Monday, September 30, 2019
Anansi Essay
In this mythological story, the author outlines the relationship of Hess two by causing Spider to create stressful situations that push Charlie out Of his shell and to take control Of his life. It is evident throughout the novel that Charlie's character consistently develops into, like Spider, a more positive, confident and charismatic person, one by which fits into the Nancy family reputation. In the beginning of this story, there was nothing extraordinary about the character of Charlie Nancy.He could be described as a somewhat boring character: he had a nine to five job, a fiance and enjoyed partaking in normal day to day activities. Charlie's initial character comes across as a very insecure person; he never puts himself out there and has been known to get extremely embarrassed for the littlest things. Charlie rationalizes these attributes by blaming his father for embarrassing him as a child. Caiman writes, â€Å"The worst thing about Fat Charlie's father was simply this: He was embarrassing. (ANSI Boys, 10) The story continues into a description of how Charlie's father made him dress up as Taft: â€Å"Well, when I changed schools, when I was a kid, my dad made a point of telling me how such he had always looked forward to Presidents' Day, when he was a boy, because it's the law that on Presidents' Day, the kids who go to school dressed as their favorite presidents get a big bag of Of course, there was no such thing as President's Day and Charlie was mortified. In his eyes, his father was someone to be ashamed of. He was far too good at embarrassing people and would be the heart and soul of the party.Charlie was so embarrassed by his father that he argued to keep his father away from his and Rookie's wedding. After much convincing on Rookie's end, Charlie alls a family friend, Mrs.. Wiggler, to find his father's number; only to find out that his father had passed away. After his fathers funeral, Charlie visits with Mrs.. Wiggler and learns a great deal mo re about his family. She reveals that Charlie had a brother and their father was a type of ‘God'. Charlie of course, thought that Mrs.. Wiggler was going a bit crazy, but humored her regardless.While trying to get back to his normal life, Charlie decides the practical thing to do would be to go back to work. Caiman writes, â€Å"Fat Charlie was a man who preferred to be working. He regarded lying on a sofa watching Countdown as a reminder of his interludes as a member of the unemployed. He decided that the sensible thing to do would be to go back to work a day early. In the Aldrich offices of the Grahame Coats Agency, up on the fifth and topmost floor, he would feel part of the swim of things. There would be interesting conversation with his fellow workers in the tearoom.The whole panoply of life would unfold before him, majestic in its tapestry, implacable and relentless in its industry. People would be pleased to see ) This as the type of person Charlie was, reliable, sensi ble and practical. He believed that he would feel better once things were back on track in his life. Charlie's job at the Grahame Coats Agency fits perfectly into his type of character. Caiman explains, ‘From this you would presume that there is little you need to know about Fat Charlie's employment, save that he was unhappy in it, and, in the main, you would be right. (43) Charlie was in some type of rut in his life where he was completely unhappy in every aspect, but did and tried nothing to get out of it. As the story develops, Charlie learns, to his surprise, that he does have a brother. Charlie's brother, Spider, is not your average person. Spider takes after their father, and is a type of God. Caiman describes, â€Å"There was a family resemblance between the two men. That was unarguable, although that alone did not explain the intense feeling of familiarity that Fat Charlie felt on seeing Spider.His brother looked like Fat Charlie wished he looked in his mind, unconstr ained by the faintly disappointing fellow that he saw, with monotonous regularity, in the bathroom mirror. Spider was taller, and leaner, and cooler. He was wearing a black-and-scarlet leather jacket, and black leather leggings, and he looked at home in Within a few days of meeting Spider, Charlie's behavior had already changed. Before he knew It, Charlie was at a bar, drinking wine and talking with a group of girls. Spider had an effect on Charlie that made him act out of character.Caiman does a good job of making these characters completely opposite. In his interview R. LLC Sirius, Agrarian States, â€Å"The lead character in ANSI Boys is divided up into Fat Charlie, our hero, who is very English and very embarrassed, and his brother Spider, who is semi-fictional and god-like and for whom the world just sits up and begs and does more or less whatever he wants to Sirius, 3) Caiman explains to us that Spider is an energetic, attractive, smooth talking man who gets exactly what he w ants and takes on his father's persona.Spider continuously pushes Charlie out of his comfort zone and forces him to stand up for the things he wants in life. Spider shows an interest in Rosier rather quickly and even goes as far as telling her he loves her. This, of course, forces Charlie into a physical altercation with his brother, which shows again the extremes that Spider pushes his brother into. Spider goes to Charlie's work and ultimately gets him in more trouble. Charlie's whole life had been turned upside down because of his brother's selfishness and he reacts by promising to get rid Of him once and for all.After going through these stressful situations, Caiman develops Charlie's character into one that fits into the Nancy family's reputation. Not only did Spider's selfishness push Charlie over the edge, but it also made him into a stronger and more confident person. Through the development of Charlie's character, his relationship with spider develops as well. In the beginni ng of the novel, Charlie was unaware that he had a brother, but, through the many obstacles they face together, Charlie and Spider turn out to be closer than ever.One of the more defining moments that allow us to truly appreciate Charlie's new character is when he gets up to sing karaoke like his dad use to. Even though it was a life or death situation, Charlie would have never been able to sing on stage without getting nauseous a few months before that. Caiman describes exactly what Charlie is feeling in that moment: He was still terrified, still angry, but he took all the terror and the anger, and he put it into the song and let it all become a song about lazing and loving. As he sang, he thought. What would Spider do? Thought Fat Charlie.What would my dad do? He Boys, 243) In that moment, Caiman shows that Charlie IS not the same person that he was in the beginning of the story, but that he turned into the person that he always wanted to be; a person similar to his father and bro ther, who could be comfortable in their own skin. In the interview conducted by RIG Sirius Caiman states, â€Å"Gods and heroes win. â€Å"(RL Sirius, 2) It is evident in the conclusion of this novel that Charlie's character won. Not only did he defeat the ‘bad guy', but he also evolved as a human being and gained a brother and friend.Through all the turmoil, the hero still prevailed and the antagonist was what pushed Charlie to be better. Caiman develops Charlie Nanny's character through interactions with his brother, Spider. Not only does Charlie become a better-rounded person, he also builds a great relationship with his brother, who he never even knew he had. Charlie struggles throughout the novel to keep his composure and get rid of his elfish brother but in return, breaks out of his shell and becomes a person his father could be proud Of.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of nation, long suppressed, finds utterance†-?Charlatan Nehru â€Å"India is the cradle Of human race, the birthplace Of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most constructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only†-Mark Twain Search where ever you may, you will not find a land as beautiful as this, she is the queen of all the lands.This land of my birth is my motherland – INDIA. Responsibility is the price of freedom-Charlatan Nehru May we think of freedom as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right. –Barack Obama Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. -? â€Å"Abraham Lincoln†â€Å"To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man's injustice to woma n. If by strength is meant brute strength, then, indeed, is woman less brute than man.If by strength is meant moral power, then woman is immeasurably man's superior. Has she not greater intuition, is she not more self-sacrificing, has she not greater powers of endurance, has she not greater courage? Without her, man could not be. If nonviolence is the law of our being, the future is with woman. Who can make a more effective appeal to the heart than woman? †-? Mahatma Gandhi â€Å"Everybody is a book of blood; wherever we're opened, we're red. Clive Barker â€Å"A state that does not educate and train women is like a man who only trains his right arm. †-?Jostles Guarder â€Å"When men are oppressed, it's a tragedy. When women are oppressed, it's tradition. †-Agnes Michael â€Å"A women is like a tea-bag, you never know how Strong it is, until its in hot water. †-Oscar Wiled â€Å"We cannot all succeed when all of us are held back†-Mall Yugoslav ia We realize the importance of our voice when we are silenced- Mall YugoslaviaEducation is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world- Nelson Mandela A child without education is like a bird without wings-?Tibetan Proverb He who opens a school door closes a prison -Victor Hugo The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet -Aristotle So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health Laughter sparkles like a splash of water in sunlight Laughter is the sun that drives winter from human face – Victor Hugo aught is a tranquilizer with no side effects Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Web-site Front Page and Anwser Questions Assignment - 1
Web-site Front Page and Anwser Questions - Assignment Example As this will be the initial fascination that goes along with the content marketing wearing off, there is a need to invest wisely. This content maturity will eventually bring good results and in the restraint I will be able to reflectively reach the target to the content and services it offers and also help improve the results. On the other hand, I would include another tactic of building the restraint own brand than just building links. A sophisticated brand, usually play a very key role in the business and also the search engine. Building its own brand in the search engine will, however, help build the thought of leadership in the space will be critical steps to all the ranking all the time. Another tactic is the use of the social media such as the twitter, Facebook and others. Goggle for example, works by relying on human signals to vet sites. I intend to use a strong strategy that will make it easier for people to share the restraint content since it works so well and also integrates with the role of the search engine so significantly. Marketing and also Understanding your restaurant’s psychographic and demographic profile is another tactic indispensable in capitalizing on the restaurant prediction. It also assists in deciding what is obtained to keep clients coming back, like rotating menus, live music, or other events. Another tactic beside the front web site page is the creativity. The restaurant production, while increasing in both imagination and eminence includes numerous concepts that are usually based on modern foods. Inventiveness can come also in the form of cafe new design, drinks presentation, new dishes and variations on the tune-up. . The mobile optimization currently is no longer an option. This is because almost many people have the smart phones and it is getting hard for any site without a mobile strategy to rank appropriately.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Research methods (inferential methods) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Research methods (inferential methods) - Essay Example It is possibly influenced by the intervening variable as well. Unit of Analysis: Whereas the independent variable is nominal and can only take the value of either Science or otherwise, the dependent variable is ordinal. This can be divided into a five point scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Since the response to this study and the assessment of the study is on individuals, this has to be looked at as individual cases. The dependent variable can become continuous while interpreting. Sampling: The sampling size can be a larger fraction of the population because the target population is smaller. Of the science graduates nearly 20% of them can be taken up as samples. Only then the results will also be dependable. The sampling has to be random within a stratification formed ideally of genders. Validity: The survey will be valid if the assumption is right. That is, to say, if the people are not travelling in public transport or do not walk down to the university, then they are lazy is right. Under this condition, the survey will hold good. However, this could be questioned by the intervening variable that has already been set. The above graph indicates the age distribution in the Bradford 041A area. The above graph indicates that the demographic shift is moving towards more of middle aged and older people in the Bradford 041A region. ... This shows that the terraced bungalows are the most common ones in the region. The above graph indicates the economic activity of the Bradford 041A region. This indicates there are a larger number of economically active people who are working full time and the self employed or enterpreneural spirit is in a few people comparitively which is even less than the unemployed. 