Thursday, October 31, 2019
The Issues of Deportation in the UK Research Paper
The Issues of Deportation in the UK - Research Paper Example Apart from these 3 grounds, immigration officers have powers to remove people who have been refused leave to enter the UK. They can also remove illegal entrants i.e. people who have entered without express permission. Further, the Immigration Act 1999 provides the immigration officers powers to remove people who have exceeded the period for which they were allowed to live in the UK.1 This power is also given in cases where the people concerned have obtained leave to reside by deception. The same section also gives power to the immigration officers to remove members of the families of such people. Where any person is liable for deportation under the relevant provision of Immigration Act, 1971, the Secretary of the State may make an order of deportation against him. This means that the person will be ordered to leave the United Kingdom. Any leave granted to him to reside in the United Kingdom shall stand revoked after the order of deportation is passed. The order also means that the person will not be allowed to enter the United Kingdom again.2 In the light of the powers given to administrative authorities to enforce deportation or otherwise to cause the removal of persons whose removal would be conducive to a public good, there are bound to be challenging to orders of deportation. Many appeals against deportation orders are filed before immigration appellate tribunals. There are certain circumstances where the persons ordered to be deported challenge the deportation on the ground that they are not likely to commit the offense again. Gina Clayton, in her Textbook on Immigration Law, asserts that despite this, the judicial authorities may be prepared to uphold deportation on the basis that it may serve as an example and deter others. It is firstly to be said that the work of the author from which statement is taken is a textbook on immigration law.Â
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Intellectual property law (need top marks) Essay
Intellectual property law (need top marks) - Essay Example Since its implementation from the year 1911, application of the Copyright Act has become mandatory for various sectors to use and follow this system. In order to keep parity with the forms of offensive acts in this field several changes have been done in the existing form of the Act and finally it was implemented in the year 1988.1 Copyright is associated with creative works associated with literature, drama, music, films, broadcasting network to the typographic arrangement of various editions. Copyright does not include a work where a mismatch can be noticed between the requirement and the qualification.2 Due to technological progress scope of the intellectual property rights has become broader and an individual, who wishes to protect his creative works, coming within scope of the Act, is required to register the work. However, in the UK legal context, if a person wishes to exercise his/her intellectual property rights, no registration is required for copyright purpose. It is a completely costless procedure, both simple and flexible. When it comes to protection of information through the Intellectual property rights, introduction of the Internet is the most effective instrument.3 However, if a person wants to bring his work within the scope of copyright protection, it is required that his idea should be a novel and genuine at the same time. Business names and product names does not belong to group for copyright, rather they are protected as trademarks.4 The 1988 Copyright act contains certain factors which makes it an inferior commercially to exploit various copies that is known by the defendant. The right does not deal with those people who carry out direct infringement of copyright but applied to those people who deal commercially with infringing copies. Secondary infringement of copyright material covers the area of importation,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Introduction To Applying Game Theory Politics Essay
The Introduction To Applying Game Theory Politics Essay Game theory is the formal study of conflict and cooperation. Game theoretic concepts apply whenever the actions of several agents are interdependent. These agents may be individuals, groups, firms, or any combination of these. The concepts of game theory provide a language to formulate, structure, analyze, and understand strategic scenarios (Turocy, 2001). This paper will conclude a short concept of the Game theory, introducing 2 fundamental types of the theory, an introduction to the current issue over Irans nuclear program and applying the game theory by examining the case of a possible war over Irans nuclear program using key information sources from academic publications, news articles, and government/non-governmental reports, which the main players are Iran and Israel, and having the United States as a secondary player. * note that the results from the game theory is by the writers research on the related case study and the writers self-thoughts, thus does not exactly predict the outcomes of the case study. Introduction to the Game theory In real life it frequently happens that you would be faced to make a decision or to choose the best choice from several options. For instance, you might need to decide whether to invest your money for a masters degree or keep on working with your current education. Another instance could be that you wanted chocolate ice cream but the seller has only strawberry ice cream and you have to either choose it or not. In both of the examples, the results depend on your own decision based on self-minded. In the first case, it depends on your ultimate goal at the time. In the second case, it depends on whether you really want ice cream or not, not just considering the flavor. We can model situations like these using Game theory. The Game theory is one of the models that represent the various options and payoffs in a matrix and can then calculate the best single possible strategy or combination of strategies which simplifies real-world phenomena into a more theoretically form, so that we could easily interpret the sense of it. The mathematician Emile Borel suggested a formal theory of games in 1921, which was furthered by the mathematician John von Neumann in 1928 in a theory of parlor games. Game theory was established as a field in its own right after the 1944 publication of the Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by von Neumann and economist Oskar Morgenstern. This book provided much of the basic terminology and problem setup that is still in use today (Turocy, 2001). This central concept of non-cooperative game theory turned to be the focal point of analysis. Since the 1960s, game theory was broadened theoretically and applied to problems of international relations, including war, terrorism, crisis bargaining, deterrence, and economic sanctions. Incorporated with game models, the application of game theory is to international relations give rise to a large number of important empirical questions. Game models, such as the Prisoners Dilemma, described later in the paper, can help illuminate important substantive issues of international affairs, including how and why actors evolve their policies, based on goals and anticipated benefits in the negotiation processes (Dougherty, 1996). Fundamentals of the Game theory In short, game theory deals with any problem in which each players strategy depends on what the other players do. Game theory simply extends this concept to interdependent decisions, in which the options being evaluated are functions of the players choices (Field, 2009). First of all, we will have to learn about the definition of the words used in the game approach and some simple rules of the game: Because game theory arose from the analysis of competitive scenarios, the problems are called games and the participants are called players. -To begin with, despite the rubric game, the object is not to win. Even for strictly competitive games, the goal is simply to identify ones optimal strategy. -In gaming, players actions are referred to as moves. The role of analysis is to identify the sequence of moves that you should use. A sequence of moves is called a strategy, so an optimal strategy is a sequence of moves that results in your best outcome. There are a lot of theoretical approaches to the game theory, in this paper will present the use of two particular fundamentals of the theory. The first one is the sequential-move game, the players must alternate moves; in the second one is the simultaneous game, which the players can act at the same time. These types are distinguished because they require different analytical approaches. We will come back to apply both games to our study case: a potential war over Irans nuclear program, in which before getting to analyze on the sequential and simultaneous games, it is very important that we get to know the background of our case study first as presented in the next section. Irans Nuclear Program 1. Background Iran has pursued a nuclear program for over four decades. Throughout the history of Irans nuclear program, there has been criticism among their neighboring countries and the Western countries, assuming that Irans nuclear program that they claim to be a civilian nuclear power program has always been a covert military application to build nuclear weapons. Irans first steps toward nuclear capability date back to the time of the Shah. These efforts have continued under the post-revolution Islamic Republic. In 1995, with the signing of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology for peaceful, civilian purposes, excluding developing a nuclear weapon. Irans leadership continues to insist it adheres to these conditions. However, the general temptations nuclear weapons offer in terms of perceived prestige and security, together with Irans pattern of deception and concealment of important elements of its program, have raised doubts about its true intentions.For example, Iran failed to disclose the existence of a large uranium enrichment facility at Natanz or a plutonium separation plant at Arak to the International Atomic Energy Agency until after a disclosure from an exile group in 2002 (Carpenter, 2006). If Irans real intention is to obtain and develop a nuclear weapon, we must understand of why the government is pursuing such an approach that could lead to disastrous implications among the country. Deterrence, both regional and extra-regional, is one of the most important considerations. Iran is located in a volatile region, surrounded by hostile neighbors. Russia, Israel, Pakistan, and India all have nuclear weapons already, so regional deterrence issues probably loom large for Iran (Albright, 2012). Such arms could be used to intimidate their neighbors to accept Iranian primacy or listen to their demands over those of the United States or Israel. In addition to President George W. Bushs statement during his presidency axis of evil speech, linking Iran to Iraq and North Korea came as a prelude to an invasion and occupation of Iraq, which comes to the assuming that Iran could be the next hit target on the United States list (Quillen, 2002). 