Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Segmental reporting Essay Example For Students
Segmental announcing Essay Index1Introduction to segmental reporting22Origin of segmental reporting22.1The fineness-theorem22.2Market productivity theory22.3Agency theory22.4Accounting theory33The most significant segmental detailing standards33.1International Accounting Standard 14 (IAS 14)33.1.1The International Accounting Standards Committee33.1.2The International Accounting Standards Board43.1.3IAS 14: Segment reporting43.1.3.1Objective of IAS 14 (revised) of IAS 14 (revised) of segments53.1.3.4Information that must be disclosed53.2SSAP 2564Comparison with nearby GAAPs65Evaluation of segmental reporting65.1Advantages65.2Disadvantages75.2.1Costs of segmental reporting75.2.1.1Monetary costs75.2.1.2Lost time of management75.2.1.3Decrease in adventure sense75.2.2Difficulties one can involvement in the presentation of the announcing requirements75.2.2.1Difficulties concerning the recognizable proof of segments85.2.2.2Difficulties identified with the data to be disclose d8Segmental reporting1Introduction to segmental reportingSegmental revealing can be viewed as the examination of the money related data of a venture or gathering between the distinctive business exercises or potentially the diverse geographic zones wherein it works . The explanation behind this detailing division into various business exercises and geographic territories is that these have diverse benefit possibilities, development openings, degrees and sort of hazard, paces of return and capital needs. On account of these distinctions, it is conceivable that united fiscal reports are not adequate (these budget summaries sum up the outcomes and money related situation for the revealing substance all in all). The revelation of data about an undertakings activity in various ventures, its remote tasks and fare deals, and its significant clients, as a fundamental piece of budget reports, may give an answer for this issue (Thoen and Lefebvre, 2001). 2Origin of segmental reportingFour hypotheses that are portrayed by a bookkeeping or a budgetary foundation can be considered as variables that made a requirement for the division of data. In the accompanying passages, a concise portrayal of these hypotheses will be given. 2.1The fineness-theoremThis hypothesis expresses that given two sets containing a similar data, in the event that one is separated all the more finely, it will be in any event as significant as the other set. Applied to segmental detailing, this implies the sectioned data will consistently contain data that is as normal and important as the data gave by totaled budget summaries. 2.2Market effectiveness theoryAccording to Fama (1970), three sorts of productivity can be recognized, contingent upon the accessible data: (1) feeble structure proficiency, (2) semi-solid structure effectiveness, and (3) in number structure productivity. A market is effective in the feeble structure when every single past cost are reflected in todays cost. A market is proficient in the semi-solid structure when costs mirror all open data. Finally, a market is productive in the solid structure when all data in a market, regardless of whether open or private, is reflected in the cost. The announcing of sectioned data by organizations might be helpful to make progressively effective markets. This is on the grounds that this sort of data builds the straightforwardness of the organization which may assist with making progressively exact forecasts about future additions. 2.3Agency theoryThe organization hypothesis concerns the connection between a head (for example clients and investors of budgetary data) and a specialist of the head (for example companys managers)1. Since both the head and the operator need to boost their own utility and in light of the fact that these utilities are not equivalent, organization expenses and doubt of the investors towards the executives emerge (Emmanuel ; Garrod, 1992). As the two gatherings have various utilities that they need to boost, they additionally have an alternate assessment on the amount, the degree of detail and by what implies the data in regards to the organization ought to be made open. Operators, for instance, tend to retain data since they are anxious about the possibility that that contenders will exploit this data or on the grounds that they don't need worker's guilds or representatives to utilize the data to think about gaining figures from various portions (Thoen ; Lefebvre, 2001). These days, money related examiners look negative toward organizations that don't flexibly segmental data. Their terrible assessment of such organizations involves a negative effect on the offer estimations of those organizations which on their turn powers the organization to give more data. Deze tekst zeker nog veranderen2.4Accounting theoryThis hypothesis expresses that the arrangement of fragmented data is essential so as to have the option to pass judgment on vulnerability and to more readily esteem the companys exercises. The explanation here front, is that such data makes it conceivable to make significant decisions of dangers and to anticipate future income in an increasingly precise manner. 3The most signi ficant segmental revealing standards3.1International Accounting Standard 14 (IAS 14)3.1.1The International Accounting Standards CommitteeThe IASC was framed in 1973 at the activity of Henry Benson, a British contracted bookkeeper, who was around then leader of the organization that would later become PricewaterhouseCoopers. The targets of this board of trustees were (Flower and Ebbers, 2004):To define and distribute in the open enthusiasm bookkeeping gauges to be seen in the introduction of fiscal summaries and to advance their overall acknowledgment and recognition. To work for the most part for the improvement and harmonization of guidelines, bookkeeping norms and systems identifying with the introduction of budget summaries. Somewhere in the range of 1974 and 2000, the IASC gave nearly forty measures, however these were so ambiguous and allowed such a large number of elective bookkeeping medicines that they did little to diminish the assorted variety of monetary revealing practice all through the world. Anyway before the finish of the 90s, two advancements made it increasingly likely that the IASCs measures would become applied and acknowledged around the world. The principal concerned the choice of the EU to align itself with the IASC with a definitive point of allowing European MNEs to utilize the IAS norms for their records. Besides, a significant understanding was made so as to improve the worthiness of the IASs by the universes stock trades. All the more precisely, the IASC concurred with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), which speaks to the national stock trade administrative bodies at the global level, that the last would prescribe the national administrative bodies to allow outside worldwide partnerships to utilize the IASs depending on the prerequisite that the IASC would convey increasingly subjective IASs. These two advancements were critical to upgrade the status and the adequacy of the measures. Character Disorders Essay Paper5.2.1Costs of segmental reportingAccording to Mautz (1968), the expanding expenses of segmental detailing can be separated into three gatherings, (1) money related costs, (2) costs coming about because of the lost time of the executives, and (3) the expense coming about because of the decline in adventure sense. costsThese costs will be costs for extra faculty, for the augmentation of the framework that assembles data and for the extra review of the divided data. Nonetheless, Radebaugh and Gray (1993) imply that, by and large, these extra expenses are not material when you understand that administration has a great deal of opportunity to pick the various sections. In this manner, the board has the likelihood to let these portions relate tantamount to conceivable to the structure of the organization. In addition, organizations effectively gather data for interior purposes, so the additional expenses for outer detailing are limited. time of managementThis kind of cost has to do with the time the board loses when it needs to respond to addresses identified with the extra data. in adventure senseThis kind of costs ascends from the transient considering speculators and different clients of money related data. The executives needs to consider the cost-viability of their organization both on the long and the short run. Because it additionally needs to take a gander at the since quite a while ago run cost-adequacy, it is conceivable that it will make misfortunes in the short run. In the event that the clients of the extra data will just assess the board on their short run outcomes, opportunities of a lifetime exists that these supervisors won't take a gander at the since quite a while ago run any longer and simply center around momentary increases. Obviously, this is disadvantageous for the organization. 