3. Survey questions Survey 1: Sampling mobile opinion - postcard questionnaire survey The topic chosen for the survey is very interesting. The methodology has been designed very well. Generally post card surveys may not give the adequate response for a number of reasons that are beyond the control of the researcher. For instance, there could be a set of postcards that might have been responded well but may not have reached the researcher due to the vagaries of the postal system or might not been dropped in the post box due to negligence or forgetfulness. When we employ the FARCE system, F, A & R might be correct and well designed but the aspects of engaging and connecting (C & E) with the respondent is not there. Hence the level of accuracy is certainly less. The advantage with this system is that not much of time and energy is expended by the researcher. Survey 2: Conference survey of professionals - online survey With the advent of internet, this is one of the most popular surveys undertaken by researchers. The advantages are many: Firstly, the reach is far and wide and the survey can be completed in a few days time. Secondly the analytical part of the survey is also done immediately. This sort of a survey is a sophisticated form of the postcard survey. The only difference is that, in the 'FARCE' context, F, A, R & C is taken in to account and E may or may not be left out. E can
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Research a hospitality business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Research a hospitality business - Essay Example Starbucks has been in the UK since 1998 when they purchased 65 Seattle Coffee stores that were already located in the UK. The reason that Starbucks bought these companies was because they shared a common culture. Both companies had a commitment to create customised coffee, they had similar values, a mutual respect for their customers, their employees, and they had a commitment to the environment. This information prompted them to buy Seattle Coffee as a way to reach out to the UK community (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2011a). Overview of the Business Starbucks actually began in 1971 when they were a roaster and a retailer for whole bean, ground coffee, and tea and spices. At that time, they owned one store in Pike Place Market in Seattle, WA, USA. They were a private company at that time and did not become a public company until 1992 and 1993. At that time, they decided to look for locations in large cities so that they would have a 'hub' store with smaller stores around in these locat ions. They hired what they called 'zone presidents' to oversee the new stores; each zone president had many years of experience in marketing chain stores (Thompson and Gamble, 1997). Starbucks was able to easily identify those retail sites that would be best for theirs stores. They hired a real estate team who was versed in the coffee bar industry and they instituted a 'sophisticated system' that allowed them to identify the locations that would be best for their stores. They were able to track each area in such a way that they also found attractive city blocks where they could start their stores (Thompson and Gamble, 1997). Today, they have 17,000 companies in 50 countries and they continue to grow (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2011a). Starbucks took its name from the book, Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Starbucks was the name of the first mate in the story. They boast that they have millions of customers world wide and they enjoy serving them the best coffee possible. Starbucks has 70 0 stores across the UK (Farrell, 2010). Every business must start with a mission and Starbucks mission is 'to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighbourhood at a time' (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2011b, p.1). With this mission, they know exactly what they want to do when they go into each new country or new city. Processes and Systems Starbucks has been able to institute specific processes and systems in their company that worked. They have used the same system in each of the countries they moved into because it worked. Food and beverages purchasing Starbucks purchases coffee from farmers around the world. They basically have four brands that they sell all of their beverages under. These brands are: 'Starbucks Coffee, Seattle’s Best Coffee, Tazo Tea, and Torrefazione Italia Coffee' (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2011b, p.2). In the UK, Starbucks has only introduced a few of its products which include: Via, a new instant coffee that people c an purchase at Tesco stores Starbucks Whole Bean Coffees, Starbucks Discoveries Chilled Coffees, and Starbucks Doubleshot Expresso drinks (Puget Sound Business Journal, 2010). Dave Olsen who is Starbucks' senior vice president for coffee, travelled around the world to coffee growing companies and talked to farmers to find the richest quality coffee beans that would produce the best flavour. Starbucks bought the beans above the price that they would
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 69
Case Study - Essay Example Today, the Company could be converted into a Public Limited Company where the public is allowed to invest in as a way of raising finances and also creating ownership. The Carrier Engineering Companys strength lied in the fact that it was a unique product penetrating the market. Beverage companies, Medical laboratories, households all use this product to regulate the temperature of their products or goods. Some products can only be used during hot seasons, and that is a major weakness. The product is in high demand during hot seasons thus providing an excellent opportunity. Another opportunity exists with companies that use coolers to manufacture or preserve their products. Fluctuation in weather poses as a major threat especially the cold season. The other threat back then was financial stability and clientele. With the current weather, the product is still much relevant in ensuring a "well-regulated environment"(Carrier, 2015). The cooler is also widely used by companies across the continent to enhance their products life. A cooler is also utilized in the manufacture of most of the products that we have in the market today such as laptops, and refrigerators. It is important to define your product. For Willis and the Carrier Company, a quality product is essential to getting referrals. It is also important to work with other companies that use coolers in the manufacturing process of their products. A good relationship with clients and an efficient customer service will ensure the company has an edge over other firms. A room for clients comment and feedback concerning the product is also important and consideration of the same. Willis carrier would need to make use of the balance sheet and the income statement of his company and that of his subsidiaries. The balance sheet will show him where his company stands at that particular point in time. The
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
E-commerce A-level Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 16250 words
E-commerce A-level - Coursework Example E-commerce comprises purchasing and selling goods and services in the WWW, and for many companies this is their regular business but extended into the online space, and therefore apart from buying and selling, important are the issuer of money transfers, security, and other aspects of online interaction between companies, customers, suppliers, retailers, middlemen, etc. All in all, in a broad sense, e-commerce denotes all kinds of commercial relations that are connected with setting home-based and international deals in the web: trade mission, factoring, designing, consulting, investment contracts, leasing, engineering, insurance, sale and purchase contracts, bank services, and many other forms of industrial and business cooperation. E-commerce allows to ensure that the businesses be ready to face the new challenges, one of the most important being business globalization. The emergence and development of the IT make it possible for the international businesses to reach out for their customers even in the remotest areas of the world. Conducting business in cyberspace is a way to save money, but surely that is not the only advantage. The rise of e-business has unquestionably changed shopping patterns, forcing retailers to redefine their roles to ensure their place in the market. The variety of goods available to customers at a click of a button and the added benefit of allowing them to shop whenever it's convenient for them, and not during set 'operating hours' has in effect placed the customers in charge. For the companies, the spread of e-commerce marked the necessity to implement into their business model constant interaction with the customers, which is a must for the firms that want to keep up with the consumers' demands, and attract and retail more loyal customers. The Internet is a genuinely new communicational environment, and therefore traditional marketing techniques cannot generally be applied to e-commerce. In the process of studying the marketing model that uses 'traditional' information media for PR, brand promotion and advertising, it was revealed that the use of e-commerce makes it possible for the customers to make decisions independently, and therefore there is a dramatic shift for the consumers from being a rather passive auditorium (as with the traditional marketing) to a powerful force able to influence the companies' activity significantly. Therefore, it is not sufficient for the companies to apply the already existing marketing principles to their e-commerce, as the new Internet environment presupposes the development of principally new approaches to sales, accounting, advertising, dealing with customers, and many other aspects of business activity. In e-commerce, customers play a much more active role in the process of marketing, as they are the bearers of information valuable for the companies. The overall aim of this research is to explore what 'forces' are at work when consumers shop online in the clothing retail. The research will be carried out in the women online clothing retail market, primarily because of the huge investment in the clothing market by both online and traditional retailers, ( It will comprise two principal elements, a literature search, and an analysis of four retailer websites, two of them are purely online
Monday, September 23, 2019
Supporting families and carers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Supporting families and carers - Essay Example Lizzie’s level of commitment is however more compared to that of her siblings as most of the time she is taking care of her sick mum. As a result of this, she gradually becomes socially isolated. This paper is a discussion of social isolation in relation to supporting families and carers. This is the state in which an individual experiences a need for increased level of association with others, but is not able to make contact with them (Larsen and Lubkin, 2009). Because human beings are social in nature, they have a need for social interaction. Interacting with others and spending time with them offers a person a sense of belonging, thereby making life meaningful to them. The need for social support is an aspect that is firmly connected to social isolation. According to Larsen and Lubkin (2009, p. 88), social support is the â€Å"social context or environment that facilitates the survival of human beings by offering social, emotional, and material support needed and received by an individual†. As mentioned earlier, life becomes meaningful through interaction and spending time with others, being able to enjoy common activities such as sports and going out with peers, having a clear mind as well as feeling free and being free among other things. In the case of Lizzie and her siblings, enjoying such things has been made impossible by their mother’s illness. Being a young carer, Lizzie seems particularly affected as she is even unable to concentrate in class as portrayed in the short film. When she gets back home from school and finds her mother’s cup of tea exactly where they left it with her siblings, she can’t help but worry and rush upstairs fearing the worst. Lizzie and her siblings live very different lives compared to their peers. While their peers are able to get early to school and begin classes in time, Lizzie and her two siblings are always late. This doesn’t happen on a few occasions, rather it happens every