2. Perspectives toward the program Israel Most of Israels political and security apparatus view Irans nuclear program from a unified perspective, it is one of the top priority issues for the government. There remains four points that serve as a consensus toward Iran: first, is that Iran is committed to maintain a nuclear program with the objective of developing nuclear weapons; second is that Iran seeks to become the regions hegemon and that they see Israel as the obstacle to achieve this goal; third, Irans insistence on its NPT agreement of pursuing a peaceful nuclear program (if that were their main purpose); the last, as a nuclear power, Iran would exercise greater sway with its weaker Arab neighbor-states in which currently support Israels position to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. If Iran could develop this capability, many Arab states could be forced to ally themselves with Iran due to strategic necessity and national security (Ben-Meir, 2010). Toward to this respect, Israel has concluded that, it is deemed necessary to prevent Iran from developing and acquiring nuclear weapons, thus leading the governments decision to enhance their special ties with the United States which is pursuing the same policy of preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. United States Two sets of concerns toward Irans nuclear program are emphasized along with U.S. national security policies in the Middle East region. First, as Irans history of being a tribune to Islamic revolutions and sponsoring terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, U.S. government fears that such tide would enhance the possibility of the transfer of nuclear weapons to those groups, with or without official approval from Irans leadership. Also, the very possession of nuclear weapons by Iran which opposes to U.S. presence in the region, allies, interests, and values would alter the balance of power in the Middle East in ways that could constrain U.S. options in future regional crises (Rhodes, 2005). Second, this concern has less to do with Iran per se than the impact of an additional nuclear-capable state on the global non-proliferation regime. Cases such as the break-out by India and Pakistan in the late 1990s, and the rise of North Korea with its development of nuclear weapons, an o bvious failure of the NPT system could produce a domino effect among countries that want to acquire such technology. This would also increase the opportunities for unauthorized or accidental use of nuclear weapons and even leading to the worst case scenario of terrorist groups or organized crime networks possessing those weapons. 3. Current newspaper articles on Irans nuclear program We will take a look on the current issue from several related newspaper articles. Iran has developed a nuclear program that it stated is for peaceful purposes and power generation in the nation. However, it is also known that any country with a well-developed peaceful nuclear program has also attained the capability to quickly build a nuclear weapon. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said that medium-level uranium enrichment has begun at the Fordo plant near the Holy city of Qom, north of Tehran (Kanchanalak, 2012). The state of diplomacy between Iran, Israel, and the U.S. demonstrates on the West and Israels attempts to use the IAEA, the United Nations, and international sanctions against Iran have failed to encourage cooperation. Apparent diplomatic road rage has set in between at least Iran and Israel, which will likely prove deleterious for peace (Riazi, 2012). Looking upon Israel, it is a country that lives in perpetual existential fear for its security. Israel is known for its track record of pre-emptive strikes against nuclear targets in the region. In 1981, it bombed the Osirak reactor in Iraq, and recently in 2007, it attacked a facility in Syria that it believed was intended to be a nuclear reactor. However, Iran, unlike those two countries, presents a much more challenging military and economic question (Kanchanalak, 2012). For Iran, it would likely not back down off the nuclear program and would definitely use self-defense tactics against any attacks from Israel and countries abroad. Evidently if Israel decides to attack, it would leverage non-state assets, such as its relationships with Hezbollah, the Hamas, and other Palestinian actors, to pummel Israel, and its populace would unite behind it. It would also likely use IRGC-Quds Force hit squads to target Israeli interests abroad. The US would face a complex dilemma if Iran uses the Quds Force in such a manner, as well as if Iran counter-attacked by striking Israel overtly (Riazi, 2012). Irans supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, countered on a televised program stated that Iran will respond in kind when appropriate, and that sanctions will not alter Irans nuclear ambitions. Khamenei furthered that sanctions, in fact, have encouraged Irans military to become more self-reliant. The Iranian navy could also lay mines to close off the Strait of Hormuz a vital oil artery and send the oil price to over US$200 a barrel (Cordesman, 2006). As proud people Iranians would face humiliation if they responded weakly. However, there is one thing that they really do not want, that is domestic interference and military assaults from the United States. Applying Game Theory By reading and examining the key information sources on the background, perspectives, and news articles above, we now apply the Game theory to the current issues over Irans nuclear program, which in this paper will focus on two game approaches, the sequential-move game, and the simultaneous game. 1. The Sequential-move game To analyze a sequential-move game, first construct a game tree mapping out all of the possibilities. Then follow the basic rule: look ahead and reason back (Field, 2009): 1. Look ahead to the very last decision, and assume that if it comes to that point, the deciding player will choose his/her optimal outcome (the highest payoff, or otherwise most desirable result). 2. Back up to the second-to-last decision, and assume the next player would choose his/her best outcome, treating the following decision as fixed (because we have already decided what that player will pick if it should come to that). 3. Continue reasoning back in this way until all decisions have been fixed. Now lets apply the game approach to our study case. Iran has decided whether to continue on or stop their current nuclear program. By attaining the information from the previous section (Irans nuclear program) we should be able to conclude the game as follow: à  ¸Ã‚ à  ¸Ã‚ ²Ãƒ  ¸Ã… ¾Ãƒ  ¸Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ  ¸Ã‚ ´Ãƒ  ¹Ã‹â€ à  ¸Ã¢â‚¬ ¡1 Now we can look ahead and reason back. Looking ahead, if Iran continues on with the nuclear program and follows until the last path, it will be that either Iran has to downplay the situation and surrender or choose to use self-defense tactics, thus worsening the scenario. More than likely, if Iran continues on with their nuclear program, a regional conflict will spark up. Reasoning back, we now know that if Iran chooses to stop the program at first or face downplay and losses at the last choice, the issue would likely not turn to be regional but at least controllable around the area. We end this section with a few observations before moving on to simultaneous games. First, notice that looking ahead and reasoning back determines not just one players optimal strategy, but those for all players. It is called the solution to the game. Once it has been determined, it is irrelevant whether or not the game is actually played, as no one can possibly do better than the solution dictates (Field, 2009). That is why the concept of winning does not really apply. Sequential games are determined, so ultimately, there are only two choices: either the player with the last decision gets his/her best outcome, or the game is not played. 2. The Simultaneous game For this game approach we will take a look at the simplest but most famous example set called the Prisoners dilemma. For this paper the writer will assume that readers have a small knowledge about this game set already, thus this section will begin analyzing and adapting the game to the study case without going through the intro of the dilemma. Same as the sequential-move game, we attain the same information for analyzing. For an easier way of interpreting the information to create the dilemma, you first need to breakdown the facts from the information: Iran Priority is to continue with the nuclear program without interference from abroad (esp. Israel) Israel Priority is to get Iran to stop the nuclear program without military action. Now as the case has been simplified, we can demonstrate the game set. Iran shall have two basic choices: (1) to stop the program, or (2) continue on the program. Israel will also have two choices: (1) to attack, or (2) not attack. à  ¸Ã‚ à  ¸Ã‚ ²Ãƒ  ¸Ã… ¾Ãƒ  ¸Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ  ¸Ã‚ ´Ãƒ  ¹Ã‹â€ à  ¸Ã¢â‚¬ ¡2 The choices are illustrated in the diagram above. The numbers in the boxes refer to the consequences of the decisions. Irans gains and losses are represented by numbers in the lower left corners of the boxes, and Israels gains and losses are represented by numbers in the upper right corners. Look at the box labeled B. The scenario portrayed in box B is that Iran stops the nuclear program and Israel does not attack. If this happens, Iran would not achieve its main objective but Israel, as the result of Iran stopping the program, thus not attacking, does achieve their primary objective. For this scenario Iran loses, receiving -1 and Israel gains, receiving 1. Meanwhile taking another look at box C, Iran would continue on the program and Israel decides to attack. If this happens, Iran will achieve an objective, which is to continue on the program, but only at the cost of having Israel to interfere by attacking. Irans gains and loses cancel each other out, and this results is represented by a 0. Israel, in box C scenario, decides to attack since Iran continued on the program, thus does not accomplish the objective of having Iran stop the program and not attack Iran. In this case Israel loses both its objective so receives a -1 in the box. Looking at all the boxes one at a time, the whole pattern of possible choices and consequences becomes clear. We could also expand the game, instead of having only 2 variables, lets try using 5 variables. The game theory matrix would now have twenty-five boxes (55) instead of four (22). à  ¸Ã‚ à  ¸Ã‚ ²Ãƒ  ¸Ã… ¾Ãƒ  ¸Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ  ¸Ã‚ ´Ãƒ  ¹Ã‹â€ à  ¸Ã¢â‚¬ ¡3 For this game we also attain more information for analyzing: Iran Priority is to continue with the nuclear program without interference from abroad (esp. Israel) Will comply with IAEA if given permission to continue with the nuclear program Would use self-defense tactics if Israel or countries abroad attacks Would close out the Strait of Hormuz if being attacked and the international sanctions are lifted up. Israel Priority is to get Iran to stop the nuclear program without military action. A diplomatic resolution is desired if Iran stops the nuclear program U.S. government/military has no intentions of getting involved if Iran stops the nuclear program International sanctions will be lifted up if Iran continues on with the nuclear program. Many more consequences are now possible as shown in the diagram above. We now see that game theory helps political scientists analyze and think thoroughly all the possibilities of combination as of decisions and the possible costs and consequences of those decisions. Conclusion International relations and politics in general are complex. The events we observe at the macro-level (e.g., wars, trade, and terrorism) are driven by many events and decisions that occur at the micro-level (e.g., in war: elite decision-making, domestic politics, culture). The tool that political scientists use to make sense of this complexity is modeling. One of the populist models is the game theory. Game theory can be used to design credible commitments, threats, or promises, or to assess propositions and statements offered by others. In using the game theory on predicting possible consequences for our study case, we can see clearly the possible outcomes on which the players (Iran and Israel) decide to choose. This paper has attempted, through using two game theory models, to look into the current conflict between the two countries over Irans nuclear program. As per examining the provided key information sources, it is clearly seen that the main problem is the absence of mutual trust between the two countries, high prestige and different views of national security, which had forced both of them to opt for a decision in their nuclear game with the highest cost for the other side. Definitely that a nuclear-armed Iran would spur proliferation in the Middle East region, increase regional instability, and increase the chance of nuclear war. If Iran chooses to continue on with the nuclear program, it will have to face consequences in which both Iran and Israel tend on avoiding. And if Iran continues on with the program, it could also trigger the possible conflict to a wider arena which would be disastrous to all players. While at every step of the game it may be favorable for either party to insist on its claims, the long-term resolution may be somewhat different. In anyway, this is only a tool for analytical and to interpret information to a theoretical approach which leads to a more simplified way of studying the possible outcomes and the consequences of the study case.
