. Referring to justice in its socioeconomic facet, it is quite difficult to supply an unequivocal definition, since most of them are closely connected to different political and financial doctrines. It is extremely difficult, but important to be aware of the above instance of Robinson Crusoe can illustrate it. Criminal Justice Essay Topics - Dead or Alive? 1 approach to cut down costs is to really use our death penalty, what's the severity of experiencing a death penalty if you know you're likely to sit in a cell till you die of natural causes. Unfortunately, there are those who prefer not abiding by rules in every nation. For instance, you can discuss whether gun control l eads to reduce crime prices, or socio-economic effect of prison on society. Some people think that justice is what has the very best consequences while some argue that justice comes from mutual agreement of all of the parties involved. Whatever They Told You About Criminal Justice Essay Topics Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why There are numerous more topics that you're able to come up with, to compose persuasive essays. If you aren't clear in your essay which you are admitting guilt you won't get any further. As with other types of writing, essays arrive in a number of forms. You may use our paper topics for Crime and Punishment in keeping with the writing rules if you need to finish a high-quality essay. The social issues research papers may appear easy to write in comparison with different topics, but still it demands an extremely creative strategy, an enormous quantity of curiosity and capacity to think beyond the box and search info in unconventional sources. Steer clear o f these mistakes to generate your research paper really brilliant! You've got to bear in mind that writing a research paper on controversial topics is not an easy endeavor. A great research paper starts with the range of a topic. You ought to make sure you've picked an adequate topic so you may submit a high-quality essay. If you aren't sure your professor will prefer an original research direction, it is far better to pick some typical topic. If you wish to compose a controversial essay, you definitely have to look for the very best social issues topics or satire topics. Writing an intriguing essay about trendy topics is an opportunity to reveal your knowledge of earth. Where to Find Criminal Justice Essay Topics You should also pick a debate which you know you can win! Debate topics are concentrated on the recent issues people are worried about, and such problems still don't have any single solution. Students often don't get the questions beforehand, which means they must not simply study for the exam but answer immediately. While preparing a legal essay many students believe they need to clarify each and every matter or describe every test case so as to prove their perspective, whereas everything t hey need to do is simply tackle a similar case. Things You Won't Like About Criminal Justice Essay Topics and Things You Will It is essential to present the present state of the law reforms to obtain the complete credit and highest possible score. When you submit such unlawful justice research proposal topics, the funding agency will appear at them and should they choose to go ahead with the funding, you're going to be requested to get in the area and come out with the entire paper only the same manner you're going to be requested to come out with a complete daycare business plan when you present a daycare business proposal. Bill AB 109 was put into affect to help alleviate the budget issue but like I discussed I think that it's a short-term solution on account of the recidivism prices. Assembly Bill AB 109 attempts to alleviate the problems of over crowding but I feel that it's a short-term solution due to the recidivism rate. Although your field of study might be limited to certain choices and academic barriers, it doesn't indicate that social or ethical aspects aren't relevant. As one can see, there are several unlawful justice research topics, based on type. The procedure for acceptance into the program has three major measures. You might have to do lots of research but the chances are endless. What You Can Do About Criminal Justice Essay Topics Starting in the Next 20 Minutes In order that will help you decide what it is that you want, here's a list of a number of excellent universities with courses in forensic psychology. A superb college education isn't only affordable now, but in addition important to survive the quality-conscious workplace communication. With a bit of research, you may safely list around 4 colleges which you think it's possible to realistically get into. Every student who enters the course linked to the Legal studies is supposed not just to cover a huge quantity of weekly reading but in addition regular writing assignme nts that lots of students find both complex and exhausting.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Ethical Leadership in the Master of Science Leadership...
Leaders make critical decisions between right, wrong, and the lesser of two evils every day. These decisions can affect the person making the decision, their employees, and goals of the organization. There are many readings that describe ethics and leadership, but ethical leadership is basically knowing your inner values and having the courage to steadfastly live by them for the purpose of the common good. Southwestern Colleges Master of Science in Leadership program has given me a firm understanding of how important ethical reasoning is and how it impacts, good and bad, an organization. My first artifact, LEAD505 Leadership and Ethics Assignment explains that theres a strong relationship between good leadership and ethics. Since†¦show more content†¦My second artifact, LEAD505 Ethical Decision Making Assignment is significant because it contributes towards understanding that I may never truly feel comfortable with a specific outcome of a tough ethical decision. Is it ever really ethical to move-forward with the mindset of the ends justifying the means? For example, during my leadership studies I was able to understand that President Truman was forced to make one of the most difficult decisions in human history; end World War II with a significant number of civilian casualties or to continue the war for an indeterminate amount of time. The result of the atomic bomb dropping was to facilitate a quicker end to the U.S.’s involvement with the war. It is clear that the number of U.S. casualties were decreased by this one decision, but not without cost in other areas. As our countrys leader, President Truman determined that the ends did justify the means in regards to dropping the atomic bomb. Although President Truman did not use deceit or lying in the dropping of the atomic bomb, it raises the question as to whether or not it is ethical to move-forward with the mindset of the ends justifying the means. Ultimately there is no clear-cut or right a nswer to this question; it is dependent on the person making the decision. While I doubt I will ever have to make such a critical decision asShow MoreRelatedThe University Of A Private Higher Learning Institution Located At St. Louis County, Missouri Essay1039 Words  | 5 Pagesincludes the College of Arts and Sciences, which offers programs in design, math, the humanities and the social sciences. The School of Education offers a Doctor of Education program with a specialization in higher education leadership. The Walker College of Health provides online and on-campus degree programs in nursing, music therapy, rehabilitation counseling, occupational therapy and health care management. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Allergic Asthma for Chronic Conditions-
Question: Discuss about theAllergic Asthma for Chronic Conditions in Australia. Answer: Introduction The current paper is a discussion of a patient case study with a view of understanding the clinical scenario offered. The case study is that of Tegan Smith, a 6-year-old girl with asthma. In the context of the case, the type of asthma will be identified, and its pathophysiology and treatment highlighted in the Australian perspective. Lastly, the Australian standards of asthma management education for parents and children will be discussed. Type of asthma presented. The types of asthma include allergic asthma, late-onset non-allergic asthma, cough variant asthma, occupational asthma, exercise-induced asthma, and nocturnal asthma (Mukherjee Zhang, 2011). This is due to the different presentations and causes of asthma in different individuals. Tegan Smith has allergic asthma. This is because; 1) Her asthma is an early onset asthma which is usually due to allergy. She developed symptoms at 6 years of age (Guibas, Mathioudakis, Tsoumani, Tsabouri, 2017). 2) Her asthma attack is accompanied by some allergic signs and symptoms. In addition to the common symptoms of a cough and wheezing, Tegan had allergic symptoms including watery eyes, postnasal drainage and an allergy like prodrome. This ties in with allergic asthma being linked to other allergic conditions including allergic rhinitis that gives post nasal drainage and allergic conjunctivitis that manifests as watery eyes (Van Aalderen, 2012). 3) There is a familial history of atopy. Atopy, which is a genetic predisposition to allergy, is hereditary. Following the history that shows Tegans mother having allergy, sinusitis and nasal polyps, it is plausible to say she inherited the atopy. 4) The disease is triggered by environmental allergens including pollen, foods, animal dander or dust just to mention a few (Janssens Ritz, 2013). This corresponds to Tegan and his family moving to Mount Buller Alpine resort prior to the symptoms starting. This being a highland area is teaming with environmental allergens including pollen. Pathophysiology of allergic asthma Asthma is a chronic condition characterized by airway hyperresponsiveness to allergens, bronchoconstriction, acute and chronic inflammation and airway remodeling (Kumar, Abbas Aster, 2015). There is an interplay between genetics shown by atopy and environmental factors shown by environmental triggers. The initial event is exposure to the allergen or trigger leading to Th2 immune response with production of IgE antibodies (Kumar, Abbas Aster, 2015). On repeated exposure crosslinking of IgE leads to mast cell degranulation with release of cytokines (Bonsignore et al, 2015). This is the reason for the hyperresponsiveness to various stimuli. The release of inflammatory mediators leads to two phases of reactions, an early phase, and a late phase. During the early phase, there is bronchoconstriction, mucosal hyperstimulation leading to overproduction of mucus and vasodilation (Kumar, Abbas Aster, 2015). The early phase reaction is due to mast cell degranulation with release of mediators including histamine. Bronchoconstriction is due to direct influence of the mediators on vagal receptors. The late phase is due to recruitment of neutrophils, eosinophils and more T cells (Bonsignore et al, 2015. There are repeated episodes of inflammation leading to changes in the bronchial smooth muscle termed airway remodeling. It involves deposition of collagen, hypertrophy of smooth muscle in the bronchial walls and increased glands (Kumar, Abbas Aster, 2015). This process is what underlies the presentation of asthma with a cough due to increased mucus production, wheezing due to bronchoconstriction and airflow obstruction (Ldrup Pijnenburg, 2015). Treatment options for asthma The treatment of asthma involves the use of medications, lifestyle modifications and control of risk factors including avoidance of triggers (Queensland Health, 2015). The initial intervention is an assessment of the pattern of symptoms in order to stratify the severity of asthma (National Asthma Control Council of Australia, 2018). In Tegans case, this is her initial diagnosis and no prior records of asthma control are available. Monitoring after prescription of drugs will help in this regard. The initial treatment requires the prescription of a reliever that is taken in case of a flare up and a controller that is taken daily as a preventive measure (National Asthma Control Council of Australia, 2018). This is coupled with education to parents and the child that these medications are to make sure the disease does not interfere with the daily activities of the child. Recommended relievers include salbutamol 2 -4 puffs (100 mcg per puff) via a pressurized metered dose inhaler or terbutaline for children over 6 years, 1-2 puffs (500 mcg per puff) via a breath- actuated powder inhaler (National Asthma Control Council of Australia, 2018). The choice of using a controller depends on the severity of asthma. In infrequent intermittent asthma, a controller is not needed and control of risk factors alone and treatment of acute attacks is enough. In frequent to severe asthma, however, controllers are needed. They should include an inhaled corticosteroid, Montelukast, and sodium cromo glycate (National Asthma Control Council of Australia, 2018). The pattern of treatment is stepwise, increasing doses if the medication