5.2.2Difficulties one can involvement in the presentation of the revealing requirementsHere, in any event two sorts of issues can be recognized. Above all else, challenges concerning the ID of sections can emerge. Inquiries here can be on which premise the sections must be recognized, what size the various portions need to have and what number of fragments must be revealed. A subsequent trouble is identified with the distinguishing proof of data to be unveiled. concerning the recognizable proof of segmentsA first trouble is to decide the correct premise on which the various fragments must be recognized. A significant point that must be remembered is that the exercises who have a place with one fragment must be comparable (homogeneous) to one another and that the exercises who have a place with various portions must be heterogeneous to one another. A subsequent trouble concerns the choice of a division measurement. Organizations have the decision between four techniques that are accessible for the recognizable proof of fragments: (1) division dependent on line-of-business, (2) division dependent on land zones of exercises, (3) division dependent on the inner corporate structure, and (4) sections for every individual market in which the organization is working. Enterprises may
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Disscuction Example
Disscuction Example Disscuction †Article Example Collective Programs in Schools Approaches for improving cooperative projects in schools Collaborative projects inschools normally includes those projects which give and offers an extra multidisciplinary experience for understudies and understudies that are conceded or taken on at least two extraordinary and free establishments (Doorley and Witthoft, 2012). These organizations are confirmed for this community by applicable experts for instance wellbeing projects and law programs. The projects are significant since various youngsters in schools accompany extraordinary and complex clinical, social and training difficulties and nobody can address these difficulties henceforth a requirement for joint effort between educators, guardians and different experts in various foundations (Gimpel and Collett, 2010).ApproachesCollaboration with other calling: Due to increment in language assorted variety and understudy with unique needs, it’s representing a test for influenced gatherings to cooperate to address the issues of these understudies (Harrison, 2001).Collaboration with the network: This helps network building endeavors both all through the school. The encompassing network for the most part impacts the understudies how they feel about themselves and their demeanor towards instruction. Issues like financial status, family foundation and wellbeing normally influence the children’s inspiration and premium learning.Collaboration with the state law: State laws improve and in certain occasions need collective endeavors in addressing the requirements of the kids (Doorley and Witthoft, 2012). For instance in No Child abandoned demonstration of 2002 it need that each school should think of procedures for guaranteeing great approaches to establish and work together with parentsGoalsEthics: It assumes basic job in training concerning dynamic since the activities and words expressed by the instructor impacts enormously the being of the understudy character. Since t he kids are going to meet distinctive unique condition, the shared projects uncovered him/her ahead of schedule to these various sorts of condition (Doorley and Witthoft, 2012).Legal worries: Since now day’s courts are all the more every now and again associated with issues that occur in school it has constrained instructors and understudies to know about lawful issues extending from understudies and their privileges to showing contracts (Gimpel and Collett, 2010). Through the synergistic projects, it has empowered organizations to share their legitimate structure subsequently improving mindfulness among the stakeholders.Promotes a learning communityCollaboration programs in schools particularly for this situation, with the network will upgrade esteems like sharing thoughts through group and gathering work, esteeming the significance of communalism (Harrison, 2001). Guardians and understudies are likewise part of school dynamic through joint effort program and formation of ne w policies.References Doorley, S., and Witthoft, S. (2012). Make space: How to make way for inventive coordinated effort. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley and Sons.Gimpel, P. G., and Collett, B. R. (2010). Shared home/school mediations: Evidence-based answers for enthusiastic, conduct, and scholastic issues. New York: Guilford Press.Harrison, B. (2001). Collective projects in indigenous networks: From hands on work to rehearse. Pecan Creek [u.a.: AltaMira Press.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Most delicious deliverables ever
Most delicious deliverables ever BEHOLD! I MADE FOOD! GOOD FOOD! Remember when I set my IAP resolution to cook dinner every night? Well, I did it!* *Okay, I mostly did it. There were a few nights where I went to our student center convenience store for a pbj bagel sandwich because we had a hard track workout that day and gosh darnit all I want is some peanut butter and some carbs after a tough run and I’m not in any mood to assemble it myself. Still, serving up two entrees with leftovers each week is mighty impressive in my opinion when I have UROP, Track, and play rehearsals going on. The womens track team had a baking night where we made one of our favorite treats, ice cream cone cupcakes. The chocolate one looks melted, but thats just an effect from the hardened frosting!By the end of IAP, I never knew when culinary creativity would strike. One Sunday, when I had an hour of free time between the end of a long run and a rehearsal (hang on, I’ll get to that), I decided that was a perfect time to make tiramisu. But I didn’t have mascarpone, or coffee, or even espresso. So I turned to greek yogurt and chai tea instead. It was like a melting pot tiramisu, and I ate it all. I would say the biggest difference between this IAP and last IAP was my ruthlessness in adapting recipes. Some were my own changes (I put cranberries in the cheese gougeries because I had so. many. cranberries in my freezer), but others were friendly tips. A few hours before Operation: MacNCheese commenced, I was advised to add a little mustard in with the cheese. Now, my recipe called for nutmeg to be added with the cheese, and I had never made macaroni and cheese in any way, shape, form, or box in my life, but I was more than willing to make a game-day starting lineup switch. This is because I don’t particularly like nutmeg. Nutmeg is an excellent team player, but not a stand-alone star. To put this in elementary school terms, when you were choosing teams for dodgeball, you always picked cinnamon first, nutmeg second. Nutmeg is like the Ryan Seacrest of spices. It gets to mingle with all the hottest stars, but isn’t particularly talented itself. You see what I mean? Nutmeg: out. Mustard: in. Dinner: delicious. Now, I could wrap up this uncharacteristically short entry with the implications of my cooking adventures (because believe me, there were adventures), detailing how I practiced important engineering leadership capabilities such as resourcefulness (there is no mascarpone within a 1-mile radius of my room which is significant since it’s snowy and oh look! Greek yogurt is right here), decision-making (do I follow through with the mustard advice?), and meeting a deadline (I will start eating uncooked cornmeal if I don’t get some French toast up on this plate). I could do all that, but there’s a pear clafouti recipe I’m dying to try so I better go. I will leave you with proof of my other exciting IAP adventure that I briefly mentioned in my vlog intro video. I was in MIT Dramashop’s production of Hydriotaphia, in which I basically played a homeless woman from the 1600s. I used more conditioner in our two-week performance period than I probably normally do in a two-month period. Middle: Xindi 10 and I as the Ranters in Tony Kushners Hydriotaphia. Bottom: The Ranters try to convince Dame Dorothy (Alex 12) to come to America on their ship. Last two photos by Eric Levenson. Okay, off to core some pears. If this entry drove your stomach crazy, feel free to click on the food pics to get the recipes!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Comparison Between Christopher Marlowes Doctor Faustus...