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Post-Soviet Russia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Post-Soviet Russia - Essay Example The primordial president of the Russian Federation was Boris Yeltsin, a former member of the old Soviet Politburo who declared the moribund of the old Soviet-style regime. The reforms that he advocated pointed the country in the direction of democracy and a free-market economy. A small vested group and advisers took control from the debilitated president, and they ran the country as an oligarchy, granting themselves favors and inviting economic and political corruption. However, in spite of this development, a new constitution was put into place in 1993. The regular competitive elections have taken place since then. A new President, Vladimir Putin, was elected in 2000. Many observers believe that the influence of the oligarchy has declined since then. Modern Russia is a very changeable country. Russia has almost no empirical experience with democracy and a free market. In terms of administrative hierarchy, the Russian Federation is a constitutional democracy with three branches, executive, legislative, and judicial. In terms of procedure, however, the Russian Federation has a presidential form of government, which concentrates most authority in the president as the head of state. The head of state is Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin was elected on June 16, 1996 for a four-year term. There is no vice-president. In the event of the incapability of the president to perform the constitutional mandate, the head of the government, the Premier, succeeds the president. The Premier and Chairman of the Russian Federation Government, Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin was appointed in December 1992 by the president. A First Deputy Premier and First Deputy Chairman of the Government assist the Premier. Russian politics is pluralistic. There are myriad numbers of political parties in Russia. The democratic and market reform oriented parties include: "Our Home Is Russia", the Yabloko Bloc, Russia's Democratic Choice Party, and Forward Russia. Traditional parties include: Congress of Russian Communities and "Women of Russia". Revisionist parties include: Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, the Agrarian Party, Power To the People and the Russian Communist Workers' Party. During the past five years the Russian government has taken substantial measures in converting to a market economy. The government performed a market reform program in January 1992. In the following three years, the government freed nearly all prices, cut defense spending, eliminated the old centralised distribution system, adopted a convertible currency and completed an ambitious voucher privatisation program in 1994. The government established private financial institutions, and decentralizing foreign trade. Within 1997, the transition to a market economy was nearly complete despite having many problems of irregular regulatory policy. In some areas, there were inadequate regulatory activity leading to monopoly practices and corruption. In other areas, there is excessive state interference in the economy leading to inefficiencies and corruption. It would be disappointment if the post-communist Russia, where the political stakes and human costs are incomparably
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Psychology of Adolescence Essay Example for Free
Psychology of Adolescence Essay BoysTown is a registered charity and a national organization for youth welfare in Australia. It focuses on helping disadvantaged youths who are at risk of social exclusion to enhance their quality of life (â€Å"Youth social†). It recognizes several causes of social exclusion among disadvantaged youths that need to be addressed, which include single parenthood, low self-esteem, physical and mental health problems, substance abuse, lack of work experience, functional illiteracy, and underdeveloped personal and vocational skills (â€Å"Youth social†). BoysTown also recognizes that most of the disadvantage youths came from families who have a history of intergenerational unemployment and welfare dependency and from Indigenous backgrounds (â€Å"Youth social†). BoysTown offers several social inclusion programs to help disadvantage youths to improve their life. The programs include Kids Helpline, Youth Programs, Indigenous community development, Family programs, and Intermediate labor markets. The key attribute of these programs is that they emphasized sustainable outcomes while they rely on safe strategies for working with youths who are at risk of social exclusion (â€Å"Youth social†). BoysTown’s Kids Helpline is a national telephone and web-based counseling program that provides services for more than 60,000 children and youths across the country. The Youth programs offer personal development, training and employment assistance to more than 3,500 youths in communities. BoysTown is collaborating with key stakeholders to work on a social inclusion project with four remote Indigenous communities in the East Kimberleys (â€Å"Youth social†). It also provides parenting programs and family refuges such as home-based support and training to make way for the transition of disadvantaged youths to the wider world (â€Å"Youth social†). The organization also operates various social enterprises and transitional employment programs in order to provide 400 youths per year with paid work and on-the-job training. There are various indicators that demonstrate the degree of social exclusion suffered by families and children, which include low-birth-weight babies, permanent exclusion from school, the number of children living in unemployed households, teenage pregnancy, low academic achievement, and the number of children aged 10-16 who are in young offender institutions (Pierson, 2002). The indicators of social exclusion at the level of community include overcrowded housing, a high percentage of households without a bank account, poor community participation, and high levels of burglaries (Pierson, 2002). The key forces that increases the likelihood of social exclusion are poverty and low income, lack of social supports and networks, lack of access to the labor market, the impact of the local neighborhood, and exclusion from services (Pierson, 2002). Pierson (2002) suggests ways to address social exclusion, which include maximizing income and securing basic resources; improving social networks and supports; collaborating in partnership with local organizations and agencies; developing channels of effective participation for users, local residents, and their organizations; and concentrating on whole neighborhoods. Socially excluded youths have a significant cost impact on society in terms of publicly-funded health services, justice system and social security costs, and the impact of decreased individual earning capacity, lost productivity, and decreased tax revenue (â€Å"Youth social†). The Australian government is investing in developing the capability of the not-for-profit organization to provide more holistic, community-based strategies to respond to social exclusion, especially among young people (â€Å"Youth social†). Models of intervention must be multi-dimensional and aimed at providing young people with a comprehensive range of support over an extended period of time (â€Å"Youth social†). They should also be based on a holistic approach in order for young people to overpower personal barriers; improve their strengths, health, well-being, life and interpersonal skills; develop their self-esteem and the ability to learn; and succeed in shifting to independent living, training or work, and further education (â€Å"Youth social†). BoysTown’s Youth programs are effective in helping youths who are at risk of social exclusion because they incorporate individual assessment, counseling, and support, life skills training, personal development and mentoring; vocational skills training, employment assistance; and post-placement support (â€Å"Youth social†). Young people must be provided assistance into paid employment by giving advice, training and other help that they need to make them more employable (Kemp, 2005). Focusing on individual agency such as young people’s attributes, qualifications, decision-making, and behavior allows young people to successfully transition from welfare to work (Kemp, 2005). The Kids Helpline at BoysTown is similar to a mentoring program that helps disadvantaged young people to tackle social exclusion. Mentoring consists of an informal educative role and personal support and encouragement (Pierson, 2002). Mentor acts as a trusted counselor or guide (Pierson, 2002). The goal of a mentoring or counseling program is to connect two individuals in a one to one voluntary relationship, with one individual being more experienced than the other and with the hope that their knowledge and skills will be transferred (Pierson, 2002). The key features of a mentoring relationship include a voluntary arrangement as required by the individual being mentored and can be ended by either party at any time, interpersonal skills of mentors to manage and monitor the relationship, and the understanding of both mentored and mentors about the boundaries and objective of the relationship (Pierson, 2002). Colley (2003) mentions the popularity of mentoring with policy-makers because it addresses their concerns such as the moralization of social exclusion. The author adds that the solution to social exclusion of young people depends on their re-engagement with the labor market and/or formal learning routes. The key role of mentoring is to provide a way for the re-engagement by changing young people’s values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior to engage their personal commitment to become employable (Colley, 2003). Mentoring helps young people in terms of empowering them, discussing aspirations, and making them more realistic about their view of work (Colley, 2003). It is also important to assist young people to attain skills in areas such as confidence building, problem solving, improvement of interpersonal skills, punctuality, and team working in order to enhance their personal effectiveness in the workplace (Colley, 2003). Moreover, mentoring is also important to help disadvantaged young people develop social networks and capital (Colley, 2003). It is necessary to create initiatives that involve young people not only in making decisions that affect them individually or on particular services but also in making decisions that influence their communities collectively (Pierson, 2002). Organizations led by young people play an important role in defining services and provide practical support for young persons (Pierson, 2002). The aim of the Indigenous community development at BoysTown is to help young people to re-engage in learning; increase community involvement in formal education and training; enhance access to sustainable mainstream employment opportunities; and develop training and work opportunities through community-based social business enterprises (â€Å"Youth social†). According to Pierson (2002), adolescent support teams have emerged rapidly during the early 1990s. The author adds that the aim of adolescent support teams is to divert youths from the care system and offer short-term preventive service that assists families prevent problems in relationships that might result to homelessness. The approach used by the adolescent support teams is preventive and based on time-limited, task-focused work (Pierson, 2002). Most of the work of the adolescent support teams involves negotiation and mediation between young people and parents (Pierson, 2002). BoysTown enterprises are involved in several community infrastructure development, asset maintenance, and urban renewal projects in disadvantaged areas (â€Å"Youth social†). Enterprise-based intermediate labor markets are effective in minimizing crime and anti-social behavior and in helping young people who are socially excluded to engage again with the labor market (â€Å"Youth social†). According to Aiken (2007), social enterprises are considered mission-driven organizations with a commitment to a specific disadvantaged group. The author adds that placement agencies function as intermediaries in searching and training people to move into work in the mainstream labor market. Social enterprises have often focused on the needs of socially excluded client groups (Aiken, 2007). Aiken (2007) mentions that the origin of social and community enterprises can be found in the mutual and cooperative sector in Great Britain. The author adds that the emergence of this movement has resulted to an important pattern which has focused on the economic development of poorer communities, including the importance of maintaining paid work. Intermediate Labor Market organizations focus on short-term training and employment with the goal of trainees transitioning into paid work in other organizations (Aiken, 2007). They may be working with disadvantaged people and will have a tendency to be reliant on some degree of public sector contracting. References Aiken, M. (2007). What is the role of social enterprise in finding, creating and maintaining employment? for disadvantaged groups? Retrieved June 14, 2009, from http://www. parracity. nsw. gov. au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/22575/Cabinet_Office Colley, Helen (2003). Mentoring for social inclusion: A critical approach to nurturing mentor relationships. New York, NY: Routledge. Kemp, P. A. (2005) Young people and unemployment: From welfare to workfare. In M. Barry (Ed. ), Youth policy and social inclusion: critical debates with young people (pp. 139-156). New York, NY: Routledge. Pierson, J. (2002). Tackling social exclusion. New York, NY: Routledge. Youth social exclusion: A global concern. Retrieved June 14, 2009, from http://www. boystown. com. au/downloads/rep/BT-Youth-Social-Exclusion. pdf