does not work or gradually reducing doses if good control is achieved (National Asthma Control Council of Australia, 2018). Standard asthma management education. According to the National Asthma Control Council of Australia, (2018), the recommended education for parents and children involves information on asthma, explaining that it is a chronic condition, the causes, severity, warning signs of an impending asthmatic attack and triggers of asthma. The medications are explained as relievers that help during an attack or before attacks are imminent, controllers help prevent the attacks and should be used regularly. The side effects and alternative choices of the inhaled corticosteroids should be explained. The next piece is education on inhaler devices. The parents and child should be taught how to use a puffer and spacer or any other inhaler device properly. The education should be via demonstration with the parents and child repeating the process to evaluate the outcome of teaching. Also, in this regard, the cleaning and care of inhalers are taught. The final issue is to provide a written action plan for them and for any institution the child is in including school and explain to them how to use it. A written action plan makes it easier to follow management goals set and includes a list of medications and actions to take in several scenarios (National Asthma Control Council of Australia, 2018). Conclusion In conclusion, Tegan has allergic asthma due to his presentation and family history of atopy. Allergic asthma is a chronic condition that is characterized by airway hyperresponsiveness to allergens, bronchoconstriction, acute and chronic inflammation and airway remodeling leading to symptoms of wheezing, cough, associated allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, and eczema. The treatment options for asthma include reliever and controller medication coupled with avoidance of triggers and reduction of risk factors. A standard asthma education is given before discharged to help in self-management of asthma by the parents and child. References Bonsignore, M. R., Profita, M., Gagliardo, R., Riccobono, L., Chiappara, G., Pace, E., Gjomarkaj, M. (2015). Advances in asthma pathophysiology: stepping forward from the Maurizio Vignola experience. European Respiratory Review, 24(135), 30-39 Guibas, G. V., Mathioudakis, A. G., Tsoumani, M., Tsabouri, S. (2017). Relationship of Allergy with Asthma: There Are More Than the Allergy Eggs in the Asthma Basket. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 5(92). Janssens, T., Ritz, T. (2013). Perceived Triggers of Asthma: Key to Symptom Perception and Management. Clinical and experimental allergy: journal of the British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 43(9), 1000-1008. Kumar, V., Abbas, A. K., Aster, J. C. (2015).Robbinsand Cotran pathologic basis of disease. (Ninth edition.). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Saunders Ldrup Carlsen, K. C., Pijnenburg, M. W. (2015). Monitoring asthma in childhood. European Respiratory Review, 24(136), 178-186. Mukherjee, A. B., Zhang, Z. (2011). Allergic Asthma: Influence of Genetic and Environmental Factors. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286(38), 32883-32889. National Asthma Control Council of Australia. (2018). Australian asthma handbook. Melbourne, Australia: National Asthma Council Australia Queensland Health, (2015). Chronic Conditions Manual: Prevention and Management of Chronic Conditions in Australia. (1st Ed.). The Rural and Remote Clinical Support Unit, Torres. Van Aalderen, W. M. (2012). Childhood Asthma: Diagnosis and Treatment. Scientifica, 2012, 18
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Underground Railroad Persuasive Essay Example For Students
Underground Railroad Persuasive Essay Underground RailroadI know youre wondering, what railroad? Well the simple fact is that everybody has heard of the Underground Railroad, but not everyone knows just what it was. Firstly, it wasnt underground, and it wasnt even a railroad. The term Underground Railroad actually comes from a runaway slave, who while being chased swam across a creek and was out of the owners sight. The owner said must have gone off on an underground railroad. That man was Tice Davids, a Kentucky slave who decided to live in freedom in 1831. The primary importance of the Underground Railroad was the on going fight to abolish slavery, the start of the civil war, and it was being one of our nations first major anti-slavery movements. We will write a custom essay on Underground Railroad Persuasive specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The history of the railroad is quite varied according to whom you are talking. Slavery in America thrived and continued to grow because there was a scarcity of labor. Cultivation of crops on plantations could be supervised while slaves used simple routines to harvest them, the low price at which slaves could be bought, and earning profits as a bonus for not having to pay hired work. Slaves turned to freedom for more than one reason. Some were obsessed with being free and living a life where they were not told how to live. Others ran due to fear of being separted or sold from friends and family. Then there were some who were treated so cruely, that it forced them to run just to stay alive. Since coming to America as slaves even back as far back as when the first colonies began, slaves wanted to escape. They wanted to get away from the situation they were forced into. Those who were free were the whites who were somewhat separated in values. The North, was a more industrialized area wh ere jobs were filled by newly imported immigrants, making them less dependent on slave labor. The South, however had rich fertile land mostly used for farming. Huge plantations were cleared and needed to be worked. The people of the area tended to be more genteal, and seemed not quite adjusted to hard work, but more of giving orders. The idea of telling people how to do their work just seemed to fit all too well into this scenario. The railroad didnt have a certain location. Slaves had been running since the 1500s on their own. When the idea caught on amoung brave slaves, was when it started. Slave owners in the South certainly werent happy about the loss of property. It seemed like too much money was being lost.This caused the South to pass the Fugitive Slave Act of 1793. This titled slaves as property of their owners and gave permission to the owners to retrieve runaways any where in the states, even those states that were free. The North was angry about the treatment of the slaves and was not happy about owners being allowed to come into their states to take the slaves back. Finally, the North decided to do something about it. To return the fire thrown at them by the South, they would take away something that the North thought was morally wrong,and the Souths riches. They would help the slaves escape to freedom. The slaves were now angry, scared, and confused. Hearing of this Underground Railroad, they slowl y began to run, more and more. By 1807 a law was passed to make it illegal to import anymore slaves. Agricultural improvements came along, and with the limited number of slaves left in the states, the value of the slaves went up very quickly. Abolition Societies began to form, and along with religious groups became active in helpin gslaves to freedom. .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 , .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 .postImageUrl , .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 , .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55:hover , .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55:visited , .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55:active { border:0!important; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55:active , .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55 .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u410ae3486cf104b5505fa8f3d8cd6d55:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Stereotyping EssayThe Railroad beggan to take shape. A shape that is to this day very hard to describe. Traks were laid to aide the slaves to freedom. People talked in secrecy to make safe paths for the slaves to run on. These were the tracks. Letters were sent that had terminology or code for the balcks. A lot of the terms come from things found along railroads. This is because real railroads at this time were the newest thing and happened to be the topic of choice for conversation. This made it all the easier for the helpers of the railroad to communicate going unoticed.Along the tracks, there were depots, safe houses to stay. These were houses of free whites or blacks w here they could hide when they werent running. The people who owned the houses were often called conductors. The conductors often left a number of signs for the slaves to follow so they didnt go to houses that belonged to allies of the slave owners. A quilt on the clothes line depicting a house with smoke coming out of the chimney was a sign of a safe station. A white ring of bricks around the the top of a houses chimney was another sign of a good hiding spot. Shoppes that were safe often had a silohette of a fleeing man or woman on in sign. Other siggns were used to guide the slaves. There were knocks that slaves used when approaching a house,animal calls, and lights hung in windows. When a slave was moving to the next house along the railroad, this was called catching the next train. There were also songgs that ave directions to slaves that were taught to everyone so that they might memorize the way. One such, was Follow the Drinking Gourd The drinking gourd was the slaves termino logy for the big dipper. The Big Dippers handle points to the north star, which they could use to find their way north. The song gave landmarks along the way to follow and a verse from it says the dead trees will show you the way. This was put in the song for a reason. The writer of this song, refered to as Peg-leg Joe, drew a picture of a peg legg on the dead trees along the track with charcoal. The following verse is Left foot, peg foot traveling on, accordingly. The tracks for the railroad werent exactly laid. A slave had many possible directions to run in, but the main idea here was safty over quickness. The slaves often zigzaged in their paths to avoid being caught. There were different forms of fleeing as well as different paths. Slaves could travel by water on boats. Often in one of the many clever disguises fabricated by the people of the North willing to lend a hand. Men were dressed as women, women were dressed as men, slaves clothes were exchanged for those of a rich fre e person of colors to confuse the true identity of the slave when seen by curious eyes. There were also some slaves that traveled the road, by foot, in a caridge, or in a wagon often containing a fake bottom making a tiny space where slaves could safely journey to freedom.Some traveled on surface linesthe actual railroads of this time. Lightly colored slaves were dressed as whites, and others were put in with the luggage and frieght. And yet dareing others traveled as baggage. Such a person was Henry Box Brown who recieved his nickname by making the long trip in a box marked this side up, and fragile. There are, however, reports from Henry, after he reached the end of the line, where he testified being turned upside down and was thrown about, which makes us all wonder what goes on with our mail service. .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 , .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 .postImageUrl , .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 , .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177:hover , .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177:visited , .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177:active { border:0!important; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177:active , .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177 .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue14200f23121a715513507e8bdad9177:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dar Stamp Act EssayIn the end, slaves had to find a way to blend with the people of the North so that they might live their lives free. Some of the escaped fugitves met up with previuosly escaped friends and family and formed communities. Others found a haven in the Native Americans with whom they intermarried and reproduced. The civil war began and others found shelter with the Union Army. The slaves soon found out that freedom did not mean freedom from work, but they were happier because they now made their own decisions. Some died from exposure, after not finding shelter from the Norths frozen winter. Most slaves were not allowed to learn to read and remained illiterate . Their not being able to read or understand the fact that they had money of their own often lead cruel salesmen and employers to take advantage of the blacks. Those who learned to do specific jobs in the South often took up similar jobs in the North. The need for the railroad slowly began to decrease as the fight for abolishment grew stronger. It was no longer nesscary for the raliroad to be, since almost all the slaves who were going to run already had. The final motion that brought the railraod to its final stop was the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation by Lincoln, ending all slavery in our now free country, forever.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Centra Software Essays