Christopher Marlowes Doctor Faustus versus William Shakespeares Twelfth Night Both Christopher Marlowes Doctor Faustus and William Shakespeares Twelfth Night deploy many of the same characteristic rhetorical features of 16th century verse dramas. Both plays are characterized by highly elaborate language, usually in iambic pentameter, although different types of verse structures are occasionally used to convey different moods or character types. Both plays combine tragedy and comedy within the same narrative, often showcasing comedic scenes after tragic ones and vice versa. However, Marlowe and Shakespeares use of language reflect fundamentally different views of the human character in literature. Marlowes language is essentially presentational. He tells rather than shows the listener what is going on and how Faustus character is evolving. Shakespeare, in contrast, uses language to dramatize scenes in which characters undergo real, meaningful changes. At the beginning of Doctor Faustus, the Chorus looks at the audience and explains what the play will be about. In the first soliloquy, Faustus is a learned scholar and is contemplating selling his soul to the devil. What doctrine call you this, Che sera, sera, / What will be, shall be? Divinity, adieu. Faustus speaks in a language filled with literary allusions and complex verse. He summons Mephistopheles after being visited by two angels, one of whom counsels him to sell his soul, the other of whom tells him to be
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Why The British Petroleum Was Responsible For The Accident
No doubt that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill was one of the worst and the largest oil in the history of the world. In the following essay we will discuss about the various aspects related to the accident and find out whether if the British Petroleum was responsible for the accident. BP or British Petroleum is the largest corporation in the United Kingdom and is an international company that operates in oil, gas and chemical industry. The company is headquartered at London. It owns various refineries as well as chemical plants across the globe. The company produces around 32000,000 barrels of oil daily and operates more than 25K oil service stations across the world with total employee strength up to 85,000. (, 2015) In Gulf of Mexico, BP had been operating the offshore drilling rig called Deepwater Horizon which it had leased from the Transocean. During the mid of April 2010, there was explode on it as a result of which it had collapsed. This had caused the rupture in the riser of the deep oil well where it has been operating. It was followed by the largest ever oil spill in which around five million barrels of oils was released in the marine environment of gulf of around seventy thousand sq. miles. The accident had also claimed eleven on board causalities and seventeen critical injuries. More than 2 million gallons of chemical was used to clear up the spill. This spill had resulted in heavy losses for the company both financially and in terms of respect. TheShow MoreRelatedBritish Petroleum And Oil Spill1197 Words  | 5 Pagesin the Gulf of Mexico. The ocean was filled with oil which harmed the environment. The oil spill is considered to be the biggest spill in the United States. Several sea creatures were covered with oil, it contaminated them and killing others. The local people were affected by the oil change by having no job due to the water being toxic. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Legal Ethics in Singapore Free Essays
Legal Ethics Laws, regulations and codes of conduct attempts to define standards of behaviour for lawyers in society. They form an important part of the jurisdiction’s regulatory process. These laws and codes of conduct demand a certain standard in which legal professionals should adhere to in their professional and private lives. We will write a custom essay sample on Legal Ethics in Singapore or any similar topic only for you Order Now It also represents a standard of ethical behaviour defined by legislators and professional bodies. In Singapore, there are a number of primary sources of legal ethics. The following are the main sources of legal ethics: * The Legal Profession Act Subsidiary legislation * Practice directions from the courts * Practice directions form the Law Society * Judicial decisions and opinions on legal ethics Lawyers are bound to these laws and regulation and must adhere to them diligently so as to not straw away from ethical behaviour or to a harsher extent of being banned from practising law in Singapore. In essence, a lawyer’s duty can be categorized into two main groups. They are the lawyers (I) duty to the court and (ii) duty to the client. The tables below explain briefly, the various duties lawyers have to the court and to their clients. Lawyer’s duty to the Court Duty | Explanation| Truthfulness in Court| – Rule 2(2) A Professional Conduct Rules- Must not mislead the court| Responsibility to Client’s Conduct| – Responsible for client’s conduct and representation of the case| Honoring Undertaking to the Court| – A Lawyer’s word must be his bond| Respect for the Court| – Lawyer’ conduct must be consistent with standing, dignity authority of the court | Responsibility in Assisting Administrative Justice| – Lawyers are officers of the court| Lawyer’s duty to the Client Duty | Explanation| Honesty| – Honesty in all dealings with the client| Diligence Competence| – Lawyer is expected to exercise necessary skills and diligently apply himself to the case| Confidentiality| – Obligation to maintain confidentiality of all communication between him and client| Conflict of Interest| – Lawyer’s conduct must not be influenced by personal or private interests| A lawyer’s challenge is to balance his responsibilities to assist the court with his duty to look after the best interest of his client. In essence, his duty to the administration of justice is weighed higher than the duty he has to his client. However, it brings about a concern for lawyers when defending their clients. This can be seen in situations in where a lawyer has to exercise his judgement in introducing evidence to the court. If the lawyer does not exercise his judgement in the favour of the court, he is putting his client at a disadvantage. Therefore it is extremely important that a lawyer does adhere to his duty to the court without compromising the position or case of his in any way for it to be advantageous for all parties. How to cite Legal Ethics in Singapore, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Music and Adolescence free essay sample
By looking at the extent of the music consumption in the lives of adolescents, it is readily apparent that USIA plays an important part in their lives (North, Harvested ONeill, 2000). Music holds the power to influence many aspects of adolescents lives, both positively and negatively. It can relax or energize the body, influence cognitive development, enhance self-healing, and foster both comfort and discomfort (Essence Berger, 2006). In this paper, we will kick at the effects that music can have on developing adolescent lives, socially, emotionally, and cognitively.There are many ways in which music plays an important role in the social development of adolescents. According to Johnston and Katz 1957), music has important outcomes for the their colonization, because music and peer affiliations provide adolescents with significant social opportunities and relationships. This preferred music of peers who are admired at this time, whether for sound or trivial reason, is likely to become the affiliating partys choice (as cited in Miranda Class, 2009). Simon Firth (1987) acknowledges teenage identify formation as one of the main social functions of their music (as cited in Campbell et al, 2007).Teens fill their lives with music, gather around it, talk about it, all in a spirit of sociability. High schools bear witness to many cliques who mark themselves by their music and provide a way for adolescents to identify with others, in their process of solidification (Descends 1987). Many books and articles have been written suggesting that sub-cultures form around different genres of pop-music. One factor that motivates adolescents to listen to music, are the benefits it brings with a sense of belonging With peers (North Harvested, 1999).Music can help diminish boundaries between those of different ethnic, or social backgrounds. (Campbell et al, 2007) One 13 year old said hat music gave her a sense of a having a place to belong, both inside and outside the walls of school. Once a group focuses on a particular style of music, its members benefit, as they have defined themselves as part of a cultural elite, and attain the emotional gratifications of belonging. (Gilligan Gang) page 60 of Social Physiology of Music Edited by Harvested North..One possible reason that adolescents might gravitate to particular styles of music, is as a means of helping them to define their own identities. A preference for