Friday, October 25, 2019
World of the Work Essay -- Literary Analysis, Song of Solomon
Toni Morrison’s novel Song of Solomon tells the account of an African American male's hunt for his individuality through a discovery of his ancestor’s past. Morrison tells this legend through the character of Solomon, the great-grandfather of Milkman Dead. Through learning of the tale of Solomon and his capability to soar, Milkman discovers a strong sense of satisfaction in his heritage and realizes he must treasure his community and family. While most of the narrative occurs from 1931-1963, there are intermittent flashbacks from the late nineteenth century. Two distinct settings in Song of Solomon play a key but contrasting role in identifying and understanding the personality of its inhabitants and the importance of human interaction as a whole. While the town close to Lake Superior is never given a title, the reader imagines it is Detroit, Michigan. In the beginning of the novel, the narrator focuses on the Southside and the road the residents call â€Å"Not Doctor Street†, a primarily black area (Morrison 4). This street name gives â€Å"Southside residents a way to keep their memories a...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Late Pleistocene Environmental changes
The Pleistocene occurred from about 1.8 million years ago up to 10,000 years ago. During this time frame, early man as well as all species living on Earth at the time was subject to extreme climatic changes which may have shaped their evolution. The late Pleistocene and its transition into the Holocene were marked by extreme climate changes. The Pleistocene was the time of homogenous cold weather throughout the world. However, during the latter part of the Pleistocene, from about 18,000 up to 11,000 years ago, the weather began to warm up, resulting in glacial retreat and marked differences in seasonal temperatures. This increase in temperature was temporarily reversed by a phenomenon called the younger Dryas.(Buchdahl) These changes severely altered the then present ecological systems. Populations were separated, most migrated and some went extinct. The ecological disruption that resulted led to mass mega faunal extinctions, as well as grave evolutionary impacts on surviving species . Which of these changes would have most affected human populations? Most humans during the period were hunter-gatherers, dependent on the flora and fauna of a given area for their primal needs. With the changes in weather, plants, primary producers in the ecosystems populated humans began to die out. The loss of these plants would have led many species of primary consumers to migrate in search of foliage. Since plants, man’s source of sustenance, were dying, and since the animal’s, also dependent on plants were migrating, man then had no choice but to follow their food and themselves migrate. Humans are, as compared to other species, more adaptive to their surroundings. However, the harsh climatic conditions and their variability would have meant that a single generation would have had to adapt to different circumstances. Although not all species are more susceptible to dying out in the circumstances then, the effect of a lost species on an established ecosystem would be disastrous. The loss of megafauna during the times, whether due to over-hunting of the starved humans or as a result of the environmental changes occurring would have led to an imbalance in the system, allowing for an increase in the prey population, most of which feed upon herbage, so that what little herbage at that time which was present was now consumed at a much more rapid rate.(Messer, 2006) The general warming would have led to a new series of established ecosystems. However, the occurrence of the Younger Dryas resulted into a throwback unto glaciations. Ecosystems that were adapting to the warming climate, plants, animals and humans, once more had to adapt to a different set of circumstances. (Buchdahl) Evidence shows that the Younger Dryas, an approximately 1000 year event ended abruptly, in a span of only several decades. This rapid change would have again upset communities and ecosystems. The melting of glaciers resulted in flooding of areas where ecosystems thrived during the ice age. The marked changes in seasonal temperatures again brought upon the extinctions of plants which have already adapted to the previously prevalent cold climate, again resulting in disruptions in ecosystems. The impact of these was felt by man, who where at the top of the food chain. (Messer, 2006) In terms of genetics, the changes brought upon by the migrations of human populations would have led to isolation. This isolation would have then resulted in inbreeding among a single population, further genetically separating one population from another, which could have led to differentiations in terms of race. Do you see parallels with issues of climate change today? The main issue in today’s climate is global warming. The Earth, as expressed from numerous scientific accounts is warming up. This could be seen as a parallel to the late Pleistocene warming that preceded the Younger Dryas. The younger dryas was said to be caused by the influxe of freshwater coming from the melting of glaciers. These freshwaters mixed with established saltwater streams, the resulting change in salinity disrupting the ocean currents that shaped the climate. Like the late Pleistocene, we are now experiencing variations in local weather as well as in over all climate. Extinctions, which lead to disruptions in ecosystems, are at present occurring at alarming rates. What issues are particularly relevant? Man during the late Pleistocene has come a long way to be the man we are today. However, what is still the same is our dependence on the ecosystem that sustains us. It is still plant and animals that provides us sustenance, trees that provides us raw materials and fuel. Marked fluctuations in the weather would lead to disruptions in these ecosystems, which would force us to alter the life we are living at the present in order to adapt. Also, unlike then, our species advances in civilization have introduced a new aspect, economics. No longer would hunter-gatherers, survival, when such a drastic phenomenon occurs, be based on a populations resources at and, dooming those of our species that, in these times, already have nothing to eat, to wear, to shelter in. Similar essay: Summary â€Å"The Environmental Issue from Hell†REFERENCES: Buchdahl, J. Palaeoclimatic Change: The Younger Dryas Event [Electronic Version]. Retrieved June 4 2007 from Messer, A. E. (2006). Early Americans faced rapid late Pleistocene climate change and chaotic environments [Electronic Version]. EurekAlert. Retrieved June 4 2007 from
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Public Health Nursing Acts in Emergency Disasteres
he assignment for this paper asks about a disaster that could happen in my community. A disaster is any natural or human-made incident that causes disruption, and or devastation requiring external assistance (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012, p.508). The purpose of the paper is to provide information how the professional nurse react in the community when a disaster take place.The disaster selected for the paper is a chemical plant fire explosions. I reside in an area that is reported to have quite a few chemical plants. In terms of human-made disaster prevention, the nurse should be aware of high-risk targets and current vulnerabilities and what can be done to eliminate or mitigate the vulnerability (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012, p.512). Preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters and emergencies are the nurse roles for emergency disasters. Clinical judgment and decision-making skills Public health nurses’ skills are necessary to provide temporary housing, with basic health needs such as water and food resources, for people who must evacuate their homes and provides a safe place to eat, sleep.Age specifics are taken into consideration because of vulnerability and care need for the older adult population and children. Developing and testing systems for childcare and elder-care during public health emergencies could reduce the burden of competing responsibilities for nurses (O'Boyle, Robertson, & Secor-Turner, 2006). Children require special protection, especially nursing babies, infants and under-fives (ODPEM, 1989). Several nurses skilled to practice safely and competent are necessary for patient care in the event of a disaster in the community. The nurses must have knowledge of the environmental factors and the risk they put to themselves and other during the disaster.The public health nurse’s knowledge of the geographical locations of medical facilities and clinic to transport patients seriously injured needing care are impor tant to all persons involve in the disaster. Nurses need awareness of the surrounding medical facilities and services provided in their area, including alternate care sites and medical shelters (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). The public nurses are educated, trained and skilled to respond quickly to aid in the disaster. Nurses have unique skills for all aspects of disaster to include assessment, priority setting, collaboration, and addressing of both preventive and acute care needs (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012, p.511).The nurses provide education and emotional support to the community. It is the role of the public health nurse to communicate with all healthcare professionals such as physician, other nurses, emergency medical team, the emergency coordinator, and fire department personnel actively participating in the emergency disaster. Communication with health care participants will assist them in rapidly establishing priorities and necessary actions during the emergency disaster. C ommunication and collaboration among other health care professionals is critical for delivering safe effective patient care all areas of care.The nurses prepared at the Baccalaureate level must have knowledge of laws and ethics when making clinical judgments, and decision making. Nurses incorporate critical thinking, research and evidence base practice, informatics, cultural sensitivity and awareness in their practice when communicating information to other health care professional. Nurses prepared at the Baccalaureate level are educated to use respectful communication and collaboration to aid in care coordination, delegation, and conflict resolution in any situation when caring for patients and individual in the community.Developing partnerships between public and private health-care, emergency management, and law enforcement entities, while using current technology to promote timely disease identification and reporting, can improve the daily capacity of a community to respond to i llness and disease regardless of magnitude (CDC, 2013). Nursing StrategiesThere are strategies nurses can use in emergency disaster before it takes place. Work with the community providing education and teaching to identify hazards that could affect their local area. Use communication techniques holding public meetings and events for the community geared towards improving the public's understanding of a disaster and how to address disasters that may arise. The health and safety of the community following a disaster of any kind, therefore, depends on the ability of its residents to be â€Å"disaster ready.†(Adams, L., Canclini., S., 2008).Provide clear in-depth information about the chemicals hazards and the importance of an organized response to the emergency of a chemical plant explosion. Encourage colleagues, by increasing awareness that disaster do happen in our communities. provide knowledgeable information about disasters. Set up programs with communities and facilit ies practicing drills and communication techniques. Drills enhance confidence in systems, individuals, procedures, and equipment (O'Boyle, Robertson, & Secor-Turner, 2006). Nursing leadership for prevention, preparedness and recovery is critical to ensure a multi-disciplinary, coordinated and evidence-based response for chemical plant disaster.Although public health nurses can function in many capacities, they are most likely to be deployed to the â€Å"operations section†because they bring leadership capacity, broad understanding of community systems, nursing knowledge, skills, and abilities (ASTDN 2007). During a public health emergency, occupational health nurses can be instrumentals in facilitating schedules and assignments that limit worker exposure to physically and psychologically over-whelming events (O'Boyle, Robertson, & Secor-Turner, 2006). Minimize errors owing to the absence of communication amongst health professionals.Accurate communication can reduce accident s and fatalities, stress and emotional conflict between health care professionals and the community population. To summarize this paper in short. Public health nurses’ roles are broad. The focus for nurses in the communities is to prevent diseases, provide teaching and education. The public health nurse’s experience and skills in the event of an emergency disaster promotes a positive outcome.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Civil Rights of a Fetus - Law, Philosophy and Religion