Centra Software Essays Centra Software Paper Centra Software Paper Eureka Centra Software Catalogue ? ? ? BACKGROUND ANALYSIS ALTERNATIVE PLANS ? COMMENTS ? PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ? Background Centra is a pioneer in software eLearning in the fast-growth market. However it faces the threat from WebEx, who sells exclusively over the phone. Now, It is debating how to modify its go-to-market strategy and how to add telesales to improve sales force productivity. Should Centra concentrate on the enterprise customer and exclude small and mid-size corporations ? OR Should Centra ‘fish where the fish are biting’ ? ANALYSIS The market for Corporate eLearning and eMeeting the market for eLearning and eMeeting 11 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1. 1 1999? 2004? The number of Delivery Platforms Vendors the number of Delivery platforms vendors The one that wins the broadest installed customer base in the least time, 20 20 15 10 5 0 3 survive! ANALYSIS (Continued) Competitors The competition among 20 vendors is very fierce. Comparison between thr ee typical companies is as follows. revenue($000) sales spending 25000 51000 revenue per customer($000) technology sales process ustomers simple telesales 3300 7. 58 WebEx field sales, telesales and enterprise sales sophisticated 23000 4673 440 52. 27 Centra enterprise sales; single-source vendors sophisticated 2200 20 110. 00 Lotus Not available ANALYSIS (Continued) technology Positioning sophisticated simple revenue per customer ANALYSIS (Continued) Straightforward strategy Market leader in sophisticated end Products from simple to sophisticated RD capability Rapid growth markets Merger waves The friction between telesales and field sales Bad financial situation Penetration rather than dissemination Limited experience in enterprise deal Success of new competitor, WebEx Compared with LMS vendors, lack the support from SIs. ? Alternative Plans A Target customers: All types of customers Part of telesales integrated with field sales being responsible for Global 2000;other telesales responsible for non-Global 2000 customers. B Target customers: Global 2000 Telesales responsible for EMeeting and Conference; Field sales responsible for Symposium. C Target customers: Global 2000 Telesales commence Initial contact and try to sell big-ticket products. They would deliver the transaction to field sales when necessary. ? Comment on Plan A Advantages: Economical efficiency; Clear classification of responsibilities; Expansion of telesales to Global 2000 brings better penetration and dissemination. million $ 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1996 Disadvantages: Decentralization of target market; Reduced chance to become a leader in a particular market segment. Shot gun Sales force are used like Sales SGA expense 1998 2000 a shot gun to cover over a large spectrum of customers. Sales may be satisfactory but leadership of any market segment may be lost thereof. Reducing this cost item is vital for financial improvement of the company. For every million dollar of sales, telesales saves $100,000 compared with field sales. So telesales is a possible solution to this problem. Comment on Plan B Advantages: Concentration on one single market segment; Economic efficiency; Clear classification of responsibilities. Disadvantages: Potential conflicts of interest between telesales and field sales personnel; Possible loss of business opportunities. Automatic pistol 2% Revenue from products 17% 66% 15% Symposium Conference EMeeting Other services Although faced with some loss of small and mid-sized midcustomers, all the sales force can cooperate to help the company achieve the leadership in the mainstream market segment. Telesales people may try to sell EMeeting to customers instead of more profitable Symposium or Conference in the best interest of themselves. It is also a hidden trouble of invasion by competitors when customers ask for multi-functional products. multi- Comment on Plan C Advantages: Elimination of harmful competition between telesales and field sales; Market focusing as Plan B; Both sales teams focus on promotion of big-ticket products. Disadvantages: Unpredictable obstacles in the combination of telesales and field sales. 12% 12% Performance Evaluation Field Sales Enterprise Sales Telesales 76% Predicted Revenue Structure in 2001 The diagram above implies that large corporations on which field sales focus are the most significant source of revenue. As a result, the company should pay more attention to this group of customers. Fluent process In sales process Prioritization of Sales of profitable products Choice of plans In 2001 the eLearning and eMeeting Industries were in their infancy. Most corporations are potential customers. Mutual reference among customers are key to successful high-tech highMarketing. 45. 5% of the company’s customers company’ are Global 2000 with great purchase power while others are not. The critical issue of Centra is to cross the chasm between Early Adopters (Visionaries) and Early (Visionaries) Majority (Pragmatists). Conclusions Marketing is to work the curse above from left to right, winning each Group using â€Å"captured†captured†group as reference for the next. Target on Global Target on Global 2000; 2000; Prioritization Prioritization of the big-ticket of the big-ticket Choice of plans (Continued) Comparison Visionaries (Early Adopters) treat high-tech products as short-cuts to their business objective and it is easy to sell to them; However, the market share of them is not large enough. Visionary divisions and enterprises are what we call Early Adopters here. Pragmatists (Early Majority) value reference from other users of the product and they only choose the market leader to be the provider; They account for the largest present market share because of their loyalty to the product brand and great purchasing power. Other divisions and enterprises beyond Early adopters are Early Majority. Majority. Centra should utilize existing reputation in Visionaries to attract Early Majority Choice of plans (Continued) Market oriented Sales oriented Focusing on one market segment lead Centra towards market leader in this segment Sales promotion in all segments may create rapid growth of sales Plan C is the be st Resistance â€Å"We can’t afford to focus can’ on only one market Segment. Let’s fish where Let’ the fish are biting! †biting! †Sales to all customers Leadership in one segment Leadership in entire market ? PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Strategy 1 Set the industry standard Be the industry standard for eLearning 2 Capture a dominant position with Global 2000 Target market: Global 2000 Primary product: High-end product Tactics: Dissemination Pricing: a free support contract that covered bug fixes and upgrades to maintain customers loyalty Short Term 3 Harmonize the Telesales with Field Sales Take full advantage of telesales Long Term 4 Be a single-source vendor in the future Integrate the business and the customer resources of LMS PLAN IMPLEMENTATION The Goal: 1. Broaden market coverage 2. Close sales with lowest cost Confliction of internal sales force Telesales and Field sales: Harmony and Complementary Duties of Telesales Customers Means The target companies are mainly Global 2000. A transaction is encouraged to made solely by Telesales. Products Partners Besides the eMeeting Product, telesales are expected to sell Symposium and Conference as well, further, they are encouraged to sell the highend products, which attribute more commission rewards. Take advantage of Telesales Collaborate with Field sales, in order to close a deal. ontinued Duties of Field sales Customer Means The target customers are made up of Global 2000 companies. Sellers operate the business, manage the sales cycle and negotiate with the top-tier of the target companies. Products Partners High-end Products, like Symposium and Conference, are the main products Field sale should launch. Take advantage of Field sales Telesales and Alliance Partners Constitute an ‘ecos ystem’ of partners Duties of Alliance Partners Maximize revenues from enterprise level Infrastructure Partners System Integrator Partners LMS Vendor Partners Sales process Customers TELESALES FIELD SALES TELEPHONE EARLY ADOPTERS MAJORITY EMAIL FAX One department Departments in the same company En te rp r Le ve ise l CLOSE SALES SALE PROCESS T e le s a le s C lo s e s a le Yes A llia n c e P a rn te rs S y m p o s iu m q u o te Yes D ire c t S a le No No C lo s e s a le Yes E n te rp ris e S trik e F o rc e No No F ie ld S a le s C o n fe re n c e q u o te Yes D ire c t S a le No C lo s e s a le Yes e M e e tin g q u o te Yes D ire c t S a le C lie n t d is s e m in a tio n End Performance Evaluation Target: a. ncourage high-end products sales like Symposium b. support dissemination strategy c. benefit staff with differential commission Practice: The Sales Strategy follows the essence of penetration and dissemination. The majority of first sales happen in a division of a company, then the sales are encouragement to make the transaction to other divisions of the same company, aiming to accomplish the sale on an ENTERPRISE BASIS finally. In accord with the strategy, the commission is added in the process of dissemination. Sales to ONE department of a company THE OTHER departments Of the company Sales on an ENRERPRISE BASIS Performance Evaluation (Continued) Telesales Field Sale First sale 1% commission First sale Second sale 1. 5% commission Second sale Continuous sale 0. 5% commission added forward Continuous sale C e n tr a O r g a n iz a tio n C EO P r e s id e n t, C O O V P , S tr a te g ic A llia n c e s C TO V P , C o r p o r a te M a r k e tin g V P , E u rop e, M id d le E a s t a n d A fr ic a V P , B u s in e s s D e v e lo p m e n t V P , e B u s in e s s O p e r a tio n s R e g io n a l M a n a g e r , S o u th e r n U S S V P , P r o fe s s io n a l S e r v ic e V P , W o r ld w id e S a le s D ir e c to r , D e v e lo p m e n t R e g io n a l M a n a g e r , E a ster n U S R e g io n a l M a n a g e r , W e ster n U S V P , C o r p o r a te S tr a te g y M anager, T e le s a le s , T e le m a r k e tin g D ir e c to r , A s ia P a c ific C FO Income Statement Based on the plan we adopt, there is a remarkable improvement in Centra’s income statement, showed as follows 2000 Total Sales Cost of goods sold SGA expense RD Other operating expense Net Income before tax Interest 23. 0 3. 70 27. 50 8. 50 0. 90 2001E 50. 00 8. 00 44. 40 11. 40 1. 16 2002E 79. 00 12. 51 60. 04 14. 30 1. 49 2003E 124. 82 19. 64 93. 62 17. 20 1. 91 Explanations: The revenue refers to the anticipation of management whereas the continuous 2 years follows the expansion rate of the entire market. In accordance with past 5 years’ total expenses, sales expenses are reduced given the adoption of Telesales. (17. 60) (14. 95) (9. 34) (7. 55) Eureka Eureka ? ? ? ? ? ? 07 04 07 07
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Ladders’ Signature Program Are guaranteed job offers a scam