a certain style Of music can carry a message to other adolescents, in regards to where they think they belong with their personal attitudes, characteristics and values. Studies show that adolescents use their music preferences as a way of telling others about themselves (North Harvested, 1999). Rock music is often a natural target of interest for adolescents, and one reason may be that it can open the exploration of emerging sexual thoughts and feelings.The beat and firm pulse associated with rock music is both safe and exciting and can create state of mind in which fantasy and ones own body join together (Terror, 2001 Teens listen to USIA that their friends listen to, form bonds or social groups with people they want to belong with, so musical preferences become a sense of belonging for both personal and group identity (Levities, 2006). Brown Klutz (2003) found that in adolescence, social identity and relationships undergo tremendous changes, as the teen shifts their relationship from parents to peers (as cited in Miranda Grandeur, 2011).There is a link between this transitional time an adolescent is going through of parental protection to independence, and their desire for seeking and joining a preference culture hat serves as a connection to their maturity (Gilligan Can). According to Larson Ekberg (1 995), music can form an important part of the adolescent emerging from the cocoon Of familial identity (as cited in Campbell et al 2007). This function of breaking away from parents, is found in some genres of music that include lyrics that express defiance of those who are perceived to control the lives of adolescents. Gilligan Garn). According to Bleach, Gilligan Weaver (1 991), some studies indicate that teens who listen to certain rebellious forms of music such as heavy metal or rap, may also be ore likely to engage in delinquent behaviors (as cited in North Harvested, 1999). In other instances, music has also been shown to promote family bonding and communication between adolescents and parents (Miranda Gaudier, 2010). Music can also play an important role in the emotional development Of adolescents. The power of music to evoke emotions is evident in advertisements, movies, and mothers.Music can affect adolescents emotionally at a level deeper than is possible with words alone (Terror, 2001 It is used to manipulate our emotions to deeper levels because the emotions e experience in response to music take part in the cortex; the heart of emotional processing (Levities, 2006). Music can evoke both relaxation or stimulation and can also open up channels of self-expression. For the teenager this can provide a m eans of coping with powerful emotions and fantasies during this critical period of development. For some adolescents it can create a feeling of safety, where they feel free to express feelings.It enables them to connect with, and share feelings of love, longing, anger, sadness, rage, grief, longing, as well as to experience both closeness and isolation. It can give shelter to the distressed and confused adolescent. This process of expressing emotions with music, can help the adolescent to transition from childhood gratification to work on changes and dreams connected with adolescence (Terror, 2001 Self-esteem is an important part of an adolescents development and the emotional support and social approval from others can influence a childs self esteem (Contract, MacKenzie-Rivers, Malison, Lung (201 1).Studies show that adolescents preferences of music reflected an attempt to match their own self concept, with perceptions of the people who typically listen to that style. Higher levels of self esteem were also noted to be associated with adolescents identifying themselves more s trongly with a particular musical sub culture (North Harvested, 1999). Studies have shown that music can be associated with mental health issues in adolescents. Certain genres of music have been reported to be related to risk of suicide, self harm, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and recklessness (Eking, Topology, Topology, Subconscious, Broker, 2012). However, there is a bidirectional relationship between music preferences and mental health issues. While preference for certain types of music may be red flags for mental lath problems, it may also be true that preferring these music types reflects the real cause of the problems (Eking et al). For instance, there has been much controversy over the influence of heavy metal music and teenage suicide.A couple decades ago, two famous heavy metal bands were unsuccessfully sued by the parents of suicide victim adolescents, because their music was being played while the adolescents died. (Eking et al) Studies indicate that preference for heavy metal music among adolescents may be a red flag for increased suicidal vulnerability, but the results also confirm that he characteristics of adolescents play a more important role as risk factors to suicidal behaviors, than their musical preference (Shell Westfield,1999).In one study, heavy metal music listeners were found to have a significant increase in positive attitude after listening to the music they prefer (Eking et al, 2012). Other studies confirmed that, for the majority of teenagers, listening to all genres of music has a positive effect on mood (Shell Westfield,1999). Music techniques have also been shown to be an effective method of treating adolescent mental health issues, because an adolescents life is in many ways, entered around and heavily influenced by music (Davis, Hendricks, Robinson Bradley 1999).There are also many ways in which music plays an important role in the cognitive development of adolescents. According to Arent Larson (1 995), music has been found to provide adolescents with a medium which to construct, negotiate and modify aspects of their personal identity, offering them a range of strategies for knowing themselves and connecting with others (as cited in Campbell et al, 2007).It is in the adolescent years, that one begins to discover that there exists a world of different ideas, different ultras and different ideas (Levities, 2006). Students claimed that they were not only in trigued by, but also thought it was important to know music as a means of understanding other civilizations, musics role in history, or stories of composers and performers. Music was described as an asset to shaping the broader sense of themselves, and how they might use what they know to be successful in the world (Campbell et al, 2007). It has been shown that musical activity involves nearly every region of the brain that we know about Therefore, it should be no surprise that music might enhance seasoning, motor functions, computation, auditory discernment, and coordination in adolescents lives (Hellenic, 2010). Studies have shown that the brain that is engaged in music undergoes neurological changes, and the findings suggest that music stimulates complex cognitive processes (T haute, 2008).The adolescence brain is forming new connections at an explosive rate, and this applies to the music heard and performed; new music connects other parts of the brain to what we were listening to during this critical period (Levities, 2006). It is interesting to note that studies have been one in people with altimeters, and although their memory loss deteriorates, many of these elderly people can still remember the songs they heard when they were fourteen!It has been observed that the reason the brain remembers this, is that our t eenage years were filled with many new emotional components and our magical and neurotransmitters acted to tag these memories (Levities, 2006). According to Gigged et al (as cited in Hellenic, 2010), adolescence is a period of synaptic pruning that strengthens the connections that are used more frequently and eliminates the ones that are not; this is influenced by things in which the adolescent participates. Chemistry Holland claim that both musical and mathematical processing access those synapses.So, the individual who is practicing music is also strengthening the neural connections that control mathematical reasoning (as cited in Hellenic, 2010). Formal music instruction during ones middle school years, indicates additional educational benefits for achievement in other academic areas, particularly in mathematics. Adolescence psychogenesis might present a window of opportunity during middle school for music to create and strengthen enduring neural connections in those regions (Hellenic, 2010).Barr and Christensen have noted that learning to read music involves manipulating patterns and symbols, which are fundamental concepts in algebra. If music and mathematics utilize the same general cortical areas, then the practice of one should influence the other (as cited in Hellenic, 2010). That could explain why the music instruction seems to enhance achievement in other areas such as math. According to Moran (2004), music teachers also assert that studying music fosters creativity, diverse thin king, and problem-solving skills (as cited in Hellenic, 2010).