Civil Rights of a Fetus - Law, Philosophy and Religion The Roe majority ruling of 1973 holds that the government has a legitimate interest in protecting potential human life, but that this does not become a compelling state interestoverriding the womans Fourteenth Amendment right to privacy, and her subsequent right to terminate her pregnancyuntil the point of viability, then assessed at 24 weeks. The Supreme Court did not state that viability is or is not when a fetus becomes a person; just that this is the earliest point at which it can be proven that the fetus has the capacity to have a meaningful life as a person. The Planned Parenthood v. Casey Standard In the Casey ruling of 1992, the Court scaled back the viability standard from 24 weeks to 22 weeks. Casey also holds that the state may protect its profound interest in potential life so long as it does not do so in a way that has the intent or effect of posing an undue burden on the womans right to terminate a pregnancy prior to viability. In Gonzales v. Carhart (2007), the Supreme Court held that a ban on live intact DX (partial birth) abortions does not violate this standard. In Fetal Homicide Statutes Laws that treat the murder of a pregnant woman as a double murder arguably affirm fetal rights in a statutory manner. Because the attacker has no right to terminate the womans pregnancy against her will, it could be argued that the states interest in protecting potential life is unrestricted in cases of fetal homicide. The Supreme Court has not ruled on the matter of whether fetal homicide, on its own, may constitute grounds for capital punishment. Under International Law The only treaty that specifically grants rights to fetuses is the American Convention on Human Rights of 1969, signed by 24 Latin American countries, which states that human beings have rights beginning at the moment of conception. The United States is not a signatory to this treaty. The treaty does not require that signatories ban abortion, according to the most recent binding interpretation. In Philosophy Most philosophies of natural rights would hold that fetuses have rights when they become sentient or self-aware, which presumes a neurophysiological definition of personhood. Self-awareness as we generally understand it would require substantial neocortical development, which seems to occur at or near week 23. In the premodern era, self-awareness was most often presumed to occur at quickening, which generally takes place around the 20th week of pregnancy. In Religion Religious traditions holding that personhood rests in the presence of a non-physical soul differ with respect to the question of when the soul is implanted. Some traditions hold that this occurs at the moment of conception, but most hold that this occurs much later in the pregnancy, at or near quickening. Religious traditions that do not include belief in a soul do not generally tend to define fetal personhood in explicit terms. The Future of Fetal Rights The conundrum posed by abortion rests in the tension between a womans right to terminate her pregnancy and the potential rights of the potential human being. Medical technologies currently under development, such as fetal transplantation and artificial wombs, could one day eliminate this tension, deprecating abortion in favor of procedures that terminate the pregnancy without harming the fetus.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Kin Recognition essays
Kin Recognition essays Biological evolution is known to be able to allow the development of such behaviors if they favor close kin (Hamilton 1964), which thus will be able to transmit the genes, on which the altruistic behavior is based, to future generations. There are several different types of altruism that organisms practice. Parental care is the most obvious; this is parents basically making sure that their offspring make it out of adolescence alive. Alarm calling is seen in many animals, this is done to warn animals of the same species that are near that there may be danger. Cooperation is when animals that live together work together for the better good of the community. Group care is more than one organisms taking care of the offspring, individuals that did not have the offspring help take care of them. Cannibalism, sperm recognition and reciprocal altruism are some of the many other forms of altruism that are seen in the biological world. The basis of this paper is kin recognition. Kin Recognition is the ability to identify relatives. More precisely, it is the differential treatment of members of the same species in a way that depends on their genetic relatedness to the discriminating individual. In this paper I will discuss two different elements, what function does kin recognition serve, and how do relatives differentiate to recognize each other. First the benefits of kin recognition will be discussed. The first benefit is relatives that help each other out, because natural selection favors those individuals that are most successful at propagating their distinctive alleles, which their relatives have as well. Kin are also less aggressive towards each other and they also help each other when they are faced with another organisms aggressive behavior. Another major benefit is the decrease in inbreeding from recognition. With inbreeding (or selfing), progeny can inherit multiple copies of deleterious alleles, leading to the ou...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
30 Synonyms for Meeting
30 Synonyms for Meeting 30 Synonyms for â€Å"Meeting†30 Synonyms for â€Å"Meeting†By Mark Nichol Humans, being social animals, have many reasons for meeting and many words to describe doing so in various degrees of formality and format. Here are thirty ways to label a meeting, depending on the particulars. 1. Assembly: a meeting for entertainment, legislation, or worship 2. Caucus: a meeting, often in a political context, to select candidates or policy 3. Clinic: a problem-solving meeting or one at which participants acquire knowledge or skills 4. Colloquium: a meeting at which experts, usually in an academic setting, give presentations on one or more topics and engage in a question-and-answer period 5. Colloquy: a serious, important meeting (also, a synonym for conversation and dialogue) 6. Conclave: a private or secret meeting, especially that of Roman Catholic cardinals convened to select a new pope, or any gathering of an organization 7. Confab: a chat, discussion, or meeting (informal usage) 8. Conference: a meeting for discussing issues or topics of interest to all participants, usually including keynote speeches and a wide variety of sessions on specific subjects 9. Congress: a meeting or session, especially of delegates to discuss and act on an issue or topic 10. Convention: a meeting to bring together representatives of a trade, profession, or interest group, or to assemble representatives of a political party to select candidates and policy 11. Convocation: a meeting of attendees called together, of a college or university’s members, or of clergy (and perhaps laypeople) 12. Council: a meeting to discuss or advise on one or more issues 13. Demonstration: an informal mass meeting, usually held outdoors on public property, to protest about or bring attention to a topic or issue 14. Forum: a meeting that involves a discussion among experts or between them and audience members 15. Gathering: a meeting (informal usage) 16. Get-together: an informal meeting 17. Huddle: a meeting (informal usage) 18. Panel: a meeting at which participants discuss a topic or issue in front of an audience 19. Palaver: a meeting, especially one between disparate parties 20. Parley: a meeting to resolve conflict or negotiate with an enemy 21. Powwow: a meeting or a social event, or a meeting to celebrate Native American culture 22. Rally: a mass meeting to inspire enthusiasm and/or action 23. Round-robin: a small meeting to discuss or decide on a topic or issue 24. Roundtable: see round-robin 25. Seminar: a meeting for disseminating and discussing information 26. Session: a meeting or series of meetings, or a portion of an extended meeting or one of various simultaneous meetings as part of a larger event 27. Summit: a meeting of high-level leaders 28. Symposium: a formal meeting at which several specialists deliver short addresses on a topic or on related topics 29. Synod: a meeting of clergy 30. Workshop: an educational meeting or program Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives 25 Russian Words Used in English (and 25 More That Should Be)10 Humorous, Derisive, or Slang Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†or â€Å"Officialâ€
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Offshore Energy Data Systems Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Offshore Energy Data Systems Ltd - Essay Example The case here deals with the different issues that are involved in the profession, it being the issues like the professional, social, legal and the ethical issues. The code of the British computer society guidelines are made use in identifying the different code of the conduct and the different factors that are related to them. The quality analysis is also discussed and the quality measures of them are to be found out in having the quality products and the services. In the given scenario, we find Jane; the Project Manager is facing a serious issue concerned with professional ethics which can have serious implications. Her reporting about the same to her manager was ignored abruptly not even taking into account that it can result in fatal consequences. This very act of the higher official pin-points the ethical, social, legal and professional issues that the IT industry is made to face. Jane has rightly pointed out the risks and consequences to her higher authority when he overruled her professional judgement. This has given rise to a conflict situation between Jane and her manager. The code of ethics states that every software professional should strive to achieve high quality in the process as well as the product. The failure to deliver a quality product in future is very much proportionate to the failure to follow a process of quality. This questions the professional integrity of the whole organization. Professional issues are related to the employees and their level of professionalism within the organization and towards the society. There should be a proper coordination between the employees within the organization. There are professional bodies like Data Processing Management Association (DPMA), Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), Institute of Certification of Computer Professionals (ICCP), etc which have developed Code of Ethics for the computing community. (Oz). The British Computer Society (BCS) is one such
Friday, October 18, 2019
Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 22