Friday, September 20, 2019
China and India
China and India Case study: China and India Question 1: Discuss the innovation implication for the leading developed nations concerning China and Indias rapidly escalating capabilities. It is not unreasonable to consider China and India as crouching tiger and hidden dragon (Engardio 2005) because both countries possess remarkable capabilities that others do not have. The term capabilities are broadly based, encompassing the entire value chain and representing technological and production expertise at specific points along the value chain. (Stalk et al. 1992, cited by Smith 2008, p.1). In other words, capabilities embrace both competences and resources. Foreign companies believe the two countries as ideal destinations to invest, first of all thank to abundant and cheap workforce. Two nations together account for one-third of the worlds population and the average hourly compensation is just a tiny fraction of that found in other commercial partners. In 2005, the labour cost is $1.1/hour in China and $0.9/hour in India (ANON 2009), occupy merely one thirtieth compared with Germany ($34.1), the UK ($26) or the US ($23.8). In addition to human resources strengths, Chinas abundant factor has been low-wage workers, many of whom become factory hands. Indias abundant factor has been the relatively well-educated, English-speaking labor that provides a low-cost gateway to global services (Cox and Alm 2008). This is not to mention technical and managerial skills which are becoming even more fundamental than cheap assembly labor in both nations. China is dominant in mass manufacturing with multibillion-dollar electronics and heavy industrial plants while India stays outstanding in software, design, services and precision industry (Engardio 2005). These capabilities undoubtedly lure foreign investors and also have influence on leading developed countries including giants like the US, Japan and Germany. As Engardio (2005) states these established powers will have to make room for China and India because they will be 21st-century heavyweights in almost every fields such as consumer markets, investors, producers and users of energy and commodities. For example, in the estimated share of global raw materials consumption in 2005, China uses 47% of cement, 37% of cotton, and 30% of coal while the whole world consumes the rest (ibid). The two countries are also racing ahead of the US in numbers of young professionals. According to Engardio (2005), Chinese and Indian engineers are supposed to combine skills: mastery of the latest software tools, a knack for complex mathematical algorithms and fluency in new multimedia technologies, which surpass those in the US. Little wonder the booming growth in young brains in China and India attra ct increasing number of investors to operate business there. Moreover, the rising consumer class contributes to innovation drive as well. Consumers of car and cellphone market in both countries have surged nearly 10 times since 2000 and made up the substantial part in the world market (ibid). Furthermore, young people of two nations are sensitive to fashionable devices and view products as status symbols, as a result, according to Philips Semiconductors Executive (cited by Engardio) these nations will play a greater part in defining global trends. In the future, there might be a change in positions of followers and leaders between these countries and the leading developed nations. Question 2: Evaluate the evolving balance of economic power shift from the West to the East Some economists believe that there is unquestionably a shift of economic power from the West to the East while others argue that Eastern countries are not strong enough to reverse the situation. In the one hand, advocates have a great number of persuasive reasons to support their ideas. Little wonder that the Eastern nations, especially two most populous countries in the world China and India, offer certain competitive advantages and chances to be attractive destinations for investors. Their appeals comprise not only cheap labor which becomes less crucial but also technical and managerial competences (Engardio 2005). In addition, the number of scientists, engineers and young researchers of these nations continues increasing sharply, on the contrary to the consider drop of the US and other Western countries. These factors no doubt contribute to the shift of economic power. In respect to other economic indicators, say buying power and production output, China ranks as the worlds second-largest economy and India is fourth, according to new World Bank data which uses new measurements of countries buying power in U.S. dollars. Also, the banks report of 2008 showed that developing countries now produce 41 percent of the worlds output, up from 36 percent in 2000 and 5 of the 12 largest economies are emerging countries (Wroughton 2008). These figures show the increasing greater role of nations from the developing world especially China and India in the world economy. With successive achievement, the prospective of China and India is definitely bright in the coming years. There is much optimistic estimation of the two economies. In 2012, China might pass the US to be the biggest buyer of luxury brands in the world (Khanna 2007). Also, Wroughton (2008) quoted Eric Swanson, program manager for the World Banks development data group that the domestic market in China is really much larger than people might have thought when they were looking at the exchange rate data said. Or as Engardio (2005) believes, the two nations will reshape the global economy with the percentage of world gross domestic product occupying approximate 50% while the EU makes up 15% and the US 26%. On the other hand, opponents argue that the two countries are facing plenty of obstacles that throw them far off course (ibid). Huge population contributes to their strength of workforce but as a double-edged sword if social, political and environmental challenges are not managed, may lead to increasing unemployment rate. Furthermore, to fulfil the widespread predictions that they will become superpowers, annual growth of at least 8% must be maintained regularly. It is obviously not easy for both to overcome such huge challenges as financial crisis, coups, political backlash, environmental problem, health, plain bad management and war which have derailed many other miracle economies in Southeast Asia and Latin America (ibid). The cooperation between China and India seems to lay the ground for sustainable economic growth and the power of two may reinforce their economic position in Asia as well as in the world market (Cox and Alm 2008). As Khanna (2007) states, there are three reasons for their symbiotic. First, in the past before 1962, they enjoyed close economy, culture, and religion. Second, neighbors trade more than non-neighbors do. Third, despite the same target China and India have different paths to go, thus, cooperation will reduce the competitiveness between them and boost the complementarities. In fact, there are some companies succeeded in making use of both countries capabilities. For instance, the countries state-owned oil companies Sinopec and ONGC have teamed up to hunt for oil together and both of them are powerful in two countries (ibid). Question 3: What are the potential market opportunities for China and India? Also discuss the future competitive threats of China and India for industries in developed countries. As the most populous countries in the world, China and India have major domestic markets that produce for them. They also suggests to other participants in the world economy that they are not only producers of goods but also vast potential markets. said Eric Swanson, program manager for the World Banks development data group (Wroughton 2008). Actually both countries have a great deal of potential market opportunities. One of them is the ability to attract foreign investment which enables the two nations to reduce unemployment rate as well as improve the living standard. Moreover, the approach with developed companies offers China and India valuable chances to learn their modern managerial style and technological advance. Basing on experience of the developed countries, they may learn their lessons and apply to the actual situations. Additionally, some multinational companies like Motorola, Microsoft and GE (Engardio 2005 and Khanna 2007) realize that they must succeed in both China and India at many levels simultaneously to gain competitive advantages. If they fail to view them as symbiotic they may lose their competitive edge not just in these countries but globally. This acknowledgement of international cooperations certainly enhances the key role of the two as key players in the global market. There would be more and more multinational organizations having little choice but being engaged to make use of both nations capabilities. Consequently, the potential market opportunities of China and India brought by the world giants would increase in comin g years. The recently rapid development and increased openness over the past quarter century of both countries, as an indispensable result, poses the competitive threats for industries in developed countries. China and India recognize that the cheap labor edge wont last forever especially in skilled areas and that technical and managerial skills are far more fundamental (Engardio 2005). They will specialize in generating products and services with high-quality but at ridiculously low prices. Companies in the developed world, therefore, would encounter the fierce competition of these kinds of product and service not only in domestic markets but global market as well. In addition, the China and Indias supply of engineers, scientists and researchers has grown considerably in contrast with a drop in the US and Westerner, which may lead to the shift of power balance in many technologies from West to East (ibid). This factor also sweetens the charm of these markets while erodes some industries appeal in developed markets.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
MARK OF THE X: PETER TOSH & MALCOLM X :: essays papers
MARK OF THE X: PETER TOSH & MALCOLM X Words can influence and move a group of people to fight for what they believe in. There have been several influential leaders throughout time. These men and women have changed the shape and direction of our world. Their influence and passion has made it possible for people to fight against injustices. Within this group of leaders there are several different styles and approaches to uniting people and fighting for a cause. Some of these leaders and their styles are ubiquitous, while others only have a few paragraphs in the history books. The civil rights movement in the United States and the civil unrest in Jamaica had two different types of leaders. The first was the civil, peaceful and universally excepted leader. Bob Marley and Martin Luther King Jr. encompassed these qualities. On the other hand, the militant, revolutionary and controversial leaders also played a major role in these movements. Peter Tosh and Malcolm X were the characteristically hostile leaders of each of these mo vements. Although, all four of these leaders were effective in their own ways, ultimately, it was only the peaceful and socially "accepted" leaders that had a lasting impact and were able to create, what seemed like, permanent change. The similarities between Peter Tosh’s life and Malcolm X’s are uncanny. They both went about change in a way that was exclusive and unsettling. In the end it is clear that in order to impact people significantly one has to play by the rules that the dominate society sets up. Bob Marley and Martin Luther King Jr. did this. The change and "justices" that Marley and King fought for seem somewhat misleading. Although took steps towards equal rights they did this on the white man’s terms thus making their "justices" seem more illustrious then they actually were. Both Malcolm X and Peter Tosh had similar upbringings in that they both experienced the hardships of growing up poor without their parents. Peter Tosh grew up in Kingston, Jamaica. This area is located outside of the larger Trenchtown and is known as a "ghetto." Without the guidance of either of his parents, Tosh was raised by his grand-aunt until he was fifteen years old. Similarly, Malcolm X’s father was murdered when Malcolm was only six and a couple of years later his mother was taken from their home and put into an institution.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Aids: Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome :: essays research papers