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Ranthambore National Park free essay sample
Ranthambore National Park or Ranthambhore is one of the largest national parks in northern India. It is situated in Sawai Madhopurdistrict of southeastern Rajasthan, about 110 km north east of Kota and 130 km south east of Jaipur, which is also the nearest airport. The nearest town and railway station is at Sawai Madhopur, about 11 km away; Kota is another convenient station as many trains stop there. RIDCOR operates a mega highway between Kota and Ranthambhore. Ranthambhore was established as the Sawai Madhopur Game Sanctuary in 1955 by the Government of India, and was declared one of theProject Tiger reserves in 1973. Ranthambore became a national park in 1980. In 1984, the adjacent forests were declared the Sawai Man Singh Sanctuary and Keladevi Sanctuary, and in 1991 the tiger reserve was enlarged to include the Sawai Man Singh and Keladevi sanctuaries. Ranthambore wildlife sanctuary is known for its tigers and is one of the best places in India to see these majestic predators in the jungle. We will write a custom essay sample on Ranthambore National Park or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tigers can be easily spotted even during the day time. A good time to visit Ranthambore National Park is in November and May when the nature of the dry deciduous forests makes sightings common. Its deciduous forests were once a part of the magnificent jungles of Central India. The park lies at the edge of a plateau, and is bounded to the north by the Banas River and to the south by the Chambal River. There are several lakes in the park. It is named for the historic Ranthambhore fortress, which lies within the national park. The park covers an area of 392 km? , and is known for its tiger population, and is one of Indias Project Tiger reserves. Other major wild animals include leopard, nilgai,wild boar, sambar, hyena, sloth bear and chital. It is also home to wide variety of trees, plants, birds and reptiles. Ranthambore is also the site of one of the largest banyan trees in India. Ranthambore is best known for its large tiger population. As tourism in the park increased, so did the population of neighbouring villages. This led to increasing amounts of fatal human-tiger interactions and poaching. The Indian Government started Project Tiger in 1973 with an allotted area of 60 mi2. It was later expanded to become what is now called, the Ranthambore National Park. Besides tigers, the reserve has thriving bird population with more than 270 different species of birds here. [1] In 2005, there were 26 tigers living in Ranthambore. This was significantly lower than the recorded tiger population of the reserve in 1982, which then stood at 44. According to non-government sources there were 34 adult tigers in the Ranthambore National Park in 2008. More than 14 tiger cubs were also recorded. This was largely attributed to sustained efforts by forest officials to curb poaching. Villagers in the region were being given incentives to stay out of the park and surveillance cameras were also fitted across the reserve. [2] The Indian government also committed US$153 million for the efforts. [2] These efforts have been successful with Ranthambore having enough tigers to participate in the Sariska Tiger Reserve relocation efforts. [3] The first aerial relocation of the male tiger (Dara) from Ranthambore to Sariska was done using a Mi-17 helicopter on 28 Jun 2008 by Wing Commander Vimal Raj. Unfortunately, this translocated tiger died on 15 November 2010 due to poisoning.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Air Pollution Affects Us More Than We Think Professor Ramos Blog
Air Pollution Affects Us More Than We Think Did you know that air pollution does not just affect our environment and health, but that it also affects us psychologically? When someone says air pollution people usually tend to think of factories putting chemicals in the air, forest fires, or old cars. What they do not think of is all the problems that come out of air pollutions. When getting to know about pollution it is important to know other countries who have gone through it such as china, the type of health problems that it causes, the psychological issue, and the solution.Since 1982 China has dealt with the problem of air pollution. A majority of the pollution in China comes from the four major cities Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, and Shanghai that have an air quality level of PM 2.5. PM stands for particulate matter which is the particles found in the air such as dust, dirt, smoke, chemicals, etc. PM 2.5 means that the particles in the air are 2.5 micrometers. Our bodies are able to breath in and exhale PM10 particles and we will be fine, but for PM2.5 it â€Å"is much more dangerous to our health as it can penetrate deep into our lungs and enter our bloodstream.†(Health and safety, 7). The air quality in China has gotten so bad that it has contributed to 1.6 million deaths in 2014. To help solve the air pollution, China has many air quality monitors that monitor on the ground daily. The monitors have found out that â€Å"a wide variety of factors may influence the PM2.5 level, which may be closely related to environmental and industrial factors, we focus on inferring statistical dependence and causal relations between four major cities in China based on the PM2.5 measurement data as observational evidence.†(Min Kim, 6). Due to the monitors they are not certain that it is the factories that are the main source causing the bad air quality, but they are working on making the chemicals coming out of factories better.The type of health issues that air pollution can cause are nausea, diffi culty in breathing, skin irritation, or even cancer. It could also cause health problems such as birth defects, serious developmental delays in children, and reduced activity of the immune system. What happens is that heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, dioxins, etc. goes into the nervous system and causes those types of problems. â€Å"Moreover, there exist several susceptibility factors such as age, nutritional status and predisposing conditions.†(Kampa, Castanas, 11). Memory and attention are another common health problem that comes from air pollution. A study of air pollution exposure during children’s first year at life found that it associates â€Å"with reduced psychomotor development, as well as with autism spectrum disorder, and impairment in cognitive development.†(Rivas, 4). How they did this study is they got a group of kids between the ages of seven through ten from Barcelona, Spain and New York, New York to take three tests. The ns of th is is that people feel like if they are in a more polluted area, they can lie a lot easier. That they could do things to benefit them more if the air quality and the environment is not that healthy because in a polluted place, they already see the earth going downhill and think that telling the truth is unethical. If the air quality gets any worse and people do start lying more because they feel like it a common/acceptable thing to do than the world could spin into mayhem and become a more deceiving world. â€Å"Air pollution may increase individuals consideration of and desire for behavioral outcomes, especially material ones, and lead them to transgress rules to reach such outcomes.†(Wu, 5). Air pollution can also raise people’s anxiety and depression. Gloomy skies tend to make some people feel sadder and have the feeling of being sluggish. While for anxiety air pollution can cause the person to feel uneasy and worried about the environment and nervous of what this will cause.To help solve the problem of air pollution one thing that commoners can contribute to is the type of cars a person has. To reduce the air quality and meet the legal limits a way to fix cars outtake on pollution is a new combustion processes for internal combustion engines. A new combustion that we are trying out is called the HCCI combustion. â€Å"The HCCI combustion process is a form of low temperature combustion [1] and has the advantages of lower emissions of NOx, compared to both compression ignition and spark ignition (SI) mode of operation, and at the same time of high efficiency (diesel like efficiency numbers).†(Vucetic, 2). A problem with the HCCI is the sensitivity to the intake air temperature. The intake of air can go up to 200 degrees Celsius; if the temperature goes any higher the exhaust will go out. There are still studies on it and making the engine better for cars, so that we can reduce the air pollution.It is important to acknowledge this probl em because it will not only affect our environment and make the world a gloomier and more polluted place, but that it will affect our health in a negative way causing things such as asthma, skin dieses, cancer, etc. It will also make the world a more chaotic place when it starts affecting our behaviors such as lying, depression, and anxiety. That’s why we need a plan of action, even something as small as fixing engines of our cars, so that we are not spreading chemicals around the world.Castanas, Elias. Kampa, Marilena. Science Direct. 10 June 2007. Health and Safety in Shanghai. 2019. Min Kim, Jong. PLOS ONE. 14 March 2019. Rivas, Ioar. Environmental Health Perspectives. 9 May 2019. 1289/EHP3169 Vucetic, Ante. Department of IC Engines and Transportation Systems. 15 March 2018. Wu, Song. Wang, Tingbin. PLOS ONE. 29 April 2019.