Communication - Essay Example Paralanguage is a major factor in non-verbal communication. This is how the speaker’s voice comes out as he delivers the speech. The way the speaker delivers is believed to be as important as the actual message. This takes into consideration a number of factors involving tone, volume, emphasis, voice qualities, speech, and inflexion among others. Even though the message conveyed to the crowed is the same, the receiver understands and concentration is greatly improved when such items are well stressed. Kinesics is the body language of the narrator. Body movements are important concept in non-verbal communication. The viewer’s perception on eye contact, gesture and posture brings added concentration to the listeners. Experts in non-verbal communication field explained that people can pause up to 250,000 different facial expressions. Through this, we can understand intended message from the sender that number of times. A narrative was presented to the audience regarding a certain young man who went to the hospital with a problem in his leg and he needed an operation to enable him walk properly again. On getting to the hospital bed, the doctor starts surgery, unfortunately for him, the surgeon chopped off the wrong leg. The patient on waking up found the doctor surprised and did not know what was going on. He asked, â€Å"Doctor, what is going on?†the doctor replied to him, I have both good news and bad news for you. What is the bad news? The patient asked. I chopped off the wrong leg, but the good news is that the other leg is doing well, replied the doctor. This narrative uses a variety of non-verbal communication and the message was delivered appropriately. Observation is one of the major techniques of collecting data. A person attends any given function with only intention of collecting information on non-verbal communication which is used in those events. Questionnaires may also be formulated and distributed to practices
History of the Middle East Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
History of the Middle East - Research Paper Example The increased developments in Middle East had been pronounced since early decades, and can be traced back in the second half of 1500s when Ottoman Empire started expanding its domain (Fischbach 2013, 56). From inception, Islam had shaped politics in regions where it dominated, especially in Middle East. Despite the fragmentation of the political authority in Muslim land, Islam continued to be powerful and had a strong political solidarity bond. Collapse of Ottoman Empire facilitated the entry of Europeans in Middle East who aimed at colonizing them. British domination of local politics remained effective until early 1970s. Emergence of independent and sovereign states between 1940s and 1050s altered traditional foundations and domestic power equations in state-society relations. The modern states were unprepared for any competitive international environment and offer substantial support to the growing nationalist aspirations. Such aspirations appeared in response to political develop ments and Palestinian-Israeli conflicts that served as the catalyst for regional instability and conflict. This led to the political environment in 20th century characterized by political turmoil, extremism and conquests. Therefore, this paper investigates why the creation of the state of Israel failed to solve the Jewish problems (Gettleman 2012, 145). Creation of state of Israel The creation of state of Israel was predicated on the constitution of Jews as people of special identity and placed the nation on specific territory, as well as the juridical and territorial independence of the nation in modern country. The formation of state of Israel was enhanced by Zionism and deliberated by articulation from individuals who set to revive the ancient kingdom in a modern approach. This called for territorial and political independence for it to be successful. Soon after the end of World War II, the British evacuated Palestine and recommended partitioning of the Palestine into two states. Arabs rejected while Jewish accepted, though they advocated that they be given more than 55 percent of the land. This facilitated the War of control during which Israel declared its statehood in 1948. Such victory over the Arabs facilitated an influx of Jewish refugees from Europe and other Muslim word and outflow of fleeing Arab Palestinians (Klieman 1990, 63) One year after the partition plan by the general assembly, the resolution 94 was issued to offer right of return of the Arabs to the post-mandate Palestine. However, UN possessed no powers to enforce such resolutions since Israel was determined to prohibit Arabs to return to their homes after fleeing. Such unresolved problems remain the major source of conflicts for quite some time. In 1950, Israel’s parliament passed the law of return (Gettleman 2012, 148). Partition Plan Most states in UN General Assembly voted in the partition plan for the Palestine in 1947. Such a resolution called for the termination of the manda te by Britons and created two states; one for Arabs and the other one for Jews. City of Jerusalem was entitled to the enjoyment of special status under the international administration. The resolution was voted in by thirty one countries while seven voted against the resolution. Zionists accepted the resolution while Arabs opposed it since it advocated for a single state dominated by Arab majority. Traditionally, the twin objectives of the foreign policy in Israel of
The Economy of Irish Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Economy of Irish Republic - Essay Example (Christopher T. Whelan 2007 ).However the current position of the slump in the ICT market has caused a temporary slump in the period of 2006-2007.It has been suggested that a policy focusing on retaining a deflated real exchange rate/real wage rate would benefit Ireland in the longer term.towards a macro-economic balance. (Christopher T. Whelan 2007 )In 2001 alone the interest rate was more than 3 % for the economy and it has been brought down recently to pave the way for a better monetary policy based economic performance by marked increase in public finances strengthened markedly and a cut down in the public debt with a surplus in the Foreign trade balance. (OECD 2001-2006)There have been recent strong gains in the disposable incomes and wealth, and investment has improved but there is a marked danger of the labour supply shortage.The better part of the Irish economy is that it has managed a low inflation rate (5%) for the past one decade despite the high fuel prices in the interna tional market and tax increases in tobacco prices and the service sector. (OECD 2001-2006) Inflationary pressures are also coming from the employment sector but have been avoided in the interests of a tight fiscal and monetary policy.However in the face of the promising productivity growth the monetary conditions in Ireland are expansionary based upon the rapid increases in house prices and private sector credit and lending. (Christopher T. Whelan 2007 ) Tax revenues have also been promising in the face of a booming economy and have enabled sizable tax cuts and increases in real spending over the past three years for the business community.There is also an over all increase in consumer spending based on the successful international and EU trade performance of Ireland with in the past few years.Coming back to the interest rates there has been a peak in overall inflation because of the above factors but the nominal interest rates have been accordingly adjusted to adjust to the hazards of inflation without disturbing an overall real increase in disposable incomes The success of the Irish Economy mainly due to the governments attempts at the effective macro-economic policy management. Currently the Irish Economy has a nominal GDP of 180.7 billion. with a real GDP growth of 6% and a Nominal GDP per capita of $44,500. (National Statistics 2006).With an export industry that relies heavily on food processing, beverages, engineering, chemicals, pharmaceutical and construction and an export industry based upon machinery, transport equipment, chemicals, and beverages the country deals mainly with the US and the Great Britain in terms of Foreign trade. ( Popularly labelled as the "Celtic Tiger" the country has witnessed massive GDP growth in the past three years alongwith its progressive industrial policy and massive foreign direct investment. (Honohan, P. and Walsh, B. 2002) The economy did take a slump during the post 9/11 scenario and there was no longer the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Live Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Live Art - Essay Example Modern performance art dwells on current political topics and tries to illustrate them employment various techniques. In this essay I will attempt to focus my attention primarily of the visual arts and how they passed through an evolutional process in the 20th century. Although I partially agree with the statement that Goldberg (2001) makes that performance art is a medium with endless variables, almost no barrier, crossing all known taboos, and eventually borders with anarchism, I will try to pose the contra-argument that those alternations are caused by the fast-revolving global cultural, political and social life and consequently is a process which barely faces intentional directions. The term "performance art" was first used in the 1960's in the United States. Originally, the term referred to any live artistic event which engaged musicians, poets, film makers and so on (Goldberg, 2001). However, there were earlier forms of visual arts, for example the live performances of the Dadaists which was a combination of poetry and visual arts. Another example that Goldberg (2001) cites are the German Bauhaus, who established a theater workshop in order to examine the bonds between sound, space and light. Although, there were various other art performances the term hadn't been coined until the 1960s. By the 1970's the performance art idea spread as a worldwide acknowledged word which with the time began to be treated as a commodity - traded, advertised and sold (Goldberg, 2001). Consequently, the performance artists instilled in their art the direct contact with their audience through the public forum. This evolution of the performance art, eliminated the requirement to f or galleries, agents and brokers to act as mediators between the artists and their audience. On one hand, this opened the art to the general public and aided the artists to maintain a more real contact with their admirers, on the other this process destroyed all aspects of the capitalism and gaining profits from the artists. The main characteristics of the performance art are that: It is in live; There are no specific rules or guidelines, the art is experimental and if the artist says it is art, then it is; It is not for sale, though there might be admission tickets or included film right; It may contain painting or sculpture, music, dance, opera, film footage, poetry, dialogue, live animals, fire and everything that crosses one's mind; It is a legitimate artistic movement and there are many institutions where it is taught as a degree course; It is amusing, shocking, terrifying, entertaining and memorable. The most memorable and affirmative definition that I found about visual art is, is given by Goodman (1982). The comments: "What we know through art is felt in our bones and nerves and muscles as well as grasped by our minds . . . all the sensitivity and responsiveness of the organism participates in the invention and interpretation of symbols (pp.198 - 199)." That is true about performance art is that it is influential, because it reaches everyone, because they can perceive it with their senses and react to the feelings that the art evokes in them. Goodman (1982) a philosopher most of all, notably remarks that visual art is riddled with "philosophic faults and aesthetic absurdities (p. 191)." We can refer the aesthetic absurdities to the quote that Goldberg (2001) stating that art in the 20th century resembles anarchy. If analyzed from a artistic point of view anarchy means performances combined
Health and wellness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Health and wellness - Essay Example When a person has control over a situation, the stress impact is significantly less. I believe I have control over many responses to stressors in my lifestyle. I can choose to be explosive and highly emotional or examine the situation as a mature individual with a practical lens. My emotional responses to stressors are generally very soft and the test revealed I am a cool responder who manages to cope well in the face of stressful situation. It is a rare occasion, and depends on the severity of the scenario, that I would have an explosive outburst or internalize strong emotional responses. I believe I am well-balanced when handling situations, especially when they are out of my span of control. Basic breathing exercises can assist a person in calming down when getting ready to explode in the face of high stress scenarios. People do not want to listen to suggestions because they lack emotional intelligence and self-awareness and often allow their emotions to take over without looking at the situation rationally. Regulating emotional responses takes time and practice. When emotions are powerful, they want to get rid of these negative feelings so they choose to be inefficient and unhealthy by allowing their charged emotions to take over. It is a form of psychological release that is not healthy, but a product of immature