AIDS: Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome I am doing a report on AIDS, I don't know much about AIDS but I will tell you what I know. I know that it is transmitted by sexual contact,blood,needles,children during/before birth. I also know it affects the immune system directly, It is caused by the virus HIV which they have no cure for either AIDS or HIV at the current moment, but they are doing serious research on them. I call it the "Generation X Disease" because it mostly affects my sex- oriented generation. It is currently one of the leading causes of death in the USA and the death rate is increasing drastically! It it the perfect virus of the ninties because of how it is transmitted is like what the ninties is about... sex and drugs(what a great generation huh). Everyone's doing drugs and having pre-marital sex at a young irresponsable age, it's getting so bad I am beginning to believe that I am the only normal person left. You used to only be able to get an HIV test at your doctor, but now they have home tests that are confidential. You go to the store pick one up prick your finger then mail in the blood sample, in about two or three weeks you call in and enter your special pin number and they give you your results. I think this is cool but there has to be some drawbacks like them getting samples messed up and it getting mixed up in the mail or other stupid things like that, like if you really don't have the disease but you get someone elses reading who does have HIV. Thats about all I know about this horrible disease,so ill move on to what I found when I reaserched this topic. I went on the internet to find some of my information, and i used different books the librarian recommended me to read on AIDS and HIV. AIDS appears to be constantly changing it's genetic structure so it makes it very hard to find a cure for it, and very hard for the body to make antibodies. This makes development of a vaccine that is able to raise protective antibodies to all virus strands a difficult task. I also found out that they have made so much progress in finding a cure because they know so much about it now. The only known chemical that is effective in reducing reactions/symptoms, is the chemical zidovudine which was formerly called azidothymidine(AZT). Which was developed in 1987. It is indicated thet few if any are likely to survive the
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Boys In The Hood Essay example -- essays research papers
Hood: slang for neighborhood or black area/life. Before 1991 this concept of hood life was never before portrayed or looked into until John Singleton produced the black social drama Boyz N the Hood. This is the first film by a black director that actually goes deep inside the ghetto or inner city. Singleton carefully directs this film so that it appears to mirror the real world â€Å"having value as a kind of anthropological study of an unfamiliar way of life'; (Thompson 2). Set in lower-middle-class, predominately black, south central Los Angeles, a neighborhood where constant gunshots regularly interrupt study time and the sound of police helicopters flying above is a familiar tune, Boyz N the Hood is basically the story of three teenage friends coming of age in black urban America. It is their story of street life where friendship, pain, danger, and love combine to form their harsh reality. Unlike previous films Singleton addresses issues that relate more to the younger generation of that time. Tre, the main character is obviously the one who is on the right track toward adulthood. He has a job, plans to go to college and, â€Å"most important (as writer-director Singleton sees it, at any rate) he lives with his father'; (Tornquist 1). Brothers Doughboy and Ricky, on the other hand, live with their mother and are not good role models. Doughboy drives a fancy car but doesn’t appear to have a job, and has been in and out of prison. Ricky does a litt...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Meaning of Life and Literary Metaphorical Descriptions Essay
Stuck and chained without any tendency of where your life is headed, requires necessary effort to go through. This is the situation for the main character in Wiliam Lychacks short story, Stolpestad. Without any whereabouts of his life directions, Stolpestad come across his own life through unpleasant confrontations of his own identity loss. â€Å"This is your life, Stolpestad†Stolpestad finds that his life gone tedious, waiting towards the end of each shift, lying and giving an excuse to postpone his arrival back home to his wife and his children. Driving through the city, Stolpestad yearns after his life in the town as child. â€Å"You idle slow and lawful past the house as if to glimpse someone or something – yourself as a boy, perhaps. †Though Stolpestad is aware of the requisite in his absence back home, he decides to go to a bar. At the bar he is telling stories, spreading laughter, about his earlier predicament with shooting the suffering dog. Stolpestad seems full of confidence re-telling the story, but in the certain situation he was nervous and sensitive: â€Å"with this hope that she’s already dead- that shrill of insects in the heat and grass as you nudge her again. You push until she comes to life, her eye opening slow and black to you – you with this hope that the boy will be running any moment to you now, hollering for you to stop. †He wish the dog to already be dead, or that the boy will come hollering him to stop. This nervousness of his comes truly to life when the boy and his father are confronting him, and the surrounding noices frightens him: â€Å"It’s only a door opening – but look how jumpy you are†. Stolpestad finds this confrontation to be a very uncomfortable situations, and feel that it is a repeating element in his life, which is depicted in this paragraph: â€Å"the deja vu of a pickup truck in the driveway as you pull around the house, as if you’ve seen or imagined or been through all of this be- fore, or will be through it all again, over and over†. We can interpret this, from the fact that Stolpestad keeps running into these unpleasant situations. Putting down a suffering dog turns into an unintentional disservice to the dying dog, the boy and his father and himself. The unsuccessful execution and the survival of the suffering dog, Goliath, can be seen as a metaphor for Stolpestads life. The life of the dog Goliath and Stolpestads life are heading in the same direction, Goliaths suffering is a reflection of the suffering in Stolpestads own life. Gully is gravely injured and it is just a matter of time until its’ life will peg out, but even after what was supposed to be an easy put down, the dog remains alive. Stolpestad is neither injured or near death. Stolpestad is caught between the choices whether he shall pursue his meaning of life or leave this world behind. He is stuck as a spectator of his own life, as the dying dog Goliath is a spectator of its’ own death. The injury of the dog can also be interpreted as a simile for the environment and the town Stolpestad lives in. The Christian narrative of â€Å"David and Goliath†deals for Goliaths sake with the themes negativity and failure. The nickname â€Å"Gully†is a synonym for a sewer. That means, that the dogs name in both significances refers to something including degradation and poor environs. Goliath lies on all the trash on the families within the families’ premises and symbolizes the poor social environment that the family hails from. The family is tamped by this inadequacy in the society, which the dog and its name symbolize. The sentence: â€Å"The old tires, empty bottles, paint cans, rusty car axle, refrigerator door†exemplifies what poor environment the family is a part of. The environment of the father may also explain the cause of his ironical compliments of Stolpestads house: â€Å"He lets out a long sigh and says it’s a fine place you seem to have here†. Still this higher league of society does not fit Stolpestad, and it does not seem like he has been in this contrast to the lower league of society his whole life, which also may cause the sympathy he has for the boy. The boy can be interpreted as an illusion of Stolpestad as a child. In the early beginning of the short story, Stolpestad is driving around soulless, looking for something – possibly himself as a child, and after the meeting with the boy, he quickly conceives comprehension of his life situation. This may be caused of Stolpestads own youth, that may have been difficult, but he still may miss: â€Å"Back to all the turns you were born, your whole life spent along the same sad streets†The kind of narrator being used in the story is a â€Å"second person narrator†who writes to a certain â€Å"you†. Our â€Å"you†, who our narrator directs itself to is the main character of the story, Stolpestad. Though it is Stolpestad the narrator direct itself to, the reader feels like being spoken to, when this narrative perspective is being used: †Was toward the end of your shift†. This way a text involves and affects its reader in a whole other level. It is hard to judge whether the narrator is an actual figure or totally absent throughout the story. The narrator does not specifically appear throughout the story, but certain things point to the narrators’ appearance: †away we go†. Still it is doubtful and unknown, who the narrator may be, as the short story does not give an unequivocal explanation of who the narrator might be. The language is both embossed of slang and then the more literary metaphorical descriptions. This shows, how the narrator has authority of changing the style when it fits him. Therefore it is a mixture of the lower style and a formal literary style. Stolpestad is living a life that just passes by, without him taking any action, and therefore he feels like his whole life just consists of continuous repetitions. He is living in the same surroundings as he did in his youth and during his childhood so therefore his external rams haven’t changed, though he has become older. Therefore everything feels recognizable and boring for him. With the description from a second person narrator, who sees Stolpestad from an external perspective, we can connect this to the interpretation of him as a passive individual. He is not even in possession of the authority to tell his own story, but is having it told by another narrator interfering and judging him negatively. Here as well he stands without influence, but may passively let the narrator relate his story, while he himself will have to be a spectator to his own life. So do not just let life pass you by.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Law Studies Essay
Respond to the following prompts in complete sentences. 1. What role did Enlightenment ideas play in the development of the United States? Give at least two examples to support your answer. The constitution uses philosophers ideas during the Enlightenment era. Jefferson shaped the country by solidifying the ideas of natural rights in term of government and religion. Locke was asserting that government had to be fair and equitable in order to be sustainable. 2. How are the ideas of the Magna Carta evident in the founding documents of the US? The Magna Carta set a precedent for the idea of a limited central governing body. It said that the king doesn’t have unlimited power and he needed the approval of those he govern. 3. Briefly explain the roles of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches and how the power of the government is separated among them. Legislative make laws Executive enforces the law and judicial interpret the law . 4. In your opinion, does the government work the way it should? Is power shared equally or does one branch control more than its share? Be sure to support your answers with details and examples. The original intend to having three branches is to be able balance them out but I think that the judicial branch has been claiming more power. Courts making decisions that overturn laws that have been signed into law even when there is no Constitutional basis for such an action. 5. Give one example of how you are affected on a daily basis by each of the following: your city/county government, your state government, the federal government. Each day I live I have to follow the law. So it affects me everyday even for little things like following the speed limit and to not littering. Even though we have law people are always breaking them but the law always wins and the get their consequences.