The Ladders’ Signature Program Are guaranteed job offers a scam The end of June 2011 brought a lot of hype in the blogging world about TheLadders’ new â€Å"Signature†Program. Have you heard of it? Signature promises that â€Å"selected participants who actively engage in all components of the Signature program are guaranteed a job offer or their money back.†The price tag? $2,495. The claim of success? 90%. [I’m taking the existence of this program, and the price tag, on faith since TheLadders’ website is seemingly impenetrable without a username and password – see] Criticism of the Signature program abounds. Forbes’ Susan Adams points out what might be the obvious in her article, The Ladders Guarantees a Job Offer or Your Money Back: TheLadders self-selects the people who may enroll in the program. They don’t guarantee a job to just anyone! And, as it turns out, 75% of the people accepted into the program are already employed and looking to move up the ladder or make a lateral move into a larger company. These folks are much better positioned to succeed in their job search than the unemployed. The 90% success rate doesn’t sound quite so impressive anymore, does it? Furthermore, explains Ms. Adams, if you read the fine print you find out that participants are required to â€Å"apply to 6 well-fitted positions per month.†Hmmm†¦Ã‚ who determines what constitutes a â€Å"well-fitted†position? What if there are not 6 positions the candidate wants to apply to? It seems the $2,495 fee will then be forfeited. For additional criticism of this aspect of the program, see A Six Figure Job Guaranteed or your Money Back in the blog (authored by Kimberly Weisul). And what if a participant applies to 6 jobs in order to comply with the program, even though they are not jobs she wants to accept because of location, company culture or some other factor? What if she gets an offer from one of them? She has then paid $2,495 to get a worthless job offer. The Signature program reminds me of a â€Å"deal†offered by in my internet dating days. Match, as I remember, offered 6 additional free months if I did not meet someone I liked within 6 months. The catch? I had to contact 6 people each month for 6 months to remain eligible for the offer. Eek. There just weren’t that many guys who appealed to me enough to make the effort. I contacted an average of 2 guys a month for 6 months, didn’t make a love connection, and cancelled my service. And cancelling services is what a lot of people might start doing around The Ladders. Snarky career blogger Nick Corcodilos refers to The Ladders as a â€Å"beleaguered organization†in his article, TheLadders: A lipstick pig’s death rattle? He suggests that if TheLadders CEO’s Marc Cenedella’s claims are correct, and he has 4.5 million subscribers at $35/month, then those 4.5 million are not getting the results promised by their subscription. Why else would TheLadders need to dangle a pricey â€Å"guaranteed†job offer carrot in front of these subscribers? Another suspicious promise of Signature is their claim that the program will reduce the amount of time necessary to spend on a job search from 30 to 4 hours per week. Silly me! Here I was thinking that job searching was a full-time job. It takes time to make connections and work networks, and a Manpower study recently found that 41% of successful jobhunters got their jobs through networking. Does TheLadders claim that significant networking is now unnecessary in the job search process?! I am wary of any program that encourages job searchers to stop engaging in this essential and necessarily time-consuming aspect of their search. What do you think of this grand offer by TheLadders? Would you front the dough if you were chosen as a qualified candidate? Or would you prefer to get a great resume and cover letters and find your job the old fashioned way?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Variable pay strategy and program for an online retailer Research Paper
Variable pay strategy and program for an online retailer - Research Paper Example Variable pay can at times be long termed (more than a year) while at times it can be short termed (less than a year). Incentives refer to pre determined standards or criteria used in award determination. Bonuses on the other hand are wards delivered to the people concerned at the end of a certain period. The period on the case of bonuses is determined by the subject judgment of the quality of the performance while a reward is warranted (Variable Pay and Performance Linked Incentives, 2010). Strategy An effective variable pay program is as result of a strategic variable pay strategy, this strategy acts as a guideline for a quality design and program administration. A strategic program has the following characteristics: the clearly fit in the organizational structure and are steers of the organizations success. For a strategy to contribute to the success any organization, it must be in line with the mission and vision of the organization concerned. The speed of a strategy does not brin g about and importance because most likely it may be speeding to the wrong direction. A quality and strategic program should target to meet the objectives of the organization by lying down the require plans which if properly and rightfully administered, it would take the firm to another level. The strategy of the program should be also sound enough to bring about sustainability of the firm putting in consideration all the core strengths of the organization. It is also critical for a strategy to be in a specific context. It must bring out feasibility where it suits with the culture of the organization and that of the human resource, this must consider the organizational environment and realities that exists. Integration must also prevail where the structure of the program suits in the structure of the specific organization including the human resource’s structure. The program must also be flexible enough to respond to appropriateness and changes within an organization (Variabl e Pay Plan Development, 2011). There are differences between other compensations and variable pay, this differences occur on the bases of benefits and base pay. Variable pay program does not fit in entitlement cultures, this is because it’s not career annuity where base pay increase and must be compensated trough earnings over the given period. In reference to financial perspective, variable pay is a variable cost but the benefits and base pay are naturally fixed. There are difficulties in administering variable pay, competitive measurements is on of these difficulties. Levels of variable pay vary dramatically unlike levels of base pays, this helps in transforming average of the prevailing market into a broad-range, other than a specific point. One of the major characteristic of these variable pays is that it can be combined with other components to evaluate the performance of different levels in the organization both long term and long term (Variable Pay and Performance Link ed Incentives, 2010). The most significant benefits associated with variable pay compared to other types of compensations it that cost related to planning can be combined with performance/revenues and therefore vary economically. In Alaska, there is an advantage of using this kind of system because when the world’s economy is open to large variation, it carries with itself competitive advantage because the situation disadvantages them
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Engaging parents and fathers in their children's early learning Essay - 1
Engaging parents and fathers in their children's early learning - Essay Example 1. Father Awareness- The outlook of the father for social group and in perception of numerous cohorts, builds a psychological understanding of being protected in childs mind, it generates socialization as well as being recognized in the society, the identity to the child as well as an understanding that child has a mother and a father. 2. Respect for Fathers- Father or father figures play vital role in generating respect for themselves and others. This inculcates an understanding in the budding minds to value relationships, generates friendly atmosphere, male presence, conversation involving dignity, diversity and specific strengths. 5. Practitioners strengths that acknowledge the socialization with the staff and colleagues of the father. Such interactions aid in the development of communication and interactive skills and make the child more judgmental. 6. Advocacy and Empowerment- aids in knowledge and ability to value fathers experience and shaping the personality of the child. Father in turn tries to overcome societal barriers to become positive and inculcate positivism in child. Quiet enthusiasm- positive family bonding is imperative in nurturing the children, consistent and steady relationship are also appreciated by the parents, and they respect their parents in a natural manner. Abusive language by the father inculcates negative atmosphere and hampers the personality development of the child. On the contrary, positive and understanding fathers always sow the seeds of happy and contented family environment, inculcating the concept of personal integrity in the family members. Expertise- children look upon their father to be the strongest and intellectual. Knowledge and experience of the father pave the way for building strength in relationship, understanding for others, besides development of skills (Web. Principles for engaging with families). What parents do is more important than who they are. The parents must involve
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Intro to Greek Mythology Influence Essay Example for Free
Intro to Greek Mythology Influence Essay Introduction: In order to understand the impact of Greek mythology on Western culture one must understand what Greek mythology itself is. Greek Mythology is the belief, tales, and stories of ancient gods who ruled the ancient world as well as heroes who challenged the gods or some who fought for them. Many of these tales include moral stories and shaped humanistic values of what and what not to do. The ancient Greece Empire was located around the Mediterranean Sea and touched parts of what was called minor Asia (Howstuffwork 2010). In these times the belief was that ancient gods were a part of everyday life. Supposedly the gods rules all aspect of life such as the production of food, domestic life, war and social life such as fortune and love. The people mad sacrifices to these gods to â€Å"please†them and many died fighting for these gods, which no one actually saw because of their home on Mount Olympus. Greek mythology was more than just stories to these people it was actually a religion, which formed and shaped political nature of Ancient Greece as well. Greek mythology attempts to explain the origins of the world and the reasons for occurrences in the world. The time period of when Greek mythology began is not really confirmed it is estimated around 800 BC, but there have been accounts of earlier pottery and artifacts which show images of the gods. These mythical stories have stood against the sands of time and even today are used in modern language and societies. Howstuffworks Ancient Greece. (n.d.). HowStuffWorks Learn How Everything Works!. Retrieved February 10, 2011, from
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Blood :: essays papers
Blood Parentheses of blood Dramas are classified into four sub-fields: tragedies, comedies, melo-dramas, and satires. Each sub-field has characteristics, which makes it identifiable. It is common to find any combination of the sub-fields within a play. To classify drama one must look at the more prominent theme. This paper is focusing on the drama â€Å"Parentheses of blood†, by playwright Sony Labou Tansi. Tansi was born in Congo in 1947. Of his fifteen plays most were published in French. In 1986 his work was commissioned for English translation. Tansi has lived through Africas period of colonialism and the dictorial governments that followed. Congo was under French colonial rule through his adolescent years. It went through periods of military dictatorship before democratization. Tansi was a member of the opposing party in Congo and won himself a seat in the National assembly in 1993, just two years before his death. Like many others in post-colonial Africa, Tansi felt oppressed and untrusting of government, this is clearly evident in â€Å"Parentheses of blood.†This play is an African Drama. Three-dimensional characters are common in African dramas, this is necessary in order to make the drama believable. Another theme of African plays is the presence of a storteller. This is common because many plays have been passed down through generations by word. A third distinguishing feature is an audience that has an active role within the play. A final identifying source is the presence of song and dance. The characters in Tansi’s play were unquestionably three-dimensional. They all had distinct personalities and body, an essential for making the drama believable. How can the absence of the three remaining elements of African drama be explained? Tansi’s work was done in the post-colonial period. Because of French influence African song and dance became less prominent. It was not totally wiped out, but because of French policy many once common tribal songs and dance became less common among Africans. Writing in a modern period Tansi had no need for a storyteller. This play is a depiction of the way Tansi saw life in Africa from his own point of view. Tansi did not choose to have an active audience. Not all African dramas had this characteristic, but this could be another consequence of the transition to the post-modern literature of Africa.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Transport of Karachi