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Book Review of Jesus Under Fire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Book Review of Jesus Under Fire - Essay Example From here, his interested in the New Testament and other pieces of Biblical literature started, and from here he went on to study for a Master’s degree. His PhD was in New Testament with specialisms in 2nd Temple Judaism and Old Testament Theology. He went on to work as a pastor, then accepting an appointment at the Talbot School of Theology, where he is currently based. He has worked on several research articles, books and chapters in his chosen fields of New Testament theology, Christology and discipleship. About Jesus Under Fire Jesus Under Fire is essentially an examination of the critics and criticisms of Jesus Christ throughout history. It is an academic work comprising of contributions from eight authors who put forward accounts of the life of Jesus and assess the historicity of the way that Jesus is perceived in the Bible. These scholars take into account the work of the Jesus Seminar and the role in which this has played on the view of Jesus and His life throughout hi story. The work is essentially a criticism of the methodology of the Jesus Seminar, and presents different accounts which give evidence that the Jesus of the Bible is historically accurate. It does this by examining the New Testament and the words and actions of the Jesus contained within. It can be classified as a work of religious non-fiction opinion. The book starts with the question â€Å"Where Do We Start Studying Jesus?†This is an interesting one, and sets the tone for the rest of the book by describing how scholars and laymen alike should approach the Bible and Jesus’ teachings. Interestingly, this section covers the issue of scholarly scepticism regarding the Gospels and how this has affected the approach to Biblical study in modern times. Blomberg, the author of this chapter, argues that this scepticism of modern times is not warranted, and goes on further to examine reasons why this is the case and where the scepticism arose from. This sets the tone for the whole book, which aims to prove that the texts found in the Bible are generally trustworthy and are not deserving of such a response from the academic communities. Scot McKnight is the author of the second chapter, which investigates Jesus studies and the correct way of approaching the historicity of Jesus as found within the Bible. This is a very informative chapter that introduces some methodology. Many of those who disagree with the Jesus seminar suggest that the methodology is faulty, so this section is necessary to examine the different ways of approaching the study of Jesus that may be more appropriate and useful in determining historicity. The book then moves on to examine the words of Jesus. Firstly, it ascertains that there were no tape recorders or newspapers, and this makes it difficult to understand how information may have travelled in these earlier times. The culture in which Jesus lived was an oral one, and therefore most information travelled by word-of-mouth, includ ing a number of Jesus’ teachings. This chapter argues that some of the differences between the Gospels where similar events are reported can be said to be due to differences in priorities between the reporters and their reporting style. This is a middle ground between those who think everything in the Bible literally records everything like a Memorex tape recorder and those (like the Jesus Seminar) who believe that the Bible represents only a loose idea of what the historical Jesus was saying. Chapters four and five cover what
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
The last lecture by Randy pausch Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The last lecture by Randy pausch - Movie Review Example First, he started by telling that he was to talk about other things but not cancer, his wife and so forth. These are the things he was known to talk about in his speeches. Therefore, by doing this, he shows his audience that he can venture into other issues of a common good. This way also, he changed his audiences’ attitude towards life by tracing his childhood dreams and encouraging young people to dream. He also narrated to his audience his experiences when enabling dreams of others by impacting knowledge and skills to them. Pausch uses jokes, audience engagement and life experience episodes, anecdotes and dramatic pauses to relate to his objectives of changing people’s attitudes and acknowledging his contribution to the world. To connect with his audience in hundreds, Pausch makes sure he engages his audience and clears tensions by resorting to; for instance series of push-ups on stage (Pausch 3 -5). Some of the techniques he uses like humor are natural to him, but some techniques like performing push-ups and constant microphone adjustment are intentional and meant to make the show lively. Yes, I was moved when he mentioned about his cancer issue and demonstrated his hope when he acquired a new home for his family to stay in, when he dies. With the freedom of speech, any person is justified to share his or her experiences provided doing this does not interfere with rights of others. There are no dangers as far as one is within the guidelines. Most portions of the program were on top of me especially the parts where he made compelling comparisons, humor and dramatic pauses. According to Pausch, a â€Å"head fake†is a method of teaching where learners is taught something by making them assume they are learning something else. For example, teaching students programming and making them assume they are making movies and games. The two â€Å"head fakes†that Pausch talks about in his lecture are indirect learning and
Monday, January 27, 2020
Comparing Costa and Starbucks
Comparing Costa and Starbucks One of the biggest and fastest growing industries today is the coffee industry. This industry basically includes individual cafes, hotel cafes and retail chains. In this study, we shall be focusing on the Retail Chains that belongs to the organized sector. The retail outlets share a particular brand and have similar kind of management, with standardized business procedures and practices. The major players today covering market share all over the world are Starbucks Coffee, Barista Coffee, Cafà © Coffee Day, Costa Coffee, etc. For this study, the two retailers Starbucks Coffee and Costa Coffee are chosen because of their identical pattern of functioning and growth. They are the two major players in the coffee cafà © industry, and their customers consider them both as interchangeable brands. That is why it is important to study how these brands differentiate themselves from each other, and attempt to improve brand loyalty amongst the customers. Objectives of the Study By conducting a comparative study of Starbucks Coffee and Costa Coffee, we shall study why one retailer is more successful than the other, and how the performance of these retailers can be improved. Studying the characteristics, history, performance and marketing strategies adopted by both the companies, and the customers perception about the two is the centre point of this research. The objectives of the study can be summarized as below: To compare and study the 4Ps, namely Product, Price, Promotion and Place, of Starbucks Coffee and Costa Coffee. To understand how these cafà ©s have positioned them in order to differentiate them in the market. To find out the customers perceptions and preferences about both these cafes and what motivates the customer to visit these coffee houses. To identify the areas where both organizations are performing well and areas where they need to improve. Research Methodology The methodology for the research includes: Survey Collection of Data Findings Recommendations Formulation of Questionnaire Classification Analysis Collecting primary data from the customers visiting Starbucks Coffee and Costa Coffee and the personnel of the organization through observations, filling up of questionnaires as well as interviewing them. The sample size is very small, i.e. only 5 customers, each belonging to a different age group and background. Collecting relevant secondary data from various sources like magazines, books, journals, internet, and Companys website. The data so collected shall be classified, tabulated and analyzed through graphs and pie charts to extract findings from the collected data. Based on the relevant secondary and primary data, a comparative analysis will be done so as to find out the areas of excellence and areas needing improvement. In the light of these findings, critical aspects shall be evaluated and recommendations and suggestions will be provided for the overall improvement of the Starbucks Coffee Company. Knowing Starbucks Coffee Company Starbucks Coffee Company (Starbucks), one of the worlds premier roasters and retailers of specialty coffee, has travelled a journey beginning from opening just a narrow, single store in Seattles historic Pike Place Market in 1979, to more than 17,000 stores in 50 countries today. Starbucks offers one of the finest and fresh-roasted coffee beans in the world. The coffee buyers of the company personally travel to the coffee farms in Latin America, Africa and Asia to select the best quality Arabica beans, which is roasted into a blend exclusively for Starbucks by the Starbucks experts, who bring out the rich flavor of the beans. Mission Statement To inspire and nurture the human spirit one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. Starbucks Products Starbucks offers a variety of products, ranging from hot cold beverages to eatables like sandwiches, salads, wraps, ice creams, etc. Keeping in mind the health and wellness of its customers, it has a separate menu for low-calorie food and beverages, along with its nutritional data. Knowing that some of its customers may be allergic to certain ingredients, the company offers products under Food Allergens section, specifying the food and beverages which do not contain the ingredient the customer is allergic to. The products are well designed, and are served in different measures, not on the basis of quantity, but according to the value for money. They also provide bottled drinks, which can be refrigerated and used at home later on. Moreover, there is a separate menu for kids keeping in mind their taste and