Family Delinquency Essay
There are several factors that might lead to inept parenting in single parent households. Among these factors are the available economic and parental resources to children and the stressful conditions that characterize such families. Majority of single parents are economically disadvantaged. As such, they often lack the material resources that they can offer their children. The result is that their children remain uncompetitive especially in school. Their children thus lack status among their peers owing to the inability of the parent to provide things that they may need. Due to the fact that majority of single parents suffer from various economic difficulties, they are likely to live in run down neighborhoods characterized by high crime rates, low quality schools and few community services. The majority of single parents also find it difficult to function effectively as parents. They are in most cases less emotionally supportive of their children, are less restrictive, dispense harsher discipline, are more inconsistent in dispensing discipline, offer less supervision and engage in more conflict with their children (Simmons and Simmons, 2005). These deficits in parenting emanate from the struggle to provide for the family with limited financial resources and attempting to raise children in the absence of the other biological parent. Various studies associate inept parenting by resident single parents with a variety of negative consequences among children. Relationship between informal and formal labeling to adolescent delinquency According to labeling theory, perceived negative reactions result in the development of negative self conceptions and greater delinquent involvement (Glueck, 1962). The proponents of this theory emphasize on the importance of both formal and informal labeling. Formal labels are those acquired through contact with social control agencies while informal labeling are those that parents, peers and teachers generate. Juveniles become stigmatized through contact with social control agencies. Involvement in delinquent behavior is one of the possible responses to being negatively labeled or stigmatized. Negative parental reactions may also lead to a juvenile becoming delinquent. In their routine activities, juveniles encounter different cues and clues on how members of the community they live perceive them. Juveniles can interpret accurately the meaning of symbols and gestures employed to project labels upon them through role taking and defining situations. Human beings cannot be said to be passive receptors of negative labels since they possess the capacity to take part in cooperative interaction through significant symbols. Some juveniles negotiate labels and at times attempt to repudiate their deviant imputations (Simmons and Simmons, 2005). Naming or defining something is never an idealistic procedure but rather a consequence of an action. As such, social groups establish deviance by their response to known acts. A label therefore designates something that is a consequence of successful conversation of gestures. It is this successful conversation of gestures that makes the process of labeling the self possible. Labeling theorists assume that individuals project themselves into the role of significant others during real or imagined interactions and make assessments or self appraisals. The self becomes an object for which the person attaches labels which can either be positive or negative. This assumption is guided by the conception that human have the capacity to choose among competing labels for their self conception. Discuss the factors relating to the possibilities of the family structure being a major contribution to a juvenile becoming involved in delinquent behaviors. Family structure influences to a large extent the behavior of children. Research findings indicate that children growing up with single parents have an increased risk of becoming delinquents (Glueck, 1962). The structure of the family influences economic and parental resources that are available to children. Single parents, being financially constrained, are less likely to take care of their children’s need. The result is that the children experience low self esteem as they lack the majority of things that other children possess. Children who are growing up in a family where both parents are present are unlikely to experience behavioral problems. Research also indicates that children from single parent families that receive support from non-resident fathers also exhibit fewer behavioral problems than those without support. With this regard, economic factors influence the possibilities of a child becoming deviant and this mainly depends on the structure of the family. If both the parents are present, the economic conditions are likely to be better as both parents may take the responsibility in providing for the children. As such, the children may not feel deprived thereby reducing the possibilities of becoming deviant. Children become conformists when their parents possess cooperative co-parental relationship. When parents support each others decisions and agree on the rules of the family, the children learn that the parent’s authority is not arbitrary. Parental agreement therefore means that the children are not exposed to inconsistent discipline when they misbehave. This consistency between parents encourages children to learn and internalize moral values and social norms. Causes of marital violence Social theories see marital violence to be the product of the society. As such, they see marital violence as emanating from the social structures and the cultural values and norms that accommodate the use of violence among partners. Furthermore, the causes of marital violence have been attributed by some sociologists to be rooted in the structure of the family; the interaction between the members of the family and their social interactions. For instance, family systems theory relates the cause of marital violence to communication flaws and conflict in intimate relationships. Psychological theories on the other hand attribute the causes to individual experiences and predispositions. Marital violence may be linked to biological inclination to violence and personality disorder, or as suggested by social learning theories, to the offender’s social environment during his early stages of development. Attachment theory emphasizes on the relationship between parents or caregivers with their children and the consequences of such attachments on the ability of an individual to develop safe and healthy relationships later in life. Psychological perspectives hold that individuals may be predisposed to violence by personality disorders or early experiences of trauma. As such, being abusive physically is seen as a manifestation of an underlying emotional problem. Childhood experiences such as parental abuse, rejection and the inability to satisfy the dependence needs of a child may provide a source of later violence. Double Jeopardy Statistics show that women are at a higher risk of being victims of marital violence than males. Quite a number of reasons have been postulated to explain this phenomenon. Among the widely held theories is that women are inherently weak. With regard to physical strength, it is widely known that males far much out-weigh females in strength. Many female victims often find themselves in difficult situation when they are taking the decision to report their partner for abusing them physically. This is because they are likely to do something worse when they come out. As such, female victims of marital violence are always at the risk of double jeopardy. Even though violation of protection order may lead to federal criminal prosecution, advocates may develop procedures to avert double jeopardy. Population heterogeneity theory These theories postulate that there is an initial proneness to commit violent offenses and that this early difference in the development of an individual remains quite stable over time (Glueck, 1962)). People with numerous risk factors before birth, during toddler hood and during childhood are more likely to develop violent tendencies during adolescence and adulthood. In other words, there is a correlation between past and current criminal behavior. Population heterogeneity process attributes stability in offending over time to differences in anti-social characteristics across individuals that is established early in life. One of the implications of a population heterogeneity explanation for continuity in crime over time is that the antisocial feature is likely to have reverberations throughout life, adopting many manifestations later in life. Any observed correspondence between later life events and criminality is spurious due to the fact that they are all the consequence of a common cause. Concepts and principles of social learning theory The fundamental assumption of social learning theory is that the same learning process that operates within the context of social structure, interaction and situation produces both conforming and deviant behavior. The direction of the process in which these mechanisms operate is the basis of their difference. What is involved is the balance of influences on behavior. In most cases, that balance exudes some form of stability over time but it can also become unstable and change with circumstances and time. Conformity and deviant behavior is learned by the mechanisms in this process even though the theory proposes that the principle mechanism are part of the process in which differential reinforcement and imitation produce both overt behavior and cognitive definitions that function as discriminative stimuli for the behavior. Parenting skills The success of any family is dependent upon effective parenting. As such, it is important for every parent to establish healthy methods of raising their children. New parents should know that the future of their children lie in their hands. The first step to parenting is developing clear expectations of what both parents want. Depending on the background of what is being considered right or wrong, parents should plan and communicate their expectation to each other. Establishing a list of social, academic, religious and family oriented expectations for different settings and activities will enable parents to be very particular and concrete in teaching their children. They must however take into consideration the ability and age of the child, developmental status and the available resources. After setting the appropriate rules and expectations, the second most important thing is to unambiguously communicate these expectations in word and in deed. References Glueck, E. (1962). Family environment and delinquency. Houghton Mifflin Simmons, R. & Simmons L. (2005). Families, delinquency, and crime: Linking Society’s Most    Basic Institution to Antisocial Behavior. Oxford University Press
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Bloodlines Chapter Twelve