Karachi is the economic and financial hub of Pakistan generating approximately 53. 38% of the total national revenues. Approximately 75% of the population falls in category of poor or low income groups while the rest constitute middle or high income groups. Urban transportation system of Karachi has no mass transit system and people rely mainly on bus services. The people on average take 13. 5 million mechanized trips per day, of which 52% is made by public transport. Urban Bus Scheme and Karachi Circular Railway are major project deemed to relieve the congestions on the roads of the city. Only Urban Bus Scheme, however, has yet shown considerable activity on part of public transport planning and implementation. This system lacks inter-modal integration and sustainability due to which this system has failed to cater to the growing commutation demands of masses. This research study aims to investigate the demand and supply gap of the sector in light of institutional capacity to develop and maintain. Also, this study attempts to compare public transportation system of Karachi with comparable metropolis like Mumbai, Delhi and Beijing. In last, the study attempts to explore socio-economic reasons behind delay of Karachi Circular Railway. The study has adopted descriptive and thematic analysis approach to achieve the objectives. All the analysis, hereon, are done on secondary data gathered for the purpose. This study concludes that an integrated, multi-modal and sustainable public transportation system can only be achieved by giving a holistic approach to planning, execution and capacity building of the sector. 1. 1Population Overview During the last 50 years, Pakistan’s population has increased from 33 million to 152. 3 million in FY 2005, thus, making Pakistan the s1- LITERATURE REVIEWeventh most populous country in the world (Karachi Mega Cities Preparation Project, 2005). According to the 1998 Census Report, Karachi had a population of 9. 2 million in 1998 compared with 5. 2 million in 1981, a growth rate of 4. 5% per annum. In 1998 the National population was 130. 5 million, and that of the Sindh province 30. 4 million. Growth rates since 1981 were 2. 61% and 2. 80% respectively, indicating rapid urbanization in Karachi, which was also much higher than the national average growth for urban areas of 3. 5% and also for that of Sindh at 3. 52%. On this basis population in 2015 for Karachi would reach 20. 7 million and 26. 4 million in 2020. (Karachi Mega Cities Preparation Project, page 4, 2005) Karachi, the capital of Sindh is the commercial hub and the gateway of Pakistan. It generates approximately 53. 38% of the total collections of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR Report, 06-07). The city handles 95% of Pakistan’s foreign trade; contributes 30% to Pakistan’s manufacturing sector; and almost 90% of the head offices of the banks, finan cial institutions and multinational companies operate in Karachi. The country’s largest stock exchange is Karachi-based, making it the financial and commercial center of the country. It also comprises about 40% of the total banking and insurance sector of the country. Karachi contributes 20% of GDP, adds 45% of the national value added, retains 40% of the total national employment in large scale manufacturing, holds 50% of bank deposits and contributes 25% of national revenues and 40% of provincial revenues. Karachi Mega Cities Preparation Project, page 3, 2005) The CDG (City District Government) of Karachi is divided into 18 zones or towns. These towns are governed by the town municipal administration. Each town administration is responsible for infrastructure and spatial planning, development facilitation, and municipal services (water, sanitation, solid waste, repairing roads, parks, street lights, and traffic engineering) in a town, except those functions which are retained within the CDG. Intra-city transport now falls under the Local Government. Karachi Mass Transit Cell, City District Government, 2006). Apart from in-migrants from Pakistan’s provinces, a large number of migrants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries have settled in the city. With an average monthly household income of Rs. 15000, there is considerable variation in income distribution. Roughly 75 percent of the households fall in the category of poor and low income groups, and 25 percent constitute the middle and high income groups (Karachi Strategic Plan 2020, 2007). It is no longer possible to overlook the urban decay in Pakistan. Streets are littered with waste, drains are overflowing with sewage, low-lying communities are inundated after rainfall, traffic congestion is ubiquitous, and the violent crime in urban centers is on the rise. The State either has divested from, or is no longer able to offer, reliable mass transit, good quality and affordable primary education, and healthcare. This has given the opportunity to the private sector to take up ome of these roles (Vision 2030, 2006) 1. 2Transportation – Facts And Figures The population of Karachi City District relies almost entirely on the road network for urban transportation. There is currently no mass transit system per se, although many commute using the network of bus routes. There are nearly 13. 5 million mechanized trips made each day within the CDGK area, of which 52 percent are made by public and 48 percent by private transport. There are 1. million registered vehicles in Karachi (almost 50 percent of the national total) and private vehicles – mainly motorcycles and cars – now constitute 83 percent of total registered vehicles while buses and min-buses constitute only 1. 5 percent (Karachi Mega Cities Preparation Project, page 14, 2005). In 2002 the total registered vehicles and cars were growing at twice the growth rate of the population while the vehicle fleet is dominated by cars and motorcycles, which account for 92% of the vehicles as compared to 6% for para-transit vehicles and 2% for public transport vehicles. The buses/minibuses are the most important mode of public transport in Karachi and better transport management strategies, service, accessibility, and affordability can help reduce the use of private vehicles (Urban Transport and Sustainable Transport Strategies, 2007). The intra-city road network has a radial pattern, consisting of a series of arterials, a few circumferential roads with inconsistent links and a disproportionately large number of local and collector roads. In terms of connectivity, the network is deficient in secondary roads that provide feeder service to major thoroughfares. The weakness has basically arisen from the piece-meal development focused on residential schemes in the past (Karachi Strategic Plan 2020, 2007). The availability of public transport has not grown at the same rate as the population in Pakistani cities (Sohail et al. 2006). With growth rates for private vehicles at over 9 percent, there are now over 280 new vehicles added to the streets of Karachi each day (Karachi Mega Cities Preparation Project, page 14, 2005).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Art Making Process Essay
The teaching of artmaking process is one in which there appear to be no right answers as it is frequently related to the teachers own understanding of the material at hand. (Schon, 1996). As art making is an open ended process there are a number of difficulties posed in instruction. One option is to engage art students in the process in a highly conscious and reflective manner. This was the mode in which the author conducted a 10 week course on the subject designed after intimately observing how contemporary artists worked. The first step in teaching art is said to be informing and inspiring students with various methods of artistic practice by playing video taped interviews of artists. The understanding of the use of big ideas by artists is one of the most important facets. Exploration of the big idea provides clarity of concept and insight into the artmaking process which is understood only through reflective practice. Maintaining documentation is also important. This provided students new perspectives in art making as they indulged in reviewing the big idea with personal relevance over a period of many weeks. Identification of the correct big idea is also linked to problems faced by artists in artmaking. Problems can be overcome with proper identification of the big idea and pursuing it with an open mind without an early closure. The delay in closure occurs when the artist discuses the concept repeatedly with himself thereby providing him better insight and enhancing creativity. Thus it is the understanding of the big idea, main concepts, the base and boundaries of knowledge which enable an artist to communicate his ideas most effectively to his audience. While artmaking cannot be taught in the form of a formula of success, the instructions provided in a generalized manner provide for developing the students creativity as well as art practice as was seen in the ten week artmaking project detailed in the article. Reference: 1. Schon, D. A. (1996). In D. O’Reilly, (Ed. ), Learning through reflection on conversations. In conversation with Donald Schon, Capability, the HEC Journal, vol. 2 (2). Accessed on 10 December 2006 at http://www. lle. mdx. ac. uk/hec/journal/ 2-2/l-2. htm, l-10.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Pearl Essay Example
The Pearl Essay Example The Pearl Essay The Pearl Essay Essay Topic: The Pearl In The Pearl, the author, John Steinbeck, uses the pearl to express what human nature is. At the beginning of the novel, the pearl that Kino finds is described as large as being incandescent and as perfect as the moon; by the end of the novel, Kino looks at the pearl it is ugly, gray, like a malignant growth. In general, mankind’s are greedy, deceptive and evil. In the novel, Steinbeck tries to say that human nature tendency toward greed, deception and evil, which can cause something good and beautiful to become something bad and evil in both physical and mental ways. First of all, Steinbeck shows human beings are instinctively greedy. Steinbeck uses the scene to show humans are gluttonous is where the doctor comes to Kinos house and heals Coyotes after Kino has found a pearl. When Coyotes is bitten by the scorpion, Kino takes him to the doctor to get treatment. But the doctor refuses to heal Coyotes because Kino is indigent. Later On, after Kino owns the pearl, the doctor automatically comes to Kinos house and offers a treatment for Coyotes. After he treats Coyotes, he pretends that he does not know Kino has a pearl and asks Kino about the medical expenses. You have a pearl? A good pearl? The doctor asks with interest (35). The reality is that he wants Kinos pearl more than giving people treatments. Although the doctor has a lot of money and his life is very plentiful, he still wants more and his is discontented. Obviously, the greed had already controlled the doctors mind and the way he acts. Another example that humans are greedy is the scene where Kino does not want to give up the pearl and keeps all his dreams also demonstrates peoples avarice. Juana, who is smart enough to figure out the reality of the pearl trouble, advises Kino to throw the pearl away. Juana says, This pearl is evil. This pearl is like a sin. It will destroy us all! (38). Even though Juana warns Kino that the pearl will bring misfortunes to the family and advises him to throw the pearl away, Kino neither takes the advice nor listens to what his wife says because Kinos mind is already overtaken by his dreams. He is only thinking of being Juana and Coyotes and himself standing and kneeling at the high alter (24), [dress] in the new white clothes (24), holding a Winchester carbine (25), and Coyotes sitting at a little desk in a school (25). Clearly, the greed is surpassed his mind and controls his actions and what he says. After Kino has found ofthe pearl of the world, everyone is willing to own it and they begin to start think of their own dreams, Every men suddenly [becomes] related to Kino, and Kinos pearl [goes] into the dreams, the schemes mans enemy (23). And so, the narrator says, For it is said humans are never satisfied, that you give them one thing and they want something more (25). In the scene where people try to steal Kinos pearl after the pearl is found (37-38), they do whatever that is possible in order to steal the pearl. Jealousy has grown in the heart of these people and jealousy has turned into greed. People are hurting each other and it is like a dog-eat-dog world. From greediness comes deception, which is another humans characteristic. In the scene where Kino sells his pearl, the pearl dealers try to deceive Kino since he is ignorant (48-52). They all act in collusion with each other because they want to buy the pearl at a very cheap price. In order to do that, all dealers tell lies, saying that the pearl was not valuable and it was a monstrosity because they are willing to deceive to get what they want. And, the doctor is also deceptive when he comes to Kinos house and heals Coyotes; the doctor reveals his characters of deception (30-33). The doctor makes Coyotes sick for a while by giving him a potion, which is in reality a dangerous substance. First, he overstates Coyotitos state of his illness, saying that he might die if he does not get immediate cure. Since Kino is ignorant, he does not know the doctor is telling the truth or not. The doctor gives Coyotes some potion and that makes him sick for a while and he says this potion would help Coyotes to get rid of the poison. In fact, Coyotes is getting better right before the doctor comes to heal him. The doctor smiles, but his eyes in their little lymph lined hammocks [do] not smile (30). As one reads this quote carefully, one can see what the purpose is when the doctor comes to Kinos house-either steals the pearl or forces Kino to pay for the treatment. Since the doctor knows he can retrieve power form Kino, he must want to do something to deceive Kino. The way that the doctor acts seems to be nice, helpful and kind; but what he does and thinks is unconcerned and deceptivemakes an illusion and lies to Kino. Lastly, evil is one of mankind’s instinctive qualities as