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Live Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Live Art - Essay Example Modern performance art dwells on current political topics and tries to illustrate them employment various techniques. In this essay I will attempt to focus my attention primarily of the visual arts and how they passed through an evolutional process in the 20th century. Although I partially agree with the statement that Goldberg (2001) makes that performance art is a medium with endless variables, almost no barrier, crossing all known taboos, and eventually borders with anarchism, I will try to pose the contra-argument that those alternations are caused by the fast-revolving global cultural, political and social life and consequently is a process which barely faces intentional directions. The term "performance art" was first used in the 1960's in the United States. Originally, the term referred to any live artistic event which engaged musicians, poets, film makers and so on (Goldberg, 2001). However, there were earlier forms of visual arts, for example the live performances of the Dadaists which was a combination of poetry and visual arts. Another example that Goldberg (2001) cites are the German Bauhaus, who established a theater workshop in order to examine the bonds between sound, space and light. Although, there were various other art performances the term hadn't been coined until the 1960s. By the 1970's the performance art idea spread as a worldwide acknowledged word which with the time began to be treated as a commodity - traded, advertised and sold (Goldberg, 2001). Consequently, the performance artists instilled in their art the direct contact with their audience through the public forum. This evolution of the performance art, eliminated the requirement to f or galleries, agents and brokers to act as mediators between the artists and their audience. On one hand, this opened the art to the general public and aided the artists to maintain a more real contact with their admirers, on the other this process destroyed all aspects of the capitalism and gaining profits from the artists. The main characteristics of the performance art are that: It is in live; There are no specific rules or guidelines, the art is experimental and if the artist says it is art, then it is; It is not for sale, though there might be admission tickets or included film right; It may contain painting or sculpture, music, dance, opera, film footage, poetry, dialogue, live animals, fire and everything that crosses one's mind; It is a legitimate artistic movement and there are many institutions where it is taught as a degree course; It is amusing, shocking, terrifying, entertaining and memorable. The most memorable and affirmative definition that I found about visual art is, is given by Goodman (1982). The comments: "What we know through art is felt in our bones and nerves and muscles as well as grasped by our minds . . . all the sensitivity and responsiveness of the organism participates in the invention and interpretation of symbols (pp.198 - 199)." That is true about performance art is that it is influential, because it reaches everyone, because they can perceive it with their senses and react to the feelings that the art evokes in them. Goodman (1982) a philosopher most of all, notably remarks that visual art is riddled with "philosophic faults and aesthetic absurdities (p. 191)." We can refer the aesthetic absurdities to the quote that Goldberg (2001) stating that art in the 20th century resembles anarchy. If analyzed from a artistic point of view anarchy means performances combined
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Woman in Gothic Art Essay Example for Free
Woman in Gothic Art Essay When I look at the painting of an anonymous gothic woman created by a yet anonymous artist, the most prominent emotion that I feel is wonder. I think about the peculiar way that the woman is dressed and the facial features that her painter had given her. I know of current gothic art and gothic apparel yet these do not seem to match this particular painting. I believe that the artist wants to tell me something about the woman; it could be her attitude, her position in society, and some other things that were the norm during the times that the painting was drawn. It could be that the artist drew the perception of the woman during a particular point in time for a particular society. That is the primary area that I would like to investigate. I would like to discover what can be drawn from the painting that could be attributed to gothic literature, history, or art that existed during the era when the painting was supposedly created.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Business overview of Regent Seven Seas Cruises
Business overview of Regent Seven Seas Cruises Regent Seven Seas Cruises is an organization engaged in the cruise activities that was established in 1994, based in Genova, Italy. Currently, the liner operates three small size cruise ships including one expedition vessel, namely (1) the M/V Seven Seas Voyager, the (2) M/V Seven Seas Mariner, (3) the M/V Seven Seas Navigator and the (4) the Seven Seas Defender (expedition vessel). Regent Seven Seas Cruises have recently announced the addition of one more small size cruise ship which is scheduled to join the fleet in mid 2012. The cruise line operator is competing in the upscale, luxurious segment of the cruise industry and is offering cruises to more than 400 destinations around the world (, 2010). Regent Seven Seas Cruises vessels carry between 500 and 700 guests (depending on the vessels size) and all guests are accommodated in luxurious exterior suites with balconies. By offering an all inclusive experience and maintaining the crew to guest ratio between 1 to 1 or 1,3 (C ruise, 2010), the company has been nominated with numerous international awards by prestigious organizations and magazines such as the Conte Nast Traveler and the American Association of Hospitality Sciences, with the most recent awards that came in for 2010, (1) The International Star Award, (2) The Worlds Best Small Ship Cruise Line Award, (3)The Best Cruise Line Award, (4) The Favorite Cruise Company Award, (5) The Best Luxury Cruise Line Award, (6) The Best Premium Cruise Line Award, (7) The Six Stars Plus Award, (8) The Star luxury Cruise Award, (9) The Best Luxury Cruise Operator Award, (10) The Best Small Specialty/Cruise Company Award and (11) The Africas Leading Cruise Line Award (RSSC, 2010). The Author through this marketing plan conducts a situational analysis of Regent Seven Seas Cruises and moreover analyzes the liners Marketing Strategies, Financials and Controls that will consequently be the Key Success Factors for establishing the liner as the dominant cr uise line in the upscale market of the cruise industry. Situational Analysis In this Chapter the Author will conduct a situational analysis of Regent Seven Seas Cruises and more particularly will analyze (1) the market demographics, (2) the market needs, (3) the market trends and (4) the market growth. Market Summary Targer Markets The markets that Regent Seven Seas Cruises is targeting are the following: Luxurious Cruising Segment Premium Cruising Segment Luxurious Expedition Cruising Segment Market Demographics Geographics Regent Seven Seas Cruises has no preset geographic target area. The liner strategically deploys its vessels around the world and thereby is offering its customers several embarkation options between international ports of calls. That being said, the corporation is able to cater international customers across the globe. Luxurious vessels total passenger capacity is accounted for 22,355 berths, which is approximately the 5% of the world wide total cruise ship capacity. Luxurious cruise line operators during 2010 carried a 5,2% of the total passenger capacity that is approximately 1 million people. This number subsequently represents the population that Regent Seven Seas Cruises is targeting (Cruise Market Watch, 2010). It is interesting to mention that Regent Seven Seas Cruises with a total births count of 2028, carried approximately 90,000 guests onboard their six cruise ships during 2010. In other words this is a 9% market share of the luxurious cruise segment. Demographics Regent Seven Seas Cruises guests are equally distributed between males and females. The average age of Regent Seven Seas Cruises guests is 55+ however this percentage drops to 40 during Caribbean European seasons (RSSC, 2010). The average annual income of Regent Seven Seas Cruises guests is 389,000USD and net worth 4,9USD million (RSSC, 2010). An average of 58% of Regent Seven Seas Cruises guests come from North America, a 29% from the European Union, a 4% from South America, a 2% from South East Asia and the remaining 7% from Other areas (RSSC, 2010). 40% of brand new to Regent Seven Seas Cruises guests have never cruised before and have stated that would definitely repeat a Regent Seven Seas Cruise (RSSC, 2010). Behavior Factors Regent Seven Seas Cruises guests are typically well traveled, highly educated and elegant. They are looking for luxury, attention to detail, pampering comfort. They account quality and value over price and they are mostly interesting in enjoying the onboard cruise experience while developing new friendships. Market Needs Regent Seven Seas Cruises is providing an all inclusive experience onboard luxurious cruise vessels and seeks to fulfill the following crucial points that are critical for the customers satisfaction: High quality cuisine: Regent Seven Seas Cruises is famous for the top quality cuisine onboard their vessels. Regent Seven Seas Cruises constantly develops its high quality cuisine by contracting well known internationally recognized master chefs who are committed to prepare the finest dishes afloat. The top notch cuisine that Regent Seven Seas Cruises sustains has proven to be a crucial factor for the liners success and enables the liner in achieving total guest satisfaction. Strategically deployed itineraries: Regent Seven Seas Cruises is considered an innovator in masterminding itineraries as well as introducing new destinations that have never been visited by other cruise vessels. That is a major reason that guests are sailing onboard Regent Seven Seas Cruises vessels. High quality of service: Another advantage that the organization is sustaining is a wide pool of experienced and well trained service crew members. Those employees are eager to provide their guests unmatched service and have greatly contributed in the organizations total success. A major reason that customers remain loyal to the brand is the excellent and yet intimate services that are being provided while onboard Regent Seven Seas Cruises vessels. Market Trends The intense competition in the cruise industry is merely initiated due to the constantly changing trends. Every year innovating products appear in the market place, which are setting new barriers and thus making the completion fiercer. According to Andrew Adam Newman (2010) a new trend in the cruise industry, based on extensive research, is that nowadays guests are willing to travel alone as they are more eager to develop new friendships with their fellow cruisers. This new revolutionary trend will ultimately reorganize the cruise market, as organizations up to now were marketing their products based on the traditional travelling settings such as couples, families or groups. Another trend, according to S. Soriani, S. Bertazzon, F. Di Cesare and G. Rech (2009) is that cruising in the Mediterranean market has been gaining popularity the past few years and is currently ranking as the second largest destination in the world, following the Caribbean Isles. Regent Seven Seas Cruises will d istinguish itself by emphasizing in the needs of the single guests who are willing to travel alone and will tailor packages with reduced prices. Moreover the liner will introduce onboard entertainment programs that will aim to bring all singles together with an eye towards assisting the single guests in developing new friendships. At this point Regent