WHEN WE LEFT on our group date or family outing or whatever it was, Lee couldn't stop apologizing for his father. â€Å"I'm sorry,†he said, slumping miserably in the backseat of Latte. â€Å"There's no reasoning with him anymore. We tried to tell him that Tamara was killed by Strigoi, but he won't believe it. He doesn't want to. He can't take revenge on a Strigoi. They're immortal. Invincible. But some human vampire hunter? Somehow, in his head, that's something he can go after. And if he can't, then he can focus his energy on how the guardians won't go after these nonexistent vampire hunters.†I just barely heard Eddie mutter, â€Å"Strigoi aren't that invincible.†In the rearview mirror, I saw Jill's face filled with compassion. She was seated between Lee and Eddie. â€Å"Even if it's a fantasy, maybe it's better this way,†she suggested. â€Å"It gives him comfort. I mean, kind of. Having something tangible to hate is what gets him through. Otherwise he'd just give in to despair. He's not hurting anyone with his theories. I think he's sweet.†She caught her breath in that way she did when she'd said a whole lot all at once. My eyes were back on the road, but I could swear Lee was smiling. â€Å"That's nice of you,†he told her. â€Å"I know he likes having you around. Turn right up here.†That was to me. Lee had been giving me directions ever since we left Clarence's. We were just outside of Palm Springs proper, nearing the very impressive-looking Desert Gods Golf Course and Resort. Further guidance from him led us to the Mega-Fun Mini-Golf Center, which was adjacent to the resort. I searched for a parking spot and heard Jill gasp when she caught sight of the golf course's crowning glory. There, in the center of a cluster of gaudily decorated putting greens, was a huge fake mountain with an artificial waterfall spouting from its top. â€Å"A waterfall!†she exclaimed. â€Å"It's amazing.†â€Å"Well,†said Lee, â€Å"I wouldn't go that far. It's made of water that's been pumped over and over and has God only knows what in it. I mean, I wouldn't try to drink or swim in it.†Before I even had the car to a stop, Adrian was out the door, lighting a cigarette. We'd gotten in an argument on the way over, despite me telling him three times that Latte was a strictly no-smoking car. The rest of us soon got out as well, and I wondered what I'd signed up for here as we strolled toward the entrance. â€Å"I've actually never been mini-golfing,†I remarked. Lee came to a halt and stared. â€Å"Never?†â€Å"Never.†â€Å"How does that happen?†asked Adrian. â€Å"How is it possible that you've never played mini-golf?†â€Å"I had kind of an unusual childhood,†I said at last. Even Eddie looked incredulous. â€Å"You? I was practically raised at an isolated school in the middle of nowhere Montana, and even I've played mini-golf.†Saying I was homeschooled was no excuse this time, so I just let it go. Really, it just came down to having a childhood more focused on chemical equations than on fun and recreation. Once we started playing, I soon got the hang of it. My first few attempts were pretty bad, but I soon understood the weight of the club and how the angles on each course could be maneuvered. From there, it was pretty simple to calculate distance and force to make accurate shots. â€Å"Unbelievable. If you'd been playing since you were a child, you'd be a pro by now,†Eddie told me as I knocked my ball into a gaping dragon's mouth. The ball rolled out the back, down a tube, bounced off a wall, and into the hole. â€Å"How'd you do that?†I shrugged. â€Å"It's simple geometry. You're not that bad either,†I pointed out, watching him make his shot. â€Å"How do you do it?†â€Å"I just line it up and putt.†â€Å"Very scientific.†â€Å"I just rely on natural talent,†said Adrian, strolling up to the start of the Dragon's Lair. â€Å"When you have such a wealth of it to draw from, the danger comes from having too much.†â€Å"That makes no sense whatsoever,†said Eddie. Adrian's response was to pause and take out a silver flask from his inner coat pocket. He unscrewed it and took a quick drink before leaning in to line up his shot. â€Å"What was that?†I exclaimed. â€Å"You can't have alcohol out here.†â€Å"You heard Jailbait earlier,†he countered. â€Å"It's the weekend.†He lined up his ball and shot. The ball went directly for the dragon's eye, bounced off it, and shot back toward Adrian. It rolled and came to a stop at his feet, nearly where it had started. â€Å"Natural talent, huh?†asked Eddie. I leaned forward. â€Å"I think you broke the dragon's eye.†â€Å"Just like Keith,†said Adrian. â€Å"I figured you'd appreciate that, Sage.†I gave him a sharp look, wondering if there was any hidden meaning behind that. Mostly, Adrian seemed amused by his own wit. Eddie mistook my expression. â€Å"That was inappropriate,†he told Adrian. â€Å"Sorry, Dad.†Adrian shot again and managed not to maim any statues this time. A couple more shots, and he sank the ball. â€Å"There we go. Three.†â€Å"Four,†said Eddie and I in unison. Adrian looked at us incredulously. â€Å"It was three.†â€Å"You're forgetting about your first one,†I said. â€Å"The one where you blinded the dragon.†â€Å"That was just the warm-up,†Adrian argued. He put on a smile I think he hoped would charm me. â€Å"Come on, Sage. You understand how my mind works. You said I was brilliant, remember?†Eddie glanced at me in surprise. â€Å"You did?†â€Å"No! I never said that.†Adrian's smile was infuriating. â€Å"Stop telling people that.†Since I was in charge of the scorecard, his play was logged as four, despite his many further protests. I started to move forward, but Eddie held out a hand to stop me, his hazel eyes gazing over my shoulder. â€Å"Hold up,†he said. â€Å"We need to wait for Jill and Lee.†I followed his gaze. The two of them had been in deep conversation since we arrived, so much so that they'd slowed and lagged behind the rest of us. Even during his bantering with Adrian and me, Eddie had continually checked on her – and our surroundings. It was kind of amazing the way he could multitask. Thus far, Jill and Lee had only been one hole behind us. Now it was nearly two, and that was too far for Eddie to keep her in his sight. So, we waited while the oblivious couple meandered their way toward the Dragon's Lair. Adrian took another drink from his flask and shook his head in awe. â€Å"You had nothing to worry about, Sage. She went right for him.†â€Å"No thanks to you,†I snapped. â€Å"I can't believe you told her every detail of my visit that night. She was so mad at me for interfering behind her back with you, Lee, and Micah.†â€Å"I hardly told her anything,†argued Adrian. â€Å"I just told her to stay away from that human guy.†Eddie glanced between our faces. â€Å"Micah?†I shifted uncomfortably. Eddie didn't know about how I'd gone proactive. â€Å"Remember when I wanted you to say something to him? And you wouldn't?†I proceeded to tell him how I'd then sought out Adrian's help and found out about Lee's interest in Jill. Eddie was aghast. â€Å"How could you not tell me any of this?†he demanded. â€Å"Well,†I said, wondering if everything I did was going to result in the wrath of a Moroi or dhampir, â€Å"it didn't involve you.†â€Å"Jill's safety does! If some guy likes her, I need to know.†Adrian chuckled. â€Å"Should Sage have passed you a note in class?†â€Å"Lee's fine,†I said. â€Å"He obviously adores her, and it's not like she'll ever be alone with him.†â€Å"We don't know for sure that he's fine,†said Eddie. â€Å"Whereas Micah's a hundred percent okay? Did you do a background check or something?†I asked. â€Å"No,†said Eddie, looking embarrassed. â€Å"I just know. It's a feeling I get about him. There's no problem with him spending time with Jill.†â€Å"Except that he's human.†â€Å"They wouldn't have gotten serious.†â€Å"You don't know that.†â€Å"Enough, you two,†interrupted Adrian. Jill and Lee had finally reached the start of the Dragon's Lair, meaning we could move on. Adrian lowered his voice. â€Å"Your argument's useless. I mean, look at them. That human boy doesn't enter into it.†I looked. Adrian was right. Jill and Lee were clearly enthralled with each other. Some guilty part of me wondered if I should be a doing a better job of looking out for Jill. I was so relieved that she was interested in a Moroi that I hadn't stopped to wonder if she should even be dating anyone. Was fifteen old enough? I hadn't dated at fifteen. I'd actually, well, never dated. â€Å"There is an age difference between them,†I admitted, more to myself. Adrian scoffed. â€Å"Believe me, I've seen age differences. Theirs is nothing.†He walked off, and a few moments later, Eddie and I went to join him. Eddie maintained his simultaneous vigil of Jill, but this time, I got the impression the danger he was watching out for was right beside her. Adrian's laughter rang out ahead of us. â€Å"Sage!†he called. â€Å"You have got to see this.†Eddie and I reached the next green and stared in astonishment. Then I burst out laughing. We had reached Dracula's Castle. A huge, multi-towered black castle guarded the hole some distance away. A tunnel was cut out through the center of it with a narrow bridge meant for the ball to go over. If the ball fell off the sides before getting through the castle, it was returned back to the starting point. An animatronic Count Dracula stood off to the castle's side. He was pure white, with red eyes, pointed ears, and slicked-back hair. He jerkily kept raising his arms to show off a batlike cape. Nearby, a speaker blasted eerie organ music. I couldn't stop laughing. Adrian and Eddie looked at me as though they'd never seen me before. â€Å"I don't think I've ever heard her laugh,†Eddie told him. â€Å"Certainly not the reaction I was expecting,†mused Adrian. â€Å"I'd been counting on abject terror, judging from past Alchemist behavior. I didn't think you liked vampires.†Still grinning, I watched Dracula raise his cape up and down. â€Å"This isn't a vampire. Not a real one. And that's what makes it so funny. It's pure Hollywood camp. Real vampires are terrifying and unnatural. This? This is hilarious.†It was clear from their expressions that neither really understood why this would appeal to my sense of humor so much. Adrian did, however, offer to take a picture with my cell phone when I asked him. I posed by Dracula and put on a big smile. Adrian managed to snap the shot just as Dracula was raising his cape. When I viewed the picture, I was pleased to see it had come out perfectly. Even my hair looked good. Adrian gave the picture a nod of approval before handing me the phone. â€Å"Okay, even I can admit that's pretty cute.†I found myself overanalyzing the comment. What had he meant in saying even he could admit it? That I was cute for a human? Or that I had just met some kind of Adrian hot-girl criteria? Moments later, I had to forcibly stop thinking about it. Let it go, Sydney. It's a compliment. Accept it. We played through the rest of the course, finally finishing off with the waterfall itself. That was a particularly challenging hole, and I took my time lining up the shot – not that I needed to. I was beating everyone pretty handily. Eddie was the only one who came close. It was clear Jill and Lee didn't even have their attention on the game, and as for Adrian and his natural talent†¦ well, they were very solidly in last place. Eddie, Adrian, and I were still ahead of the other two, so we waited for them by the waterfall. Jill practically ran to it when she had the chance, gazing up at it with enchanted eyes. â€Å"Oh,†she breathed. â€Å"This is wonderful. I haven't seen this much water in days.