well, which comes from peoples greed and deception. Steinbeck uses the doctor who refuses to treat Coyotes as a symbol of showing humans is evil. When Coyotesis bitten by the scorpion and Kino asked the doctor for treatments, he rejects to heal the Indian people who are not the same race as he is unless those people can prove that they have enough money to pay for his service, Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for little Indians? I am a doctor, not a veterinarian (11). Has he any money? No, they never have money. I, I alone in this world am supported to work for nothing and I am tired of it. See if he has any money! (11). Even though he might able to cure, he only cures those who can afford to pay for the treatment. On the other hand, the doctor might kills someone indirectly since the doctor refuses to heal those patients who do not get immediate cure. Also, in the scene where Kino hits Juana when she tries to throw the pearl away back in the sea without asking Kino, this reveals humans are naturally evil. He [strikes] her in the face and she [falls] among the boulders, and he [kicks] her in the side He [hisses] at her like a snake and she [stares] at him with wide unfrighten eyes, like a sheep before a butcher (59). Kino hits his wife and becomes more evil after he has found the pearl. Most important of all, he has lost his humanity and becomes like an animal. He will not consider his family anymore like he used to because he has turned evil and he is overtaken by his dreams. Also, Steinbeck uses the scene where people burn down Kinos house to show humans do evil acts to harm someone. Since the pearl dealers cannot think of a way that can deceive Kino, they burn down his house in revenge, which makes Kinos family become homeless. Kinos house has smokes of the first fires seeped out through the walls of the brush house (62) and is a tall edifice of fire lighted the pathway (63). Once again, human beings avarice and deception have turn into evil and make them do evil acts, which can harm people very easily. All in all, Steinbeck states the facts in The Pearl that humans are instinctively avaricious, deceptive and evil, which can cause something perfect and gorgeous into something bad and wicked in both physical and mental ways. At the beginning of the novel, the pearl is described as being lucent and perfect; later on, the pearl is described as having a curious dark on its surface; at the end, the pearl is ugly and gray. The doctor, townspeople and Kino, who are affected by greed, deception and evil of the humans characteristics, do something bad that makes the pearl becomes ugly and dark. We, human beings, do something bad and evil and our behavior will change the quality of an object. In other words, an objects quality depends on the way people look at it and how people treat it. If we try to get what we want and do not be concerned or examine our behaviors, something that is beautiful and perfect can turn into something bad and evil, just like the ending of this novel.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to write a winning tutor resume
How to write a winning tutor resume Those who can, do. Those who can teach, make money. Tutoring is a great, flexible job option for a lot of different people: teachers who want a part-time hustle, students who want to put their recent academic or test-taking success to work, subject matter experts who want a side hustle (noticing a theme?), and plenty of others. Tutoring is a big freelance business, and can be a very lucrative one. It’s not your average 9-to-5 job, so it’s important to think of your tutoring resume as a unique document worthy of your time and attention, instead of just emailing the doc of your catch-all resume. And if you are a student or a recent grad looking for a tutoring gig, it might actually be your first brush with resume-ing. Whatever the case may be, we’ve got tips and strategies to get you through the initial writing, and get you tutoring. Plan before you write your resume.Think about what job you’ll be applying for, and who will be reading your resume. Will it be a recruiter at an academic or test prep center? If so, you may need to make your resume more inclusive, to cover the variety of topics you’re able to teach. Will it be a client (or client’s parent), deciding whether you’re the one for a private tutoring gig? In-person or online? All of these things can affect the information you present, and what you choose to emphasize.For example, if you’re applying for a tutoring center, you might want to highlight your years of experience working with dozens of students to raise grades and work on writing skills. If you’re going to be working as a one-on-one tutor, emphasize either your own expertise (perfect SAT score, 4.0 GPA in calculus, etc.) or what you’ve helped others to achieve (your students have raised their SAT scores an average of 200 points). And if you’re going to be an online tutor, you might want to emphasize your strong tech skills in addition to your teaching skills. Tutor jobs are not one-size-fits-all, so make sure your resume fits what you’re trying to achieve.Start with the basics.The top of your resume should always be your core information: contact info, including a (professional and respectable) email address. If you have social media that supports your tutoring or teaching, feel free to include it- but only if it’s relevant. Your blog â€Å"Josh’s Tutoring Tip of the Day†is a great link to include. The â€Å"Josh rants about what happened in the game last night†Twitter feed is not.Josh Smith(444) 111-1111JoshTheTutor@emaildomain.comWebsite: JoshsTutorTips.govTweetgram profile: @thetutorguyWith social media comes great responsibility, so if you do choose to include it in your tutoring resume, definitely do the precautionary sweep to make sure that everything is appropriate and professional-looking. This is especially true if you’re planning to work with younger students- if parents look you up and see tota lly inappropriate partying pictures or a strident political manifesto you wrote back in freshman year, they might think twice about hiring you to work with their kid. And creating a professional brand is a good idea anyway, so having an online portfolio of your teaching and tutoring can be a big asset.If you have a strength that you really want to see, consider using a headline. This is just a brief one-liner that shows off what you most want the reader to see. For example:Perfect LSAT-Scorer and Results-Focused Tutor or Math Whiz Who Makes Calculus EasyNext, show off your education.Tutoring is an area where it’s okay to brag about your educational bonafides, because you want to show that you’ve got the education and expertise to back up your teaching. The Education section can also help convey a lot of background information about you in a very brief, concise way. Here’s an example of a tutor looking for a job at a writing center that also helps students prepare for standardized tests.EDUCATION ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS State University of California, Bachelor of ArtsGraduating May 2018Major: EnglishOverall GPA: 3.8Major GPA: 4.0Awards: The 2017 Undergraduate Prize in Writing Excellence Yosemite High School, Sacramento, CA,  High School DiplomaOverall GPA: 3.9SAT Score: 1580 (800 Verbal, 780 Math)ACT Score: 36This is a pretty hefty â€Å"Education†section, and includes information that you might not need on a regular professional resume (like test scores and high school GPA). But in this case, it shows that the tutor is high-achieving as a college writer, and also that she performed very well on standardized tests as a student herself- particularly on verbal sections. All of that is information that can help set her apart from other applicants for the tutoring job.Depending on your own strengths and the information that’s most relevant to the tutoring job you’re seeking, you can pick and choose informa tion to include here- as long as it’s related to your academic career.Focus on your tutoring experience.In a regular resume, you wouldn’t necessarily think of breaking your work experience into two sections because you usually want the reader to get a sense of your experience as a whole. In a tutor resume, you should. Why? Because you want the reader to really focus on your specific tutoring qualifications, so those should go front and center. Pull out your directly relevant tutoring, teaching, or subject matter expertise experience first, and then if you have relevant work experience, add an â€Å"Other Work Experience†section. For example:EXPERIENCEAlgebra Tutor                                     Stonecroft High SchoolMarch 2015 – presentCreate practice worksheets and quizzes for Algebra I and II studentsHelp students raise their algebra gra des by an average of 13%Tutor students one-on-one and in small groups General Math Tutor                           Stonecroft Community Center Homework HelplineJune 2016 – presentTutor students between 3rd and 12th grade on general math concepts, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, precalculus, and calculusProvide customized one-on-one tutoring for students who attend the Community Center’s afterschool homework help program OTHER EXPERIENCECamp Counselor                                 Happy Day Camp, Smithville, ILSummer 2016 – Summer 2017Manage daily activities for children age 10-12Create physical and educational activities for kids of diverse learning abilitiesHost the annual â€Å"Math is Magic†variety show for campersThe benefit of breaking up the experience sections h ere is that the tutor is able to show off the strong tutoring experience he has, while also including other jobs (here, the camp counselor position) that supplement the idea that he is a strong leader and teacher, without that second job distracting from the tutoring expertise.Pick your skills wisely.You’re applying for a very specific job, so make sure that any skills you include are laser-focused that job. You may be great at organizing meetings or negotiating tricky disputes between colleagues, but someone reading your resume for a tutoring job needs to know what you bring to the table as a tutor, not necessarily a general employee. If you have subject-specific skills that align with what you’d be teaching, use them here. If you have tech skills that enhance your tutoring, use them here. This is also a good place to list strengths that can help you stand out, like language skills. For example:KEY SKILLS:Multilingual (fluent in English and Spanish, able to speak and write basic Mandarin)Illustrating complicated mathematical information and breaking it down to the most essential informationProofreading and editingThis tutor may have 15 more skills that make her invaluable as an employee, teacher, or coach. But she chooses to focus on the ones that show value as a tutor hired to teach and review complicated concepts with someone who may not understand right away. And including a note about languages spoken helps broaden her appeal as well, as she’s showing that she can work with students who may feel more comfortable working in Spanish or Mandarin.Let your expertise shine through.And†¦that’s it. One of the key things to remember about your tutoring resume is that it doesn’t have to be a complex beast, with information about everything you’ve ever done. This is especially true if you’re becoming a tutor as a part-time or second job. You want your tutoring resume to be specific to and focused on the tutoring job you want, while showing off the top skills you bring as a tutor. The average resume gets only a few seconds of consideration, so it’s important to make your information pop, and your value clear right away.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Human resource management - Essay Example The intention of this study is Human Resource planning that is essential in organizations for two major reasons; alignment & change. Due to the impact globalisation, any company seeking to expand beyond the boundaries of a given nation has to come up with ways on how to remain competitive globally. An entity has to change its corporate culture and strategy. Restructuring of business operations has relations to competencies and behaviours of the personnel the organisation possesses. Therefore, to motivate and give support to the organisational behaviour that is required the HR practices and policies have to be changed. This is only possible through HR planning. The HR Management is also needed in the process of strategically aligning an organisation. To this, there are two types of alignment: 1) vertical alignment- this is evident where the system of HR Management can fit with the entire elements of the organization. That is, strategy, culture, and technology among others; 2) horizont al alignment- this is in existence where the HR Management practices and HR policies are in consistence with each other. Thus, there is coherence on the messages concerning how employees should carry themselves at work. As an organisation grows, there arises a need to bring in new employees. This is because of the anticipated future growth. Here HR planning is needed for the accomplishment of this purpose. It is vital to note that HR planning happens in several steps. There are four major stages in HR planning and these are as follows: Preparation of a forecast- At this stage, there is the anticipation of the number of employees that are needed in the future. This step usually favors the firms which have been in business for a while since they can reasonably forecast their future needs based on their past trends as far as Human Resources are concerned. HR Inventory Development- This step is usually an easy task for numerous businesses. This involves the determination of the number o f employees that the company needs in future, taking in to account the employees already working in the organization. A Job Analysis Development- This is considered as the hardest step in HR planning process. This is hard especially because it involves a process of deciding what is to be done and by which employee even though the employees are yet to be hired. A Comprehensive Plan Preparation- This is the most time consuming of the steps, but the most vital. This is, fundamentally the step of determining how to successfully bring in the new employees in the organization. (, 2006) 2.3 Recruitment and Selection Process in two organisations (Comparison)
Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Issues of Deportation in the UK Research Paper
The Issues of Deportation in the UK - Research Paper Example Apart from these 3 grounds, immigration officers have powers to remove people who have been refused leave to enter the UK. They can also remove illegal entrants i.e. people who have entered without express permission. Further, the Immigration Act 1999 provides the immigration officers powers to remove people who have exceeded the period for which they were allowed to live in the UK.1 This power is also given in cases where the people concerned have obtained leave to reside by deception. The same section also gives power to the immigration officers to remove members of the families of such people. Where any person is liable for deportation under the relevant provision of Immigration Act, 1971, the Secretary of the State may make an order of deportation against him. This means that the person will be ordered to leave the United Kingdom. Any leave granted to him to reside in the United Kingdom shall stand revoked after the order of deportation is passed. The order also means that the person will not be allowed to enter the United Kingdom again.2 In the light of the powers given to administrative authorities to enforce deportation or otherwise to cause the removal of persons whose removal would be conducive to a public good, there are bound to be challenging to orders of deportation. Many appeals against deportation orders are filed before immigration appellate tribunals. There are certain circumstances where the persons ordered to be deported challenge the deportation on the ground that they are not likely to commit the offense again. Gina Clayton, in her Textbook on Immigration Law, asserts that despite this, the judicial authorities may be prepared to uphold deportation on the basis that it may serve as an example and deter others. It is firstly to be said that the work of the author from which statement is taken is a textbook on immigration law.Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Intellectual property law (need top marks) Essay
Intellectual property law (need top marks) - Essay Example Since its implementation from the year 1911, application of the Copyright Act has become mandatory for various sectors to use and follow this system. In order to keep parity with the forms of offensive acts in this field several changes have been done in the existing form of the Act and finally it was implemented in the year 1988.1 Copyright is associated with creative works associated with literature, drama, music, films, broadcasting network to the typographic arrangement of various editions. Copyright does not include a work where a mismatch can be noticed between the requirement and the qualification.2 Due to technological progress scope of the intellectual property rights has become broader and an individual, who wishes to protect his creative works, coming within scope of the Act, is required to register the work. However, in the UK legal context, if a person wishes to exercise his/her intellectual property rights, no registration is required for copyright purpose. It is a completely costless procedure, both simple and flexible. When it comes to protection of information through the Intellectual property rights, introduction of the Internet is the most effective instrument.3 However, if a person wants to bring his work within the scope of copyright protection, it is required that his idea should be a novel and genuine at the same time. Business names and product names does not belong to group for copyright, rather they are protected as trademarks.4 The 1988 Copyright act contains certain factors which makes it an inferior commercially to exploit various copies that is known by the defendant. The right does not deal with those people who carry out direct infringement of copyright but applied to those people who deal commercially with infringing copies. Secondary infringement of copyright material covers the area of importation,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Introduction To Applying Game Theory Politics Essay
The Introduction To Applying Game Theory Politics Essay Game theory is the formal study of conflict and cooperation. Game theoretic concepts apply whenever the actions of several agents are interdependent. These agents may be individuals, groups, firms, or any combination of these. The concepts of game theory provide a language to formulate, structure, analyze, and understand strategic scenarios (Turocy, 2001). This paper will conclude a short concept of the Game theory, introducing 2 fundamental types of the theory, an introduction to the current issue over Irans nuclear program and applying the game theory by examining the case of a possible war over Irans nuclear program using key information sources from academic publications, news articles, and government/non-governmental reports, which the main players are Iran and Israel, and having the United States as a secondary player. * note that the results from the game theory is by the writers research on the related case study and the writers self-thoughts, thus does not exactly predict the outcomes of the case study. Introduction to the Game theory In real life it frequently happens that you would be faced to make a decision or to choose the best choice from several options. For instance, you might need to decide whether to invest your money for a masters degree or keep on working with your current education. Another instance could be that you wanted chocolate ice cream but the seller has only strawberry ice cream and you have to either choose it or not. In both of the examples, the results depend on your own decision based on self-minded. In the first case, it depends on your ultimate goal at the time. In the second case, it depends on whether you really want ice cream or not, not just considering the flavor. We can model situations like these using Game theory. The Game theory is one of the models that represent the various options and payoffs in a matrix and can then calculate the best single possible strategy or combination of strategies which simplifies real-world phenomena into a more theoretically form, so that we could easily interpret the sense of it. The mathematician Emile Borel suggested a formal theory of games in 1921, which was furthered by the mathematician John von Neumann in 1928 in a theory of parlor games. Game theory was established as a field in its own right after the 1944 publication of the Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by von Neumann and economist Oskar Morgenstern. This book provided much of the basic terminology and problem setup that is still in use today (Turocy, 2001). This central concept of non-cooperative game theory turned to be the focal point of analysis. Since the 1960s, game theory was broadened theoretically and applied to problems of international relations, including war, terrorism, crisis bargaining, deterrence, and economic sanctions. Incorporated with game models, the application of game theory is to international relations give rise to a large number of important empirical questions. Game models, such as the Prisoners Dilemma, described later in the paper, can help illuminate important substantive issues of international affairs, including how and why actors evolve their policies, based on goals and anticipated benefits in the negotiation processes (Dougherty, 1996). Fundamentals of the Game theory In short, game theory deals with any problem in which each players strategy depends on what the other players do. Game theory simply extends this concept to interdependent decisions, in which the options being evaluated are functions of the players choices (Field, 2009). First of all, we will have to learn about the definition of the words used in the game approach and some simple rules of the game: Because game theory arose from the analysis of competitive scenarios, the problems are called games and the participants are called players. -To begin with, despite the rubric game, the object is not to win. Even for strictly competitive games, the goal is simply to identify ones optimal strategy. -In gaming, players actions are referred to as moves. The role of analysis is to identify the sequence of moves that you should use. A sequence of moves is called a strategy, so an optimal strategy is a sequence of moves that results in your best outcome. There are a lot of theoretical approaches to the game theory, in this paper will present the use of two particular fundamentals of the theory. The first one is the sequential-move game, the players must alternate moves; in the second one is the simultaneous game, which the players can act at the same time. These types are distinguished because they require different analytical approaches. We will come back to apply both games to our study case: a potential war over Irans nuclear program, in which before getting to analyze on the sequential and simultaneous games, it is very important that we get to know the background of our case study first as presented in the next section. Irans Nuclear Program 1. Background Iran has pursued a nuclear program for over four decades. Throughout the history of Irans nuclear program, there has been criticism among their neighboring countries and the Western countries, assuming that Irans nuclear program that they claim to be a civilian nuclear power program has always been a covert military application to build nuclear weapons. Irans first steps toward nuclear capability date back to the time of the Shah. These efforts have continued under the post-revolution Islamic Republic. In 1995, with the signing of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology for peaceful, civilian purposes, excluding developing a nuclear weapon. Irans leadership continues to insist it adheres to these conditions. However, the general temptations nuclear weapons offer in terms of perceived prestige and security, together with Irans pattern of deception and concealment of important elements of its program, have raised doubts about its true intentions.For example, Iran failed to disclose the existence of a large uranium enrichment facility at Natanz or a plutonium separation plant at Arak to the International Atomic Energy Agency until after a disclosure from an exile group in 2002 (Carpenter, 2006). If Irans real intention is to obtain and develop a nuclear weapon, we must understand of why the government is pursuing such an approach that could lead to disastrous implications among the country. Deterrence, both regional and extra-regional, is one of the most important considerations. Iran is located in a volatile region, surrounded by hostile neighbors. Russia, Israel, Pakistan, and India all have nuclear weapons already, so regional deterrence issues probably loom large for Iran (Albright, 2012). Such arms could be used to intimidate their neighbors to accept Iranian primacy or listen to their demands over those of the United States or Israel. In addition to President George W. Bushs statement during his presidency axis of evil speech, linking Iran to Iraq and North Korea came as a prelude to an invasion and occupation of Iraq, which comes to the assuming that Iran could be the next hit target on the United States list (Quillen, 2002). 2. Perspectives toward the program Israel Most of Israels political and security apparatus view Irans nuclear program from a unified perspective, it is one of the top priority issues for the government. There remains four points that serve as a consensus toward Iran: first, is that Iran is committed to maintain a nuclear program with the objective of developing nuclear weapons; second is that Iran seeks to become the regions hegemon and that they see Israel as the obstacle to achieve this goal; third, Irans insistence on its NPT agreement of pursuing a peaceful nuclear program (if that were their main purpose); the last, as a nuclear power, Iran would exercise greater sway with its weaker Arab neighbor-states in which currently support Israels position to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. If Iran could develop this capability, many Arab states could be forced to ally themselves with Iran due to strategic necessity and national security (Ben-Meir, 2010). Toward to this respect, Israel has concluded that, it is deemed necessary to prevent Iran from developing and acquiring nuclear weapons, thus leading the governments decision to enhance their special ties with the United States which is pursuing the same policy of preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. United States Two sets of concerns toward Irans nuclear program are emphasized along with U.S. national security policies in the Middle East region. First, as Irans history of being a tribune to Islamic revolutions and sponsoring terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, U.S. government fears that such tide would enhance the possibility of the transfer of nuclear weapons to those groups, with or without official approval from Irans leadership. Also, the very possession of nuclear weapons by Iran which opposes to U.S. presence in the region, allies, interests, and values would alter the balance of power in the Middle East in ways that could constrain U.S. options in future regional crises (Rhodes, 2005). Second, this concern has less to do with Iran per se than the impact of an additional nuclear-capable state on the global non-proliferation regime. Cases such as the break-out by India and Pakistan in the late 1990s, and the rise of North Korea with its development of nuclear weapons, an o bvious failure of the NPT system could produce a domino effect among countries that want to acquire such technology. This would also increase the opportunities for unauthorized or accidental use of nuclear weapons and even leading to the worst case scenario of terrorist groups or organized crime networks possessing those weapons. 3. Current newspaper articles on Irans nuclear program We will take a look on the current issue from several related newspaper articles. Iran has developed a nuclear program that it stated is for peaceful purposes and power generation in the nation. However, it is also known that any country with a well-developed peaceful nuclear program has also attained the capability to quickly build a nuclear weapon. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said that medium-level uranium enrichment has begun at the Fordo plant near the Holy city of Qom, north of Tehran (Kanchanalak, 2012). The state of diplomacy between Iran, Israel, and the U.S. demonstrates on the West and Israels attempts to use the IAEA, the United Nations, and international sanctions against Iran have failed to encourage cooperation. Apparent diplomatic road rage has set in between at least Iran and Israel, which will likely prove deleterious for peace (Riazi, 2012). Looking upon Israel, it is a country that lives in perpetual existential fear for its security. Israel is known for its track record of pre-emptive strikes against nuclear targets in the region. In 1981, it bombed the Osirak reactor in Iraq, and recently in 2007, it attacked a facility in Syria that it believed was intended to be a nuclear reactor. However, Iran, unlike those two countries, presents a much more challenging military and economic question (Kanchanalak, 2012). For Iran, it would likely not back down off the nuclear program and would definitely use self-defense tactics against any attacks from Israel and countries abroad. Evidently if Israel decides to attack, it would leverage non-state assets, such as its relationships with Hezbollah, the Hamas, and other Palestinian actors, to pummel Israel, and its populace would unite behind it. It would also likely use IRGC-Quds Force hit squads to target Israeli interests abroad. The US would face a complex dilemma if Iran uses the Quds Force in such a manner, as well as if Iran counter-attacked by striking Israel overtly (Riazi, 2012). Irans supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, countered on a televised program stated that Iran will respond in kind when appropriate, and that sanctions will not alter Irans nuclear ambitions. Khamenei furthered that sanctions, in fact, have encouraged Irans military to become more self-reliant. The Iranian navy could also lay mines to close off the Strait of Hormuz a vital oil artery and send the oil price to over US$200 a barrel (Cordesman, 2006). As proud people Iranians would face humiliation if they responded weakly. However, there is one thing that they really do not want, that is domestic interference and military assaults from the United States. Applying Game Theory By reading and examining the key information sources on the background, perspectives, and news articles above, we now apply the Game theory to the current issues over Irans nuclear program, which in this paper will focus on two game approaches, the sequential-move game, and the simultaneous game. 1. The Sequential-move game To analyze a sequential-move game, first construct a game tree mapping out all of the possibilities. Then follow the basic rule: look ahead and reason back (Field, 2009): 1. Look ahead to the very last decision, and assume that if it comes to that point, the deciding player will choose his/her optimal outcome (the highest payoff, or otherwise most desirable result). 2. Back up to the second-to-last decision, and assume the next player would choose his/her best outcome, treating the following decision as fixed (because we have already decided what that player will pick if it should come to that). 3. Continue reasoning back in this way until all decisions have been fixed. Now lets apply the game approach to our study case. Iran has decided whether to continue on or stop their current nuclear program. By attaining the information from the previous section (Irans nuclear program) we should be able to conclude the game as follow: à  ¸Ã‚ à  ¸Ã‚ ²Ãƒ  ¸Ã… ¾Ãƒ  ¸Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ  ¸Ã‚ ´Ãƒ  ¹Ã‹â€ à  ¸Ã¢â‚¬ ¡1 Now we can look ahead and reason back. Looking ahead, if Iran continues on with the nuclear program and follows until the last path, it will be that either Iran has to downplay the situation and surrender or choose to use self-defense tactics, thus worsening the scenario. More than likely, if Iran continues on with their nuclear program, a regional conflict will spark up. Reasoning back, we now know that if Iran chooses to stop the program at first or face downplay and losses at the last choice, the issue would likely not turn to be regional but at least controllable around the area. We end this section with a few observations before moving on to simultaneous games. First, notice that looking ahead and reasoning back determines not just one players optimal strategy, but those for all players. It is called the solution to the game. Once it has been determined, it is irrelevant whether or not the game is actually played, as no one can possibly do better than the solution dictates (Field, 2009). That is why the concept of winning does not really apply. Sequential games are determined, so ultimately, there are only two choices: either the player with the last decision gets his/her best outcome, or the game is not played. 2. The Simultaneous game For this game approach we will take a look at the simplest but most famous example set called the Prisoners dilemma. For this paper the writer will assume that readers have a small knowledge about this game set already, thus this section will begin analyzing and adapting the game to the study case without going through the intro of the dilemma. Same as the sequential-move game, we attain the same information for analyzing. For an easier way of interpreting the information to create the dilemma, you first need to breakdown the facts from the information: Iran Priority is to continue with the nuclear program without interference from abroad (esp. Israel) Israel Priority is to get Iran to stop the nuclear program without military action. Now as the case has been simplified, we can demonstrate the game set. Iran shall have two basic choices: (1) to stop the program, or (2) continue on the program. Israel will also have two choices: (1) to attack, or (2) not attack. à  ¸Ã‚ à  ¸Ã‚ ²Ãƒ  ¸Ã… ¾Ãƒ  ¸Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ  ¸Ã‚ ´Ãƒ  ¹Ã‹â€ à  ¸Ã¢â‚¬ ¡2 The choices are illustrated in the diagram above. The numbers in the boxes refer to the consequences of the decisions. Irans gains and losses are represented by numbers in the lower left corners of the boxes, and Israels gains and losses are represented by numbers in the upper right corners. Look at the box labeled B. The scenario portrayed in box B is that Iran stops the nuclear program and Israel does not attack. If this happens, Iran would not achieve its main objective but Israel, as the result of Iran stopping the program, thus not attacking, does achieve their primary objective. For this scenario Iran loses, receiving -1 and Israel gains, receiving 1. Meanwhile taking another look at box C, Iran would continue on the program and Israel decides to attack. If this happens, Iran will achieve an objective, which is to continue on the program, but only at the cost of having Israel to interfere by attacking. Irans gains and loses cancel each other out, and this results is represented by a 0. Israel, in box C scenario, decides to attack since Iran continued on the program, thus does not accomplish the objective of having Iran stop the program and not attack Iran. In this case Israel loses both its objective so receives a -1 in the box. Looking at all the boxes one at a time, the whole pattern of possible choices and consequences becomes clear. We could also expand the game, instead of having only 2 variables, lets try using 5 variables. The game theory matrix would now have twenty-five boxes (55) instead of four (22). à  ¸Ã‚ à  ¸Ã‚ ²Ãƒ  ¸Ã… ¾Ãƒ  ¸Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ  ¸Ã‚ ´Ãƒ  ¹Ã‹â€ à  ¸Ã¢â‚¬ ¡3 For this game we also attain more information for analyzing: Iran Priority is to continue with the nuclear program without interference from abroad (esp. Israel) Will comply with IAEA if given permission to continue with the nuclear program Would use self-defense tactics if Israel or countries abroad attacks Would close out the Strait of Hormuz if being attacked and the international sanctions are lifted up. Israel Priority is to get Iran to stop the nuclear program without military action. A diplomatic resolution is desired if Iran stops the nuclear program U.S. government/military has no intentions of getting involved if Iran stops the nuclear program International sanctions will be lifted up if Iran continues on with the nuclear program. Many more consequences are now possible as shown in the diagram above. We now see that game theory helps political scientists analyze and think thoroughly all the possibilities of combination as of decisions and the possible costs and consequences of those decisions. Conclusion International relations and politics in general are complex. The events we observe at the macro-level (e.g., wars, trade, and terrorism) are driven by many events and decisions that occur at the micro-level (e.g., in war: elite decision-making, domestic politics, culture). The tool that political scientists use to make sense of this complexity is modeling. One of the populist models is the game theory. Game theory can be used to design credible commitments, threats, or promises, or to assess propositions and statements offered by others. In using the game theory on predicting possible consequences for our study case, we can see clearly the possible outcomes on which the players (Iran and Israel) decide to choose. This paper has attempted, through using two game theory models, to look into the current conflict between the two countries over Irans nuclear program. As per examining the provided key information sources, it is clearly seen that the main problem is the absence of mutual trust between the two countries, high prestige and different views of national security, which had forced both of them to opt for a decision in their nuclear game with the highest cost for the other side. Definitely that a nuclear-armed Iran would spur proliferation in the Middle East region, increase regional instability, and increase the chance of nuclear war. If Iran chooses to continue on with the nuclear program, it will have to face consequences in which both Iran and Israel tend on avoiding. And if Iran continues on with the program, it could also trigger the possible conflict to a wider arena which would be disastrous to all players. While at every step of the game it may be favorable for either party to insist on its claims, the long-term resolution may be somewhat different. In anyway, this is only a tool for analytical and to interpret information to a theoretical approach which leads to a more simplified way of studying the possible outcomes and the consequences of the study case.
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