Seven Seas Cruises will be unable to deploy additional vessels in the blooming Mediterranean Sea market, as the liner has released its 2011 2012 voyage itineraries and several guests have pre-booked their cruises. Market Growth The cruise industry is a constantly growing industry and cruise experts have reported that during 2010 the industry will hit a top record in terms of passengers carried onboard cruise ships. Considering the adversarial period that has devastated the global economy, the cruise industry keeps growing with a rate of about 7% every year. That is merely an outcome of the high value of cruising, as it has been proved by several scientific researches. The Cruise Line International Association (2010) recently stated that Unlike many other industries, cruising, with an impressive history of recession-resistance, had several advantages. These include vessel mobility and redeployment, ability to quickly adapt to change, effective expense management and, above all, a product with the highest perceived value for money spent. According to a research conducted by the Cruise Market Watch (2010) the luxurious segment of the cruise industry, which is the segment that Regent Seven Seas Cruises competes in, is expected to encounter a 30% increase in passenger capacity from 2008 to 2011. This major finding clearly indicates the increasing demand for passengers to travel on luxurious cruises. SWOT Analysis In the following section, the Author will illustrate the key strengths and weaknesses within Regent Seven Seas Cruises and will further analyse the opportunities and threats associated with the liner. Competition The contenders of the luxurious cruise segment are: Silversea Cruises, Crystal Cruise Line, Cunard Cruise Line, Seaborne Cruise Line, Windstar Cruise Line, Seadream Yachts Line and Paul Gauguin Cruises. The two main competitors of Regent Seven Seas Cruises are (a) the Silversea Cruise Line (b) the Seaborne Cruise Line which was recently acquired by Carnival Corporation PLC. Both competitors offer very similar products and aim into providing superior customer service. Both liners have followed cutting costs strategies which is a customer related disadvantage. The mentioned strategies that the Regent Seven Seas Cruises competitors chose to follow have resulted in a slight turnover of their loyal guests. Regent Seven Seas Cruises, with the proposed marketing plan, will aim and acquire those dissatisfied guests, while ensuring that costs are maintained in appropriate levels and the guest satisfaction remains unaltered. Product Offering According to an article n.d. (2010) Successful products are the key to market leadership and top-line financial growth. Unite your enterprise around product and process innovation. Unleash the hidden power within your product lifecycle by transforming your process of innovation. Regent Seven Seas Cruises has been always regarded as a product innovator in the cruise industry and it is proud to state that every single voyage marketed is a unique masterpiece (RSSC, 2010). Enhanced by partnerships with other luxurious brands the product has gained popularity over the years. Regent Seven Seas Cruises currently offers two products, that is (a) Luxurious Cruises and (b) Luxurious Expedition Cruises. Both products share attributes, such as an all inclusive experience, 21 days menu circle, high standards amenities, exterior suites with balconies and the highest ratio space to guest than any other cruise line including mega ships (World Choice Cruise Club, n.d). Furthermore, the expedition bra nd extension of Regent Seven Seas Cruises, is a strong product for the category and is dominating that segment. Regent Seven Seas Cruises, with an eye towards increasing bookings and thus revenues profits, will further amend its products by introducing the following: Onboard credit of 1000USD for each suite Non refundable, only for onboard spending. Reduced fares for air travel arrangements. Complimentary excursions while the vessels are in port (3 to 5 tours) Future cruises booked onboard will be reduced (by 30% to 70%). This will be examined in a case by case basis. Butler services for all guests as opposed to the current setting that only the owners Royal suites guests receive the mentioned service. Custom made voyages. Even though the liner has pre-set voyages, it will allow the guests to custom make their own cruise by choosing their embarkation port and their disembarkation port without being necessarily the ones advertised. That being said, guest will be able to embark ex. in the second day of the cruise and disembark ex. in the 5 day of the next cruise. The liner will introduce the above product enhancements considering the adversarial period that the cruise industry is currently encountering. Undoubtedly, the liner aims to provide the highest product value for money to its future guests, while reflecting flexibility and maintaining style and quality. Keys to Success Regent Seven Seas Cruises keys to success are: Innovation Attention to detail Custom made voyages Doing the extra mile Thriving for product improvement Pay attention to what the customer says Human capital commitment to the brand Personalized intimate service style Critical Issues Regent Seven Seas Cruises while aiming to increase bookings is conscious regarding keeping the product quality as original as possible, in accordance with the liners philosophy and core values. Unequivocally, a judgmental issue, as the liner sustains the biggest loyal customer base of the segment. Moreover, as revealed by extensive research, there is physical evidence that the customer demand for the product has been increasing thus Regent Seven Seas Cruises is aiming to increase its births count with an eye towards sustaining the almost 10% market share. The liner faces liquidity issues hence this is a major factor that should be attended as it will affect the liners future plans in raising capital for future projects. This can set the liner unable to anticipate with the future trends of the booming segment. The liner has maintained a respected profile towards its money lending institutions. Going forward with the future projects, the liner will need the support of such institutions . Nevertheless, due to the current economic situation and considering the liners liquidity issues, the liner might be forced to offer shares of the future projects to its lenders. Marketing Strategy According to Varadarajan, Rajan (2010) At the broadest level, marketing strategy can be defined as an organizations integrated pattern of decisions that specify its crucial choices concerning products, markets, marketing activities and marketing resources in the creation, communication and/or delivery of products that offer value to customers in exchanges with the organization and thereby enables the organization to achieve specific objectives. That said, in this chapter the Author will describe Regent Seven Seas Cruises Marketing Strategy by further analyzing the organizations (1) Mission, (2) Marketing Objectives, (3) Financial Objectives, (4) Target Markets, (5) Positioning, (6) Strategies, (7) Marketing Mix and Marketing Research. Mission Regent Seven Seas Cruises mission is to provide an unforgettable, experience to its guests while ensuring that sustains its leadership position the luxurious cruise segment. Furthermore the liner aims through its top quality product to attract more customers while ensuring that the loyal ones will return. The liner is committed To Elegance, Luxury and Gracious Hospitality (RSSC, 2010) and thrives to achieve perfection by being faultless. Marketing Objectives Regent Seven Seas Cruises marketing objectives are the following: Increase bookings by 15% during 2011 Maintain and expand the companys award winning profile Decrease advertising costs by 7% Financial Objectives Regent Seven Seas Cruises financial objectives are the following: Solving its liquidity issues by following clear cut/ cost efficient strategies Increase profits by 7% during 2011 Raise capital to finance a new building in 2012 Increase in onboard revenue through cross-department advertising Target Markets As discussed in chapter 1 the markets that Regent Seven Seas cruises is targeting are the following: Luxurious Cruise Industry Segment Premium Cruise Industry Segment Luxurious Expedition Cruise Industry Segment Even though Regent Seven Seas Cruises is competing in the luxurious segments of the industry will be making efforts to attract premium cruise line guests. With the proposed product amendments as explained above the product, even though luxurious will be affordable and more appealing to guests who are not willing to spend enormous amounts of money. While considering the all-inclusive experience that the liner offers, the suggested free shore excursions, shipboard credits, custom made voyages, butler services for all and the air-sea travel packages the liner will be able to attract guest from both luxurious premium cruise industry segments. Positioning Regent Seven Seas Cruises will position its redefined product between two categories, that is the Luxurious Premium cruise segments. Arguably, the product offered to the premium segment will be considered as expensive in comparison to the segments standards, nevertheless Regent Seven Seas Cruises marketing campaign will aim to illustrate the major renovations that the product encountered, thus gained value and could be now seen as an affordable luxury. Strategies The liner will position its products in the upscale market segments by seeking cost efficient strategies. This can be achieved by minimizing operating costs. The liner will strategically deploy its vessels around the world and will plan itineraries that are fuel efficient. Furthermore with unionized contracts and by outsourcing its human resources department the liner will aim to contract low-cost services employees from South East Asian countries who are famous for their superior abilities in service and eagerness to please the guests. Additionally, the liner will maintain its tradition of contracting European Officers who will carry the message of the liners European heritage and elegance. The outcome of the cost efficient strategy is projected to save over 10 million USD within the next six quarters. The liner will invest in its website by introducing a more user-friendly environment. Guests will be able to receive information about Regent Seven Seas Cruises travels and will be ab le to take a virtual tour of the various suite categories. The liner will further offer an online booking option where guests will be able to pre arrange their dining venues, their spa appointments and pre book their shore excursions. Lastly, the liner will market its newly shaped product through online, magazine and television advertisements by illustrating the advantages of a small luxurious cruise vessel. The liner recently contracted the famous Italian ex. actress/ model Isabella Rossellini. The model will serve as Regent Seven Seas Cruises ambassador and will be featuring in the new 200 page brochure (atlas) named Regent Seven Seas Cruises: Infinite Possibilities. This will be done in an attempt to emphasize in the elegance and sophistication of Regent Seven Seas Cruises by exposing the same physical characteristics that derive from the actress/ model. The brochure will be distributed to Regent Seven seas Cruises sailing partners agencies as well as to guests who have sailed w ith Regent Seven Seas Cruises in the past. The advertizing campaign the restructuring of the website are expected to cost 6 million USD. Marketing Mix According to Walter van Waterschoot Christophe Van den Bulte (1992)Of the many marketing mix schemata proposed, only McCarthys has survived and it has become the dominant design or received view. His 4P formula discerned four classes: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion, Promotion itself being split into advertising, personal selling, publicity (in the sense of free advertising), and sales promotion. The Regent Seven seas Cruises marketing mix is reflecting the following approaches according to the 4ps of marketing mix: Price: Pricing, in the cruise industry is competition based. Zeithaml, Bitner Gremler (2006) state that the approach is focusing in the prices that other firms are charging in the same market. Thus does not always imply that companies will be charging identical rates for their products or services. The competitors prices are used as a base and the company in order