†â€Å"Remember what I said about the toxicity,†teased Lee. But it was clear he found her reaction endearing. As I glanced at the other two guys, I saw that they shared the same feelings. Well, not exactly the same. Adrian's affection was clearly brotherly. Eddie's? It was hard to read, kind of a mix of the other two. Maybe it was a kind of guardian fondness. Jill made a gesture to the waterfall, and suddenly, part of it broke off from the tumbling cascade. The chunk of water shaped itself into a braid, then twisted high into the air, making spirals before shattering into a million drops that misted over us all. I had been staring wide-eyed and frozen, but those drops hitting me shocked me awake. â€Å"Jill,†I said in a voice I barely recognized as my own. â€Å"Don't do that again.†Jill, eyes bright, barely spared me a glance as she made another piece of water dance in the air. â€Å"No one's around to see, Sydney.†That wasn't what had me so upset. That wasn't what filled me with so much panic that I could barely breathe. The world was doing that thing where it started to spin, and I worried I was going to faint. Stark, cold fear ran through me, fear at the unknown. The unnatural. The laws of my world had just been broken. This was vampire magic, something foreign and inaccessible to humans – inaccessible because it was forbidden, something no mortal was meant to delve into. I had only once seen magic used, when two spirit users had turned on each other, and I never wanted to see it again. One had forced the plants of the earth to do her bidding while the other telekinetically hurled objects meant to kill. It had been terrifying, and even though I hadn't been the target, I'd felt trapped and overwhelmed in the face of such otherworldly power. It was a reminder that these weren't fun, easy people to hang out with. These were creatures wholly different from me. â€Å"Stop it,†I said, feeling the panic rise. I was afraid of the magic, afraid it would touch me, afraid of what it might do to me. â€Å"Don't do it anymore!†Jill didn't even hear me. She grinned at Lee. â€Å"You're air, right? Can you create fog over the water?†Lee stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked away. â€Å"Ah, well, it's probably not a good idea. I mean, we're in public†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Come on,†she pleaded. â€Å"It won't take any effort for you at all.†He actually appeared nervous. â€Å"Nah, not right now.†â€Å"Not you too.†She laughed. Above her and in front of her, that demon water was still spinning, spinning, spinning†¦ â€Å"Jill,†said Adrian, a harsher note in his voice than I'd ever heard before. In fact, I couldn't recall him ever addressing her by her actual name. â€Å"Stop.†It was all he said, but it was like a wave of something went through Jill. She flinched, and the water spirals disappeared, falling away in droplets. â€Å"Fine,†she said, looking confused. There was a moment of awkwardness, and then Eddie said, â€Å"We should hurry. We're going to be pushing curfew.†Lee and Jill set out to make their shots and soon were laughing and flirting again. Eddie continued watching them in his concerned way. Only Adrian paid any attention to me. He was the only one who really understood what had happened, I realized. His green eyes studied me, with no trace of their usual bitter humor. I wasn't fooled, though. I knew there had to be some witty quip coming, mocking my reaction. â€Å"Are you okay?†he asked quietly. â€Å"I'm fine,†I said, turning from him. I didn't want him to see my face. He'd already seen too much, seen my fear. I didn't want any of them to know how afraid of them I was. I heard him take a few steps toward me. â€Å"Sage – â€Å" â€Å"Leave me alone,†I snapped back. I hurried off toward the course's exit, certain he wouldn't follow me. I was right. I waited for them to finish the game, using the alone time to calm myself down. By the time they caught up to me, I was fairly certain I had wiped most of the emotions from my face. Adrian still watched me with concern, which I didn't like, but at least he didn't say anything else about my breakdown. Surprising to no one, the final score showed that I had won and Adrian had lost. Lee had come in third, which seemed to trouble him. â€Å"I used to be a lot better,†he muttered, frowning. â€Å"I used to be perfect at this game.†Considering he'd spent most of the time paying attention to Jill, I thought third was a pretty respectable performance. I dropped him and Adrian off first and then just barely got Eddie, Jill, and me back to Amberwood on time. I was more or less back to normal by then, not that anyone would've noticed. Jill was floating on a cloud as we went into our dorm room, talking nonstop about Lee. â€Å"I had no idea he'd traveled so much! He's maybe been more places than you, Sydney. He keeps telling me that he'll take me to all of them, that we'll spend the rest of our lives traveling and doing whatever we want. And he's taking all sorts of classes in college because he's not sure what he wants to major in. Well, not all sorts this semester. He's got a light schedule so that he can spend more time with his father. And that's good for me. For us, I mean.†I stifled a yawn and nodded wearily. â€Å"That's great.†She paused from where she'd been searching her dresser for pajamas. â€Å"I'm sorry, by the way.†I froze. I didn't want an apology for the magic. I didn't even want to remember it had happened. â€Å"For yelling at you the other night,†she continued. â€Å"You didn't set me up with Lee. I should never have accused you of interfering. He really has liked me all along, and, well†¦ he's really great.†I let out the breath I'd been holding and attempted a weak smile. â€Å"I'm glad you're happy.†She returned cheerfully to her tasks and to talking about Lee until I left to go down to the bathroom. Before brushing my teeth, I stood in front of the sink and washed my hands and arms over and over, scrubbing as hard as I could to wash away the magical drops of water I swore I could still feel on my skin.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Give a description of the Cosmological Principle, and present a Essay
Give a description of the Cosmological Principle, and present a summary in your own words. Is it a truly scientific principle - Essay Example This paper seeks to give an in-depth analysis of the cosmological principle. Cosmological principle There have been various perspectives on the uniformity of the earth at any position. Some people do argue that the differences in the earth are there and evident which is in contradiction with the scientific point of view. The cosmological principle is entirely based on scientific principles and it argues that the earth is uniform irrespective of the point of reference. To many people, this is not observed to be so because they usually consider the physical features. In terms of physical features, differences are evident with some regions being mountainous while others are covered by water bodies. Despite this, the laws of physics have proved that they are applicable in all these situations without deviations. Due to technological advancement, there are various means used in observing the world mainly machinery with improved precision to identify any deviations (Ferreira, 2007). The co smological principle has three implicit qualifications and two testable consequences. They usually play a significant role in ensuring a clear understanding of the entire principle is clearly got. ... In critical analysis of the laws of physics, factors such as wavelength and electronic charge are observed to be constrained. The final qualification refers to distinction between large bodies around the earth, such as the sun, stars. It is evident that some galaxies moves towards the earth while other moves far away. It is evident that all these bodies are independent of each other but none of them violates the laws of physics. Testable Structural consequences of Cosmological principle Homogeneity-This mainly refers to the uniformity of the earth from various position an observer may view it. Isotropy-Isotropy refers to uniformity in observation despite looking in any direction in the earth (Cheng, 2005). Despite the differences in the principles, they are all interrelated. The cosmological principle is observed to be in line with the isotropy of other large bodies around the earth. Some of these bodies include radio galaxies, red shift, and cosmic microwave background radiation amo ng others. These relations are observed to have a direct and indirectly impacts on the earth and thus their presence cannot be neglected. In addition, some observed characteristics are because of interaction between the various galaxies. A good example is the Sloan digital sky survey. The early cosmologies argued that the earth was at the center of the universe. After many years of research, Isaac newton in mid seventeenth century came up with the new cosmology. According to him, the earth is spherical and in constant motion around the sun in specified direction and path. The earth is not located adjacent to the sun with a very large distance between them. In his quest to understand the relation between the various
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Organizational Analysis on Wal-Mart Research Paper
Organizational Analysis on Wal-Mart - Research Paper Example The prime intention of the organization of Wal-Mart is to offer best products at lowest price so as to make its customers happy and contended. It mainly targets the customers of modest incomes rates but desiring to live a better life. Due to which, the organization expanded its operation by opening numerous stores in different countries. Wal-Mart comprises of almost 11,000 stores in more than 27 countries that helped the organization to amplify its customer base and distinctiveness in the market among others (Wal-Mart, 2014). The organization of Wal-Mart always desires to offer best quality of products to its customers in order to amplify their reliability and uniqueness in the market among many other rival players. This is done, in order to save the revenue of its target customers that may amplify its brand image and reputation. Moreover, by offering the products at a competitive price, the organization of Wal-Mart desires to enhance their life style and living standard to a significant extent. By doing so, the level of dependency and switchover costs of the customers might get reduced thereby amplifying their profitability and productivity of the organization of Wal-Mart among others. However, in order to become the leader in the segment of retailing, the organization of Wal-Mart need to offer best products at an effective price. Only then, it might become successful in amplifying its dominance and position in the market among others. But in order to fulfill the mission statement of the organization in an effective way, the human resource management offer significant concentration over certain areas such as planning, staffing, human resource development, compensation, employee relations, safety, security and risk management. This means, in order to offer best products, the organization tries to satisfy all the needs and demands of its employees effectively such as presenting
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