health. Starbucks Price Starbucks has a skim pricing policy. They began with a higher price, and skimmed the cream of the market. With the growth in the number of outlets, came the benefits of economies of scale. Because of this, they have been able to gradually lower their prices, and appeal to different segments of their target market. The main factors that affect their pricing are their cost of goods sold, which is quite high because imports form a majority of its products. Starbucks Place Starbucks cater to their target market with strategically located outlets at main markets, malls, and family entertainment centers. The stores are considered to be having a warm and welcoming ambience whether for meeting friends and family, or enjoying time alone. There are around 8870 company owned stores and 8139 licensed stores. Starbucks Promotion Starbucks carries out mass promotion campaigns, mainly in the form of promotions on the Print, TV and Radio Medias. At present, they do not rely heavily on advertising, but rely more on sponsorships and strategic alliances with other corporations. It also takes part in various sales promotion activities to help increase sales at their outlets, some of which are Sponsorships, Collaborations, Tie-ups, Starbucks Membership Card, etc. Starbucks People The people at the stores have to undergo a training procedure so that they have an in-depth knowledge of the companys products and are able to provide best customer service. All employees are treated as partners and provided with comprehensive health coverage and stock in the company through the Bean Stock program to inculcate a sense of ownership and motivate them to perform their best. Starbucks Process The order and delivery process at Starbucks is based on self- service, where a customer goes up to the counter to place the order, and goes back to the counter to pick the delivery once it is prepared. The company believes that although it is just a moment, in which one hand reaching over the counter to present a cup to another outstretched hand, but it establishes a connection between the company and its customers. (Starbucks Coffee, n.d.) Knowing Costa Coffee Costa coffee was introduced in 1971 at 9 Newport Street, London, by Sergio and Bruno Costa. Worlds best Arabica and Robusta beans, sourced from Central and South America, Africa and the Far East, are blended to create a unique taste and aroma from its own blending company (Mocha Italia). Costa was the first UK-based coffee retail chain which operates the entire coffee making process from sourcing, blending, roasting, grinding and making coffee. Costa Coffee Products Like many other brands, Costa Coffee also offers a wide range of products in its retail outlets which includes hot chocolate, teas and infusions, iced coffees frescato. The USP of the company is its customized products without any extra charge. It prepares its coffee according to the exact requirement of the customer, where the customer can state its preference in terms of caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee; skimmed, full fat or soya milk; variety of syrups; flavors of vanilla, hazelnut or caramel, etc. Moreover, the store provides a nutritional content chart and lists of allergens in their food and drinks for its health-conscious customers. Costa Coffee Price The pricing policy of Costa Coffees is not to touch the upper cream of the society, but to penetrate the market. Hence, price of its products is lower than that of Starbucks. Costa Coffee Place The location of Costa Coffee outlets is in the areas where there is maximum youth movement. It is found generally near colleges, shopping malls, petrol pumps, and areas which are easily visible and approachable. It is also located at all 57 Moto motorway services around UK. This shows the accessibility and availability of the Coffee Cafà © Day outlets for drive in customers. Costa Coffee Promotion Costa Coffee does not believe much in mass media promotions. But like other brands, it also has Costa Coffee Club Card. Its promotion techniques are unique. For e.g. it offers points when a customer goes to a Moto motorway services. Costa Coffee People The people at Costa Coffee are characteristically trained to be pleasant, polite and positive with the customers. They ensure that the customers have a memorable visit. Costa Coffee Process The order and delivery process at Costa is not based on self- service. The staff member fetches the order to the table of the customer. (Costa Coffee, n.d.) Findings and Recommendations Starbucks has an extremely strong brand image but they need to work hard on improving their quality of product as taste plays a major role in coffee industry. Starbucks should prepare its communication program in such a way that it changes customers perception and makes it an affordable brand. A majority of Costa outlets are located in the posh areas. Starbucks must open some outlets near residential areas in order to increase its market coverage. Starbucks should consider a change in its delivery process. It must shift to a more convenient format where a cafà © attendant delivers the product to the table. This change may seem insignificant but it also improves customer satisfaction. Conclusion Our survey made us reach the conclusion that both, Costa Coffee and Starbucks Coffee, enjoys equal customer preference. Although price and promotional schemes influence the decision of the people, but the taste of coffee is a very important factor in deciding the store to visit. Costa coffee has a unique taste which attracts the customers. Moreover, people love to sit in the excellent ambience provided by Costa coffee. The visitors in Starbucks outlets are basically executives and elite class, whereas Costa Coffee is preferred by youth. As far the prices were concerned, our research led us to the conclusion that the Costa Coffee offered low prices as compared to Starbucks Coffee and Starbucks can invite more crowd if they reduce their prices, along with providing offers. Bibliography Coffee Market. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2011, from Costa Coffee. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2011, from Starbucks Coffee. (n.d.). Retrieved May 4, 2011, from
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Education a Continous Process
Baxter and Tight (1994) noted in their research that in many countries, people are being encouraged to be â€Å"lifelong learners,†people who return to school again and again throughout their lives, rather than looking at education as something that ends with graduation from high school or college (Baxter & Tight, 1994). The â€Å"Lifelong Learning†movement believes that education should be an important part of people's lives throughout their lives instead of restricting it to childhood and adolescence. The authors interviewed people who had returned to education later in life to see what factors supported or interfered with that choice. One of the observations they made was that for many older students, especially women, returning to school represented a real juggling act with their time management. This trend was so strong that a significant number of people asked to participate felt that they could not spare the hour the interview would take. This trend of women being stressed for time to do everything they and others expected of them was so strong that they mentioned that perhaps the idea of people attending school throughout their lives might be a male view because often men do not have to juggle as many important tasks as women. The women who were interviewed noted that they had family, personal and work commitments, all of which had to come before school, with the result that when they attended classes, often there was no room in their lives for any social activities connected to their academic work (Baxter & Tight, 1994). However, Palwak (1999) points out that in an age of rapidly changing technology, it may be necessary to include education in one's career plans to the worker does not become stuck with archaic skills. The difficulty in juggling time is also demonstrated in discussions on this topic by the fact that so many articles focus on retirees who return to learning because they finally have the time to study things that have interested them for many years. Education a Continous Process Baxter and Tight (1994) noted in their research that in many countries, people are being encouraged to be â€Å"lifelong learners,†people who return to school again and again throughout their lives, rather than looking at education as something that ends with graduation from high school or college (Baxter & Tight, 1994). The â€Å"Lifelong Learning†movement believes that education should be an important part of people's lives throughout their lives instead of restricting it to childhood and adolescence. The authors interviewed people who had returned to education later in life to see what factors supported or interfered with that choice. One of the observations they made was that for many older students, especially women, returning to school represented a real juggling act with their time management. This trend was so strong that a significant number of people asked to participate felt that they could not spare the hour the interview would take. This trend of women being stressed for time to do everything they and others expected of them was so strong that they mentioned that perhaps the idea of people attending school throughout their lives might be a male view because often men do not have to juggle as many important tasks as women. The women who were interviewed noted that they had family, personal and work commitments, all of which had to come before school, with the result that when they attended classes, often there was no room in their lives for any social activities connected to their academic work (Baxter & Tight, 1994). However, Palwak (1999) points out that in an age of rapidly changing technology, it may be necessary to include education in one's career plans to the worker does not become stuck with archaic skills. The difficulty in juggling time is also demonstrated in discussions on this topic by the fact that so many articles focus on retirees who return to learning because they finally have the time to study things that have interested them for many years.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Compare and contrast Japan and European feudal systems