to price the products accordingly. The approach bares several challenges including the difficulty of small organization to make high margins. Nevertheless, Regent Seven Seas Cruises will be following the competition based pricing for the next 2 years, when the economy is expected to start its recovery. The main objective of the liner is to keep the vessels running in full capacity, thus making onboard revenues while covering operating costs. Product: The term product refers to the services provided by Regent Seven Seas Cruises. The services provided with the redefined product that Regent Seven Seas Cruises will market will reflect an innovating package, with many free amenities including 1000USD shipboard credit, several free shore excursions, discounts for future cruises and reduced air fares. Place: Regent Seven Seas Cruises is working towards re engineering its distribution channels. Currently, several contracts with travel agencies are being reviewed by aiming to support the redefined product. Regent Seven Seas Cruises aims to achieve excellence in the pre-cruise as well as past-cruise experience. Cruise experts state that the pre and past cruise experience is essential in achieving the total guest satisfaction. Thus travel agents play a catalytic role in it. Contracting reliable agents thus strengthening the distribution channels, the product will establish its position in the desired markets. Promotion: Regent Seven Seas Cruises will use several methods for successfully advertizing the product. Sales promotions, public relations and publicity will play a decisive role. Moreover, Regent Seven Seas Cruises will continue to pursuit excellence and thus keep receiving international awards which is the ultimate publicity that a liner can build on its marketing efforts. Marketing Research An advantage of the cruise business which has assisted the industry to remain healthy during turbulent periods such as the current economic situation is the services of CLIA (the cruise line international association) and is its commitment to ensure healthy competition. The association undertakes several researches/ surveys and publishes the invaluable findings to its members. Moreover the association exists to promote a safer industry and a healthy cruise vessel environment, while providing training for its travel agency members, and advertising the enhanced value, quality and unique experience of the cruise vacations. That being said, Regent Seven Seas Cruises as an active member of the association enjoys the luxury of this free marketing research. Nevertheless, the liner is an advocate of constant thriving for product improvement thus conducts its own research through surveying its customer base. The extensive valuable feedback that is given on a cruise by cruise basis, has enable d the liner to come up with the innovations that were discussed in the Product Offering point 1.4. Financials In this chapter the Author will describe the Financials of Regent Seven Seas Cruises. More specifically the Author will discuss the organizations Break Even analysis, Sales Forecast and Expenses Forecast and indicate how those activities reflect on Regent Seven Seas Cruises marketing plan. Break Even analysis The liner currently aims to 58% capacity in order to break even with the current services offered. In other words that is 1176 guests who are booked for an average price of 1000USD PPD (per person daily). In order to conduct a break even analysis for the redefined product we need to consider the additional costs that are associated with the project. The variable costs, are expected to encounter a substantial increase with the addition of the shipboard credits, partnerships with airlines/travel agencies as well as the free tours that will be offered. That being said after the introduction of the product the liner should be aiming to a higher number of bookings. The precise number will be determined following the analysis. The total cost of the shipboard credits is expected to range between 22m and 25m USD on a yearly basis and the cost of the free tours is expected to range between 10.5m to 12m on a yearly basis. Additionally, the essential contracts with airlines and travel agencies which are going to play a crucial role in the pre / post cruise experience are budgeted for 5m USD per year. The organizations current operating costs are 429m USD and will reach 471m USD with the addition of the extra costs. That being said the liner should aim to increase its daily pax count by 115 guests per day. This number represents an additional 5.6% to what the liner was breaking even in the past. Nonetheless, the product is expected to gain an invaluable popularity. Sales Forecast The organization feels that the newly defined product will play a catalytic role in resolving its liquidity issues thus sales will positively impact the organizations financial health. The organization will widen its horizons with its product by aiming to a broader audience hence bookings are expected to encounter a more than 20% increase. Expenses Forecast Table 4 summarizes the expenses forecast from 2008 to 2012. Undoubtedly, the organization in 2010 faced the most turbulent period of the past decade. The combination of financing the new project, the out of line expenses and the declining bookings forced the organization to report the greatest revenue dilution of its history. By focusing in cutting unnecessary costs the company aims to stop the cash haemorrhage. More over the new product will push the liner towards a fast financial recovery. Controls In this chapter the Author will discuss the controls of Regent Seven Seas Cruises. That will enable the organization to achieve the desired level of success of the new product. More specifically the Author will discuss the Implementation, the marketing organization and the contingency plan. Implementation Regent Seven Seas Cruises aims to implement the product in 4 steps. The first step includes sharing in house information. Employees will go through onboard/shore side training programs with an eye towards grasping the new product concept. Step two will include the review of the newly made partnerships. The liner should be 100% sure that the travel agencies will be able to support the product. Step three is the advertising. A big task that will be undertaken by BBDO one of the best advertising agencies in the world. Once everything is set, step four is the official offering of the new product. Each of those 4 steps will be a milestone for the Liner. The full implementation is expected to be completed by the end of the 1st quarter of 2011. Freedman (2003) says that The genius is in the implementation thus the liner will ensure that follows those steps accordingly with an eye towards a successful execution. Marketing Organization The organization that will be responsible for undertaking the heavy task of marketing will be BBDO. The mentioned organization has been a part in the success of Regent Seven Seas Cruises, as has been responsible for the liners past marketing campaigns. Contingency Plan Regent Seven Seas Cruises cannot afford not to succeed with the new product. Unfortunately, the high operating costs and other expenses have affected the financial health of the organization. Nevertheless, the liner is facing several other threads from the environment that operates. The recent mergers of its competitors are rather threatening and have made the competition in the luxurious segment very fierce. One of the greatest risks is visibility. The liner operates a small number of sea going vessels thus is not as visible in the market place as other liners are. That being said, the liner will invest on marketing campaigns which will enhance the organizations issue of visibility that faces. When worst comes to worst, the organization will be forced to liquidate the expedition part of its fleet. The mentioned brand extension, has enabled the liner to acquire new customers and is dominating the luxurious expedition segment of the industry. Nevertheless this brand extension has not been profitable as of yet. The last risk that should be taken at this time is to sustain extensions that are contributing in setting the organization financially weak. Regent Seven Seas Cruises (2010) Home [online] Available from: (Accessed: 03 Jan 2011) Regent Seven Seas Cruises (2010) Destinations [online] Available from: (Accessed: 03 Jan 2011) Regent Seven Seas Cruises (2010) News [online] Available from: (Accessed: 03 Jan 2011) Cruise in Luxury (2010) Regent Seven Seas Cruises [online] Available from (Accessed: 03 Jan 2011) Cruise Industry Wire (2008) Articles [online] Available from: (Accessed: 14 Dec 2010) Cruise Market Watch (2008) Luxurious Segment Growth [online] Available from: (Accessed: 14 Dec 2010) Cruise Market Watch (2009) Regent Seven Seas Cruises [online] Available from (Accessed: 03 Jan 2011) Andrew Adam Newman (2010) The Power of One [online] Available from: (Accessed: 17 Dec 2010) S. Soriani, S. Bertazzonz, F. Di Cesare and G. Rech (2009) Cruising in the Mediterranean [online] Available from: (Accessed: 17 Dec 2010) World Choice Cruise (2010) Cruise Lines; Regent Seven Seas [online] Available from: (Accessed: 03 Jan 2011) Regent Seven Seas Cruises (2010) All Inclusive Value [online] Available from: (Accessed: 03 Jan 2011) Siemens (2010) Automation [online] Available from: (Accessed: 19 Dec 2010) Varadarajan, Rajan (2010) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science [online] Available from: (Accessed: 19 Dec 2010) Walter van Waterschoot Christophe Van den Bulte (1992)The 4P Classification of the Marketing Mix Revisited [online] Available from: (Accessed: 20 Dec 2010) Bitner, M. J. Grembler, D. D. Zeithanl, V. A. (2006) Services Marketing; I
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Effects of Imperialism on Society Essay -- Politics, Power, Authority,
As the 21st century begins, the economic infrastructure of the Globe continues to feel the lasting affects of Imperialism in the 20th century and beyond. During the previous century there were two key characters, Germany and the United States, who both played a vital role in producing the economic setting we have today. The use of Imperialist policies in Germany, specifically leading up to and during the Nazi regime, and the United states, specifically in the Post-WWII era, would dictate much of how our present economic system would function. In previous centuries, these flawed policies of imperialism offered a tactless criterion which industrializing nations were to use if at all interested in accumulating wealth or having access to the Global market. These policies called for the domination and exploitation of other nations thereby contributing to the formation of the list of nations we refer to today as the â€Å"the Third World†. Although colonialism and most forms of imp erialism have formally been eradicated since the 1950s, the affects can clearly be seen lingering within International markets and the Global structure. A thorough understanding of imperialism and its effects on todays societies must be preceded by a firm understanding of its definition and familiarity with its history. As with almost any -ism it is very difficult to clearly define exactly what imperialism is, but the Merriam-Webster Dictionary broadly defines it as being: the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when imperialism was first implemented, but again this is simply because of the diversity of definitions among opposing groups. Despite its shiftiness, there is a generally understood answer to ... ... the world and as a result have left billions below the poverty line. The unfortunate thing is that the imperialist ideology does less for the working class and more for the capitalist class which is considered to be the â€Å"governor of the imperial engine†. In reality it simply does not make sense for the nation but makes total sense for the financial interest of the minority (Magdoff 34). Imperialist policy has lingered in our society with nation being subjugate to other nations through the economy and politics lean up. But emancipation is possible through questions and democracy, as Alexis de Tocqueville once said â€Å" vigilance is the price of liberty, independent and vigorous criticism is the only safeguard of our liberties†(Winslow 460). It is said that to be a super power, one must remain imperialistic but for the sake of we should try to find other alternatives.
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