These upper CLC asses had a large class of commoners to rule over. They also both had similar ethics in the warrior class Like the Code of Conduct for the Knights and the Bushier for the Samurai. These â€Å"codes†were rules and guidelines that the warriors lived by that governed them socio politically, and ethically. Finally both systems had a strong military influence thanks t o a strong warrior class that led to many warring kingdoms within the civilizations.Also this Cree dated a strong defense system as constant attacks by enemy kingdoms threatened the lords r lull. They both built castles with curved walls to make attacks harder. These two feudalistic civilizations had differences in structure and ethics. The majority Y of difference between the two lies in the warrior class. Although they shared similar o verbal oleos In their respective systems they had many differences. One of which being there armor; knights had heavy metal armor that was sturdy but very hard to hau l around d.Samurai had leather armor with strips of iron infused into various spots of their nun form. Also Samurai led a more honorable lifestyle. Knights practiced chivalry but It paled In com parson to the Samurai way of life. Japanese warriors for starters committed suicide instead o admitting defeat or capture. Also they were above peasant people so they would not pillage villages or harm commoners. Japan held their warriors to a moral code that governed them to
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Personal Statement In Population Biology - 739 Words
I have started my research with applied probability in theoretical population biology and in statistical genetics during my PhD. However, during my postdoctoral work at the Emory University I started working in a completely different topic of developing HIV vaccine trial design and survival analysis. Soon afterwards during the early days of my Assistant Professorship at Georgia State University, I got exposed to an exciting field of research microarray data analysis. I found it to be fascinating to deal with thousands of genes at the same time. I wrote my first NSF proposal and was successful in obtaining the fund. From then on, I have always worked with high dimensional data in molecular biology in genomics, proteomics, lipidomics and†¦show more content†¦This paper is not only an important one computationally, but also has the potential of modifying clinical protocol. In Datta et al. (BMC Bioinformatics, 2017) we developed a novel statistical approach for identification of the master regulator transcription factor using a permutation based test with a concordant statistic. Additionally, we have a recently accepted on a meta-analysis paper which combines the results of many experiments on thousands of genes and combines the results to provide a FDR control strategy. We have contributed significantly in developing methods for reverse engineering gene, protein, lipid interaction network through association scores based on partial least squared regression model. Additionally, we developed nonparametric tests to perform differential network analysis in multiple experimental conditions using RNA-Seq count data and lipidomics data from mass spectrometry (Kujala et al., 2015; 2017, Gill et al. 2012). I was also involved in pure statistical research involving monotonic single index models and variable selection and multiple imputations Wan et al. 2014 and 2017). Currently, I am involved in developing methodology to identifying differentially expressed genes using single cell RNA sequencing data. scRNA-Seq data has tremendous opportunity to study the expressions of genes at an individual cellular level. However, this type ofShow MoreRelatedRacism Racism1172 Words  | 5 Pagesracism is a very real and terrible system within our global society, the concept of race is not real and cannot be proven as such either biologically or socially speaking. Hochman states that though racism has emerged from the categorization of populations based upon physical attributes, race itself does not truly exist. Furthermore, he purports that race has no biological foundation; though most people believe race is biological in nature, the truth remains that biological differences among humansRead More This Quicksilver Illness: Moods, Stigma, and Creativity Essay1092 Words  | 5 Pagesdisease. What is unique about Jamison is that regardless of her scientific understanding of her mental illness, she has the ability to convey depression and mania with lyr ical poignancy. In An Unquiet Mind Jamison provides the reader with her personal history, drawing from a range of stylish literary quotes and journal like accounts to weave the compelling story of her illness. Raised in a military family with a history of mental illness, though not one of discussing such problems, Jamison firstRead MoreThe Social Construction of Gender Behavior Essay1110 Words  | 5 PagesBoth Deborah Blum’s The Gender Blur: Where Does Biology End and Society Take Over? and Aaron Devor’s â€Å"Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes†challenges the concept of how gender behavior is socially constructed. Blum resides on the idea that gender behavior is developed mainly through adolescence and societal expectations of a gender. Based on reference from personal experiences to back her argument up, Blum explains that each individual develops their expected traits as they grow up, while she alsoRead More The Never-ending Story: Sexual Orientation and Genetics Essay10 65 Words  | 5 Pagesconstruction with the science of sexual orientationâ€â€even in her or his title. Attempting to get to the root of how an individuals sexual preference is determined, and the subsequent attempt to designate these individual tendencies into definitive statements regarding large groups in society has become a seductive topic for numerous media sources within the past decade or so. A closer look at this debate reveals the relative error of exploring one side without an equal exploration of the other. DeanRead MoreThe Loss Of Privacy And Freedom Essay1625 Words  | 7 Pagesgreatest dangers to the survival of humanity. In order to talk about his ideas of this topic, his definition of what makes us fundamentally human needs to be established first. Kaczynski believes that â€Å"Human beings have a need (probably based in biology) for something that we will call the power process†(Kaczynski 47). This so called â€Å"power process†contains four separate parts: the â€Å"goal, effort and attainment of goal†¦ The fourth element†¦ we call it autonomy†¦ people need a greater or lesser degreeRead MoreTo Do What We Do1368 Words  | 5 Pageschanges from minor to major proportions have sculpted our world. One section talks on how changes in gender relations and race have molded and changed a big part of the country. With these kind of changes it is easy to see how the mindsets of the population can change. The article goes on to talk about more things t hat have changed in resent years. â€Å"Formerly secure moral verities have been toppled by changes in sexual morality and the triumph of a youth culture. Immigration from new areas and theRead MoreThe Honor Roll Award : The Outstanding Achievement Award1673 Words  | 7 Pagesindividuals that had maintained straight A’s throughout the year. In fact, my former principal once came up to me and said, â€Å"Stacy you are truly a credit to the African American race. I’m so proud of you!†I didn’t quite know what he’d meant by that statement, so I just assumed it was some sort of compliment. One would probably expect that this constant praise and adoration would inevitably lead to me to being overly self-confident, egotistic, or maybe even slightly conceited. If only that were trueRead MoreWhy I Am A Pharmacy Technician For Cvs Pharmacy848 Words  | 4 Pagesold, I wondered just how this magical mist that came through a mask was able to give me a freedom to breath that my body wasn t couldn t give me on its own. Throughout high school and the beginning of college, I tailored my education to focus on biology and medicine, as well as finding time to interact with patients as I pursued a career in medicine. However, it was not until I began working as a pharmacy technician for CVS Pharmacy that I came to understand that this was the career my passion wasRead MoreSci 207 Complete Class Essay1308 Words  | 6 Pageswhich includes production of all types of consumer goods as well as consumption of environmental resources. Discuss efforts that must be considered about these production and consumption habits in order to sustain the global population? SCI 207 Week 1 LAB Population Biology Complete the first part of this lab at Footprint Calculator (accessible through the Labs section of Contemporary Environmental Issues). You will use the ecological footprint calculator to evaluate your environmental footprintRead MoreThe Controversy Between Science And Religion1377 Words  | 6 Pagesscience and religion. William Jennings Bryan led the movement that thought evolution theories were dangerous to students in public school. After the Tennessee law passed regarding evolution, the ACLU asked John Scopes, who had been a substitute for a biology class at Dayton High School, if he was willing to challenge the law and he agreed. Leaders in Dayton believed that by becoming part of this, they would be able to bring publicity to Dayton and attract people to